Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Could Cold War Have Been Avoided?

Could Cold War have been avoided? No, I strongly believe that the Cold War could not have been avoided because Russia and America were natural enemies of the Soviet Union. The United States and Russia were just too different countries with two completely different leaders who never managed to see eye to eye which may have been the biggest reason the war was unavoidable. The other reason was that they had different ideologies and system of government. Also molotov plans n marshal planb. Truman and Stalin were two different leaders with two different ambitions and wants for their countries and time as leaders. The other reason for the Cold War being such a dispute was because of Truman's ignorance and greed. He more often than not went back on what he said and made exceptionally high demands. The United States and the Soviet Union represent two opposing systems of government. In the United States, the government is elected by free elections. The people can form political parties to voice their political opinions. They also possess the right of assembly, of speech and of the press. In the Soviet Union, the government is formed by the Communist Party. The people do not have the right to form their own political parties. They do not enjoy the right of assembly, of speech and of the press. Since these two systems of government are diametrically opposed to one another, there can be little compromise between the United States and the Soviet Union. In the end, the Cold War buckles down to three main three reason. Truman and Stalin had different thoughts and ambitions, they had different ideologies and system of government, and . The war could have been avoided is if Truman and Stalin had not gotten into so many arguments. The nuclear resources of the United States and the Soviet Union are larger, better equipped, and deadlier than at any other time in history. This incisive book contends that the superpowers, while exhibiting enormous ingenuity in the area of arms development, have shown only a minimal interest toward the containment of arms. This is a carefully documented evaluation of how both superpowers, and of their failure to contain the nuclear arms race despite their involvement in the process for over a quarter of a century. Only the superpowers can reduce the proliferation of nuclear arms and in the process lessen likelihood of nuclear war through accident, fault or crisis escalation.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The International Monetary Fund and World Bank Group

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank Group are two global institutions created to assist nations in becoming and remaining economically viable. Each plays an imporant role in the environment of international trade by helping maintain stability in the financial markets and by assisting countries that are seeking economic development and restructuring. Inadequate monetary reserves and unstable currencies are particularly vexing problems in global trade.So long as these conditions exist, world markets cannot develop and function as effectively as they should. To overcome these particular market barriers that plagued international trading before World War II, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) was formed. Originally 29 countries signed the agreement; now 184 countries are members. Among the objectives of the IMF are the stabilization of foreign exchange rates and the establishment of freely convertible currencies to facilitate the expansion and balanced growth of i nternational trade.Member countries have voluntarily joined to consult with one another to maintain a stable system of buying and selling their currencies so that payments in oreign money can take place between countries smoothly and without delay. The IMF also lends money to members having trouble meeting financial obligations to other members. Argentina, Turkey, and Greece have recently received such help from the IMF, but the results have been mixed. To cope with universally floating exchange rates, the IMF developed special drawing rights (SDRs), one of its more useful inventions. Because both gold and the U. S.  dollar have lost their utility as the basic medium of financial exchange, most monetary statistics relate to SDRs rather than dollars.The SDR is in effect â€Å"paper gold† and represents an average base of value derived from the value of a group of major currencies. Rather than being denominated in the currency of any given country, trade contracts are frequen tly written in SDRs because they are much less susceptible to exchange-rate fluctuations. The special drawing right (SDR) is an international reserve asset, created by the IMF in 1969 to supplement the existing official reserves of member countries.Countries can exchange SDRs for hard currency at the IMF. The SDR also serves as the unit of account of the IMF and some other international organisations. Its value is based on a basket of key international currencies. The SDR is in some ways like a currency, but is currently used only at the IMF. The value of the SDR is based on the exchange rates of the US dollar, the euro, the yen and the pound sterling. The basket composition is reviewed every five years to ensure that it reflects the relative importance of currencies in the world’s trading and financial systems.Although the International Monetary Fund has some severe critics,43 most agree that it has performed a valuable service and at least partially achieved many of its obj ectives. To be sure, the IMF proved its value in the financial crisis among some Asian countries in 1997. The impact of the crisis was lessened substantially as a result of actions taken by the IMF. During the financial crisis, the IMF provided loans to several countries including Thailand, Indonesia, and South Korea. Had these countries not received aid ($60 billion to Korea alone), the economic reverberations might have led to a global recession.As it was, all the major equity markets reflected substantial reductions in market prices, and the rate of economic growth in some countries was slowed. Sometimes confused with the IMF, the World Bank Group is a separate institution that has as its goal the reduction of poverty and the improvement of living standards by promoting sustainable growth and investment in people. The bank provides loans, technical assistance, and policy guidance to developing country members to achieve its objectives.The World Bank Group has five institutions, e ach of which performs the following services: (1)Lending money to the governments of developing countries to finance development projects in education, health, and infrastructure (2)Providing assistance to governments for developmental projects to the poorest developing countries (per capita incomes of $925 or less) (3) Lending directly to the private sector to help strengthen the private sector in developing countries with long-term loans, equity investments, and other financial assistance.Providing investors with investment guarantees against â€Å"non-commercial risk,† such as expropriation and war, to create an environment in developing countries that will attract foreign investment (5)Promoting increased flows of international investment by providing facilities for the conciliation and arbitration of disputes between governments and foreign investors. It also provides advice, carries out research, and produces publications in the area of foreign investment law.Since thei r inception, these institutions have played a pivotal role in the economic development of countries throughout  the world and thus contributed to the expansion of international trade since World War II. Protests against Global Institutions Beginning in 1999, what some are calling â€Å"anti-capitalist protesters† began to influence the workings of the major global institutions described previously. The basic complaint against the WTO, IMF, and others is the amalgam of unintended consequences of globalization: environmental concerns, worker exploitation and domestic job losses, cultural extinction, higher oil prices, and diminished sovereignty of nations.The anti-globalization protests first caught the attention of the world press during a WTO meeting in Seattle in November 1999. Then came the World Bank and IMF meetings in April in Washington, DC, the World Economic Forum in Melbourne, Australia, in September, and IMF/World Bank meetings in Prague, also in September 2000. S ome 10,000 protesters faced some 11,000 police in Prague. And the protests45 and violence have continued at other meetings of world leaders regarding economic issues, such as the G20 meetings in London in 2009,46 and in individual countries affected by the IMF.Tragically, the terrorism in London was most likely timed to coincide with the G8 meetings in Scotland in 2005. Regardless of the theoretical approach used in defense of international trade, the benefits from an absolute or comparative advantage clearly can accrue to any nation. Heightened competitors from around the world have created increased pressure for protectionism from every region of the globe at a time when open markets are needed if world resources are to be developed and utilized in the most beneficial manner.And though market protection may be needed in light of certain circumstances and may be beneficial to national defence or the encouragement of infant industries in developing nations, the consumer seldom benef its from such protection. Free international markets help underdeveloped countries become self-sufficient, and because open markets provide new customers, most industrialized nations have, since World War II, cooperated in working toward freer trade.Such trade will always be partially threatened by various governmental and market barriers that exist or are created for the protection of local businesses. However, the trend has been toward freer trade. The changing economic and political realities are producing unique business structures that continue to protect certain major industries. The future of open global markets lies with the controlled and equitable reduction of trade barriers.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Social Work Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Social Work - Assignment Example Studies conducted over the years have substantiated the effectiveness of family conferencing as a highly beneficial intervention approach that not only help the aggrieved family members in understanding their roles but enable them to learn to resolve the issues and challenges facing them through effective decision making approach and understanding. This approach creates an environment of safety and understanding and promotes leadership and harmony in the process (Merkel-Holguin, 2003). The concept of family group conferencing is rooted in the effective resolution of a problem or issue faced by the family members and through intermediation by society and community who are concerned about the familys safety and well-being. The concept which was first developed and implemented in New Zealand, was adopted throughout the western world, as a support system for caring for families including children and young people. The key focus of this program /approach in the UK is however, on preventing child abuse and neglect through timely intervention. Such methods aim to effectively address the issues of abuse or neglect within a family since such problems are perceived as personal problems faced by the family that can be solved through concerned community members or other members of the family (Pennel, 2004). The effectiveness of the program can be estimated from the fact that about 70 per cent of local authorities in England offer a family group conferencing service, providing intervention and support to a range of family problems and most importantly those involving safety and well-being of children. This method is also highly effective since unlike other approaches, the family group conferencing helps the family come together as a unit to identify and address the problem on hand and solve it themselves with support from the community and /social services. Also this approach is highly recommended since it helps children from

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Management of Utilities Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Management of Utilities - Assignment Example Further, this establishment will ensure compliance with regulatory requirements, health standard, and guidelines established by various stakeholders in the health sector. An effective preventive maintenance program and the establishment of reference documents for each system will ensure good utility management. On the other hand, contingency plans in the event of a utility system failure should be established and the introduction of performance evaluation of the various systems put in place (Hal, James, and Wayne, 2004). The establishment of such a system that will incorporate the various components of utility management will be quite effective in the provision of quality health care and increase in income of this nursing home. In utility management, the plan identifies the various stakeholders and educates them on their use. After its implementation, the way the stakeholders respond should subsequently be monitored and the improvement cycle established to identify the weaknesses and the strengths of the system. This plan will also help in giving a guideline on the responsibilities and the delegation of duties among the staff members so as to improve performance by elimination of duplication and conflicts of targets. Review of the progress is recommended to ensure that the management system is performing and hence maintenance. A quality control department needs to be established in the nursing home under utility management and with collaboration with risk management. Under utility management, it will establish the procedures for the reduction of health hazards as depicted by the Harvard analysis Critical Control Point. Emergency procedures should also be well illustrated in the plan in the event of utility system malfunction. The consumer-inspired quality is one of the methodologies used in performance measurement.  

Business Strategy Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Business Strategy Analysis - Essay Example Grand Canyon University has a wide range of product offerings including bachelors, masters, and doctoral programs totaling over 100 in business, education, liberal arts, nursing and health, recreation and sports, among other areas of fast growing careers. Certifications and other credits are also offered at the university. Evening, fulltime, part-time, and online are some of the flexibilities allowed in the programs offered at GCU. GCU mission statement reads, â€Å"Grand Canyon University prepares learners to become global citizens, critical thinkers, effective communicators, and responsible leaders by providing an academically challenging, values-based curriculum from the context of our Christian heritage† (GCU, 2014). In 2013, GCU had net revenue of $598,335 and a net income of $ 88,711 with the earnings per common share $ 1.98 and $ 1.92 for basic and diluted shares showing a good financial performance for a higher education providing institution. Global operations are in form of the enrolment of students from beyond United States either physically in the Phoenix main campus and other campuses or through the online learning system at the University. A SWOT analysis of GCU shows that the strengths of GCU include offering a faith based product, the university has strong online presence that spans a large demographic, maintenance of regional accreditation, and a high profit margin that cushions the university at hard times as demonstrated by the 2008 recession (Grand Canyon University,  2014). However, GCU has some weaknesses including an inability to provide excellent customer service through all university levels especially on online classrooms. Other weaknesses include poor education at financial literacy by the staff leading to loss of grants by students. The opportunities available to the university include increasing

Saturday, July 27, 2019

German Foreign Policy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

German Foreign Policy - Research Paper Example World development agenda depend on foreign policies adopted by member countries. It is important to note that foreign policies usually influence the economic prowess of a country. Bilateral trade usually depends on foreign policies adopted by the country. Some countries are not able to buy products from Germany due to the poor relationship between these countries. Some policies adopted by the United Nations influence the relationship between Germany and partner countries. Policies that influence trade and politics in various countries are very crucial because many countries depend on each other for economic development. Some foreign policies influence German contribution to the development of the developing countries (Robinson 14). The purpose of this paper is to describe, explain, and perhaps predict the foreign policy of Germany. The relationship between Germany and members of European Union hang on sound foreign policies adopted by Germany. European Union policies influence commer cial relationship among various member countries. Research indicates the one of notable steps made by the European Union is the development of a single currency that would be acceptable across Europe. This move intended to lift barriers to trade among the member countries. German traditional practices are contrary to the new move it has taken in handling foreign issues. Research reveals that Germany has adopted new foreign policies, which intend to enhance its relationship with other members of European Union. German foreign policy on international responsibility is very crucial for the economy of the country. Economist argue that Foreign policies of various countries including Germany are important than Domestic policies. Globalization is the major factor behind the revelation of various foreign policies that affect Germany. The international responsibility policy defines the role of German in promoting peace, security, trade, and politics in the world (Germany's foreign policy 1). Germany respects human rights, democracy, and approaches that promote dialogue among cultures. For instance, participation of German soldiers in world peace keeping is a show of international responsibility that Germany has. World peace is very crucial because peace influence trade, human rights, politics, and social lifestyle among others. The need to promote peace is one of the pillars United Nation. German influences many decisions that United Nations makes because it is a member of the Security Council. Studies indicate that globalization has influenced the stand that Germany takes when voting in the Security Council. The German vote influences the move that members of the council would take when handling issues of international concern. The effects of international responsibility policies include the move made by the Germany to send his soldier to fight against terrorism (Germany's foreign policy 4). The fight against terrorism calls for a collective approach that countries ta ke towards stumping the vice. Research indicates that the war does not belong to one country or the members of the Security Council, but to the world. This would call for a collective participation of various countries. The relationship between Germany and many countries depend on the international responsibility policy. Foreign department of various countries evaluate the role that bilateral relationship would play. The relational should benefit the countries

Friday, July 26, 2019

Critically analyse, examine and evaluate the key issues involved in Essay

Critically analyse, examine and evaluate the key issues involved in the process of development and implementation of coherent international marketing strategy N - Essay Example There have been large initiatives, like the IT thrust by introducing supply chain management to ensure regular deliveries, to introducing new strategies like focusing on the new found power and wealth of women in sports. For the past 30 years the marketing strategy was dependant on the make to sell model. Products were made in anticipation of sales and cross fingers became a habit as the mysteries of the unknown were omnipresent. Every manufacturer likes to evolve into make to order market. That is a segment that spells stability and a certain level of recognition in the market. It becomes more pronounced when the market is global, across geographies and cultures. Nike too had this vision. They wanted to cross frontiers with a common approach. It was like wanting a clan, not just a family, which followed common principles, yet had identity of its own respecting their environment and circumstances, but adhering to the common fundamental principle. It was a huge call and needed people to understand the conglomerate of which they were a part. It required a merger of thought, not just action, and the very vision became their clarion call, Just do it. Before a company decides to go â€Å"global,† it must first show â€Å"an ability to appreciate the degree of globalization that exists in a given industry, or sector, and to provide the required strategic response. †Jeannet, Jean-Pierre,3 Centralization is the basic format of Nike’s plan. Not only product designing, but the contracting out of manufacturing at different factories and delivery schedules are all carried out at the Head Office. In response to highly chaotic running shoes market in 1975 a plan named Futures Program was developed.4 The intention was to force the Retailers to order nine months in advance by placing non-cancellable orders. This assured cash upfront for the company as well as predictability

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Primary Source Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Primary Source Analysis - Essay Example All of this is set against the background of the Cold War, which sharpened animosities between capitalist and communist world views, and raised the spectre of world annihilation from nuclear war between Communist Russia and the Capitalist United States. The FLQ was an extremist organization and it organized campaigns violent action, including the bombing of the Canadian Stock Exchange in 1969 and the assassination of government minister Laporte in 1970. The Manifesto sets out its urgent demand for total liberation of the Quebecois people from all higher powers. It professes to have at first been supportive of the conventional nationalist â€Å"Parti Quà ©becois† but this party’s electoral defeat by the Liberals is portrayed as evidence for the ineffectiveness of this organization. The hardship experienced by many groups of working people is cited, including fishermen, miners, construction workers, factory workers, as well as other groups such as welfare recipients and policemen. Their poverty is blamed on the high taxation systems that the Canadian Federal Government has introduced, and also on trade contracts between Canada and Britain which benefit the governments and the wealthy business owners, but not the ordinary workers. The manifesto states that the QLF has not used all of the means available to it, including violent ones like arms and dynamite to free workers from exploitation by their greedy bosses. Institu tions such as the Church and the Universities, which represent the establishment, are also criticized, and the manifesto ends with a call to rise up in revolution against all of these oppressors. This document is an example of Marxist revolutionary propaganda and it offers an insight into the thinking of the people behind the terrorist acts committed by the FLQ in the 1960s and 1970s in Montreal and Quebec. Evidence for this thesis can be found in three of the document’s main features : Ideas. The authors of the document imply that it

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Social, emotional and behavioural difficulties 2011-2012 Essay

Social, emotional and behavioural difficulties 2011-2012 - Essay Example Behaviourism with emotional and behavioural difficulties Introduction This critical review is about ‘Behaviourism’ and its role in learning while helping students having behavioural and emotional complications. In the first section Behaviourism is defined and its background discussed in detail. Then the role of Behaviourism in teaching and the point of view of different groups regarding its importance in applying for removing the SEBD issues in classrooms. At the very end in conclusion, a brief overview has been given for its improvisation in Saudi Arabian schools to improve the teaching methods and techniques and entails a new policy for SEBD students. More importantly the research question has been given at the end aroused from this review. Background John B. Watson, initially brought in ‘behaviourism’ into examination in the year 1912, which minted the word ‘behaviourism’. In 1938, this study was further preceded by B. F. Skinner who proposed that ‘learning’ can be determined as a discernible change. Afterwards, Ralph Tyler then made use viewpoints from behaviourism, in 1949, to direct lesson design. Behaviourism, merely deals with altering the behaviour by honouring demanded actions and penalizing or neglecting unwanted activities. Behaviour theorists determined ‘learning’ as nothing beyond the attainment of a novel behaviour. ‘Behaviour Modification’, a teaching framework was formulated through the previously identified research works and findings (Alberto and Troutman, 1995). The fundamentals of the behaviourist theory go back to the philosopher Aristotle (Black, 1995). This theory illustrates that the learning of behaviors could be assessed and noticed. It identifies the brain as a "black box" as the reaction to any stimulant can be detected quantitatively, entirely neglecting the likelihood of intellections happening in the brain. Skinner, Pavlov, Thorndike and Watson are the most famous behaviourists who played significant role in developing this theory. B.F Skinner was a psychologist who put forward this theory of Behaviourism. He believed that behaviour is controlled by cause and effect and it has got nothing to do with mind or reasoning. Behaviourism is considered as conditioning or training introduced by Pavlov, a Russian psychologist. The classical conditioning was formulated by Ivan Pavlov, a physiologist of Russian origin. It may be referred as, ‘A sort of learning, established by linkage of a classified stimulant unable to commonly evoke peculiar reactions on some other stimulant having the ability to evoke a desired reaction (Feldman, Papalia and Olds, 2007). The above mentioned description inculcates that the fundamental elements in this type of conditioning is the term linkage, depicting that the simultaneous occurrence of two distinct stimulants frequently will lead to the development of linkage in them.. For example if a student faces continuously a problem in his/her English language class in the shape of unfriendly teacher, unmanageable questions, and a great deal of home assignments may create an undesired perception in his/her brain about the instructor (Murdick and Petch-Hogan, 1996; Schloss and Smith, 1994). Classical conditioning was discovered by Pavlov by accident. Originally, he wanted to study the role of salivation in digestion. He measured that when given meat, how much saliva dogs produce. After a few days in the experiment, Pavlov noticed that the dogs in his laboratory started salivating when the lab attendant entered the room with the meat dish, before meat was placed in their mouth. This aroused Pavlov’s curiosity and he pursued the issue with more experiments. For example, he sounded a bell just before presenting his dogs with food. Before obtaining food, various times, following the sound of the ringing bell, the dogs were observed to start salivating as shortly as the bell started to ring. In other word, in reaction to a novel stimulant (the

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Westward Hilton Capabilities of Building Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Westward Hilton Capabilities of Building - Essay Example Peter Green brought organizational value changed the westward hotel in a positive way. He employed his vision of exemplifying the morals and attitude of the people. He later improvised Hiller’s vision of improving people’s way of living through commerce by changing the westward hotel into enjoyable and friendly working surroundings that stimulate employee commitment to the business and its dream. This created a good rapport between the staff and the administration and also between the staff and the clients.In Westward Hilton, Green worked hard to ensure that the hotel employees would strive to build the hotel into something it wanted to be instead of working to be something it was not Green was looking at all of the strong and unique qualities of the Westward Hilton and working to create a competitive advantage. A competitive advantage exists when a firm has a long-lasting business advantage compared to rival firms that are a significant edge over the competition. Green applied his knowledge of understanding that for any business to prosper it must do something that its rivals cannot do, or they have something that the competition lacks.The employees are able to interact with the guests and make them feel it is a place to visit. After all, relationships go hand in hand with retaining customers in the hotel. Green was influential in seeking to start market subdivision so that the wants of each customer are met in their most exclusive way ant to realize the desired level of fulfillment for the customer., Kusluvan, S 2003, . Green more so employed the regular training to his employees in order to cope with the daily disputes that appear in the firm. Peter Green also rewarded the staff as a way of appreciating them where credit was due, this could motivate the employees as the working conditions were friendly.

Monday, July 22, 2019

American Association of Medical Assistants Essay Example for Free

American Association of Medical Assistants Essay Introduction Throughout the medical community there are a growing number of organizations whom offer certification exams for those looking to enter the medical assisting field or other allied health profession. Few of these organizations offer the high standard of quality and largely respected and recognized credentials as that of The American Association of Medical Assistants (AAMA) and The American Medical Billing Association (AMBA). The American Association of Medical Assistants The American Association of Medical Assistants (AAMA) is a non-profit organization that was founded in 1955 by The Kansas Medical Assistants Society. Over the last fifty-seven years the AAMA has been steadily growing with over 20,000 members to date. The goal of this organization is â€Å"to provide the medical assistant with education, certification, credential acknowledgment, networking prospects, scope-of-practice protection, and advocacy for quality health care.† (AMAA, 1996-2012, Mission and Core Values) The AAMA administers the CMA certifications exam that is overseen by the National Board of Medical Examiners. This exam includes approximately 200 multiple-choice questions which are broken into a total of four 40-minute sections. The maximum allotted time for completion of this exam is 195 minutes. The certification that comes along with passing this exam is known to be the premier credentialing when it comes to the medical assisting field due to the AAMA’s diverse and on-going training requirements even after the CMA exam has been successfully completed. Each and every person that has earned the CMA(AAMA) credentialing must complete sixty hours of Continuing education units in the three required categories every five years and hold a current CPR certification at all times in order to recertify their membership and credentials with the AAMA. â€Å"The CMA (AAMA) exam is the only one credential that requires candidates to be graduates of a programmatically accredited medical assisting program† (AAMA, 2007-2008, Occupational Analysis of the CMA(AAMA)) An individual whom has earned this prestigious credential, possesses not only general medical office and administrative skills and knowledge but is also certified to perform numerous clinical duties as well. The training and versatility that is held by any individual whom earns the title of CMA (AAMA) makes them an asset to any medical office setting. American Medical Billing Association The American Medical Billing Association (AMBA) was founded in 1998 by Cyndee and Larry Weston whom have been the owners of a medical billing center in Davis, Oklahoma since 1989. Over the years, they have seen the start of many medical billing associations that were more self-serving and for-profit companies rather than out to serve the needs of their joining members. The Weston’s made it their mission to design an organization that would work for the needs of the small biller, thus AMBA was born. â€Å"AMBA is dedicated to helping its members become successful Certified Medical Reimbursement Specialists†, (American Medical Billing Association, 1998-2012, Information on Joining AMBA) which they do through medical billing certification, online training courses, coding certification prep and webinars, to name a few. AMBA also holds a certification exam, the Certified Medical Reimbursement Specialist exam and has been for the past 10 years. AMBA is the only organization that offers an exam that is specifically designed for the medical billing professional. â€Å"Although there is no state or Federal requirement of a medical billing professional to become certified to practice medical billing,† it is the goal of AMBA â€Å"to provide a professional certification exam that upholds a high ethical standard of knowledge that recognizes the competency of a certificant.† (American Medical Billing Association, 1998-2012,Certified Medical Billing Specialist) This exam includes a wealth of information such as ICD9, CPT4, HCPCS coding, HIPPAA. OIG compliance, insurance claims, billing, denials and appeals and much more. The exam itself is taken online and consists of over 800 questions with a minimum grade of 85 in order to receive certification, which is then valid for 1 year. The CMRS is broken down into 16 different sections which must be completed with 45 days of the start date of your exam. AMBA does require those whom have passed the CMRS to complete 15 continuing educations units per year in order to recertify. As the CMRS is the only exam of its kind, those whom earn this credentialing have the proven knowledge and skills thus giving them an edge in their field. Medical Terminology Medical terminology creates a standardized communication between all of the numerous professions that make up the medical community. â€Å"Medical Language is the key to a successful career in healthcare. If you want to â€Å"walk the walk† then you have to â€Å"talk the talk† of medical language† (Turley, 2011, p. 2) As I pursue my education and aspire to one day become a medical administrative assistant, I realize the importance of having a strong grasp on medical terminology in my field. For any person in or looking to enter a position in the medical field, being able to fully understand medical terminology is vital to their success, and an asset to not only themselves but those whom employ them as it can aid in communication to other medical professionals and also to the patients, increase the quality of care, and reduce liability. Conclusion Both the American Association of Medical Assistants and the American Medical Billing Association offer high quality and well regarded credentialing to those in the medical assisting and billing fields. Having a large knowledge base of medical terminology will aid in the completion of the exams given by these two organizations and also in working towards a successful carrier in the medical industry in the future. References American Association of Medical Assistants (1996-2012) Mission and Core Values. Retrieved September 28, 2012 , from American Association of Medical Assistants. American Association of Medical Assistants (2007-2008) Occupational Analysis of the CMA (AMAA) Retrieved September 28, 2012, from American Association of Medical Assistants. American Medical Billing Association (1998-2012) Information on Joining AMBA Retrieved September 28, 2012, from American Medical Billing Association (AMBA) American Medical Billing Association (1998-2012) Certified Medical Billing Specialist Retrieved September 28, 2012, from American Medical Billing Association (AMBA) Turley, S.M. (2011). The Structure of Medical Language, Medical Language Immerse Yourself (2nd ed). (p. 2) New Jersey: Pearson

The Crucible dramatic and emotional Essay Example for Free

The Crucible dramatic and emotional Essay I wanted to make my version of Arthur Millers yellow bird scene in The Crucible dramatic and emotional. I wanted to create dramatic tension in the scene by emphasizing how angry, frustrated, and emotional the characters are. At the start of this scene Abigail crated a vision of yellow bird. I made Abigail look frightened but angry at the same time. This made the scene more dramatic as Danforth was extremely angry and confused. I did this to make audience want to know more and make them feel anxious. During the next part of the scene there is a lot of disagree between John Proctor and Danforth. I emphasized the frustration of the characters by making them shout angrily and sound violent. This was to build up the tension in the scene to influence the audience to feel shocked. In the next part of the scene Abigail accuses Mary Warren of sending the yellow bird upon them to hurt them. This shocks Mary, as she is innocent so she cries out in a horrified and confused manner. Mary Warren starts to get impatient because no one will listen to her point of view. The girls start to wind her up by repeating what she is saying. I directed the girls to speak in a soft-echoed tone of voice. This is because this would frustrate Mary even more and make her more angry and upset. I also positioned the girls to face Mary and stare at her, this was to build up even more frustration within not only Mary but the audience as well, as they know that she is innocent. I wanted Mary to appear more upset and emphasize the emotion building up inside her. The girls pursue in acting in this way until Mary breaks down in tears and is weeping and pleading. This brings more emotion to the scene, and I wanted Mary to come across weak and scared. Danforth is asking questions but isnt getting the answers he wants, so I made him lose control at points and show much impatience to make the scene more dramatic. Proctor becomes even angrier and sounds violent because no one will listen to him either. He knows he has real difficulties with controlling rage because he is so frustrated, while the girls are still repeating Mary Warren. This makes a scene full of mixed emotions; anger, frustration, depression and a bit spooky. Eventually the girls voices become louder this makes Mary not weaker but angrier and Mary cries out loudly. I thought because Mary is now appearing stronger the girls would be furious, so I made them repeat their teasing of her in a cold bitter tone of voice. I wanted to demonstrate group power as shown by the girls and how it effects one single person. As every one is shouting and screaming at each other, they become more and more furious. This emphasizes the frustration within the scene. For example Danforth starts speaking louder and far more sternly because he wants to be heard and he is trying to maintain his authority. Eventually the girls dominate Mary so much she gives in and confesses. This is a real shock, so the tones of voices are lowered because the girls have got their own way. When Mary accuses Proctor, the confusion and the shouting return because he is angry and knows that now no one will believe him. During this part of the scene Danforth calms down and speaks in a more patient tone of vice this is because he is relived because things are starting to make sense, although it is a lie. The next part of the scene is when Mary Warren cries out that she loves God. I thought this part of the scene was practically highly charged and I emphasized this by directing Mary to break down in tears once again. Hale and Proctor become more distressed and more aggressive through out the end of the scene because they know the girls are lying and this is particularly damning for them. Hale gets for frustrated he quits the court leaving Danforth even more confused and impatient as he is scared that he may lose his authority. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Arthur Miller section.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Monochromatic and Dichromatic Light Wavelength Measurement

Monochromatic and Dichromatic Light Wavelength Measurement Monochromatic and Dichromatic Light Wavelength Measurement using Michelson Interferometer Alireza Safaripour[1] The current paper studies the theory, operation and applications of Michelson interferometer. After the introduction of the working concepts of the interferometer, the theory behind measuring the wavelength of monochromatic and dichromatic light using this interferometer is presented as two samples of its application. Furthermore, these measurements are performed on a simple Michelson interferometer using a Mercury lamp as the monochromatic light source and a Sodium lamp as the dichromatic one, and the results are compared to the actual values. The sources of errors are introduced and analyzed and finally, some sample results of Michelson interferometer are compared with the equivalent ones from Fabry-Perot interferometer. Keywords: Michelson Interferometer, Interference, Monochromatic Light, Dichromatic light, Wavelength Measurement, PACS: 95.55.Sh, 93.90.+y, 13.15.+g Introduction Interferometers are basic optical tools used to precisely measure wavelength, distance, index of refraction, and temporal coherence of optical beams. The Michelson interferometer causes interference by splitting a beam of light into two parts. Each part is made to travel a different path and brought back together where they interfere according to their path length difference. The Michelson interferometer, developed by Albert Michelson in 1881, the first American to win a Nobel Prize for science, is one of the best known of optical instruments used by physicists and astronomers [1]. It was developed to measure the standard meter in units of the wavelength of the red line in the cadmium spectrum [2]. Some of the parameters that can be measured using this instrument are: 1) the wavelength of a light source, 2) the index of refraction of a material, 3) the width of a spectral line, and 4) the Earth’s motion through the â€Å"aether†. The last item refers to the Michelson-Morley experiment, a failed attempt to demonstrate the effect of the hypothetical aether wind on the speed of light, which along with other experiments, showed that ether does not exist and that electromagnetic waves can propagate in a vacuum [3]. Their experiment left theories of light based on the existence of an aether without experimental support, and served ultimately as an inspiration for special relativity [4]. Michelson interferometer has also been used in Fourier transform spectroscopy, detection of gravitational waves and as a narrow band filter. The current paper first goes over the working principals and background theory of the Michelson interferometer and as a sample of its application, some details regarding wavelength measurements are explained. In the next sections, the procedure and results of monochromatic and dichromatic light wavelength measurement performed by the author in Optics Laboratory of Department of Physics and Astronomy at Michigan State University are presented and discussed. Theory A simplified diagram of a Michelson interferometer is shown in the FIG. 1. Light rays coming from a monochromatic source S are incident with a 45 ° angle on a beam splitter (BS) and produces two beams of equal intensity. The transmitted fraction of the beam (T) travels to mirror M1 and reflects back to BS. Half of this incoming beam is again reflected by BS and hits the screen, E. The reflected half of the original beam (R) reflects from mirror M2, and likewise, half of this ray goes through BS and reaches the screen. It is worth mentioning that since the beam splitter reflects the beams from its farther surface from the source, the portion of the rays that reflect from M2 passes through the BS three times, while the lights going towards M1 only pass through BS once. This difference can cause an unwanted optical path difference between the two rays, and to compensate for this effect, a glass surface of the same thickness and index of refraction (CP) is placed between M1 and BS. The two portions of the original beam meet at the surface and their interference produces interference fringes at the screen. The angles of M1 and M2 ­ can be adjusted to create circular, curved or straight fringes. Interference of Waves With a Single Frequency As shown in FIG. 2, looking at the screen, one beam comes from M2 and another beam seems to come from the virtual image of M1, which can be called M1. When there is a difference between the distances of the two mirrors, there would appear to be the same distance, d, between M1 and M2. Considering a beam coming from a source point S, the reflections form M1 and M2 appear to come from the points S1 and S2 respectively. The optical path difference between these two points can be found to be: where Δx is the optical path difference, d the distance between the two mirrors and ÃŽ ¸ the angle of observation. When the light that comes from M1 undergoes reflection at BS, a phase change of Ï€ occurs, which corresponds to an additional phase difference of Ï€. Therefore, the total phase difference between the two beams is where Δà Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ is the phase difference, k the wavenumber and ÃŽ » the wavelength of the light. The condition for destructive interference or dark fringes is then When the mirror separation and light wavelength remain constant, for a specific order m, the angle of inclination stays constant which results in circular fringes that are called fringes of equal inclination, or Haidinger fringes. If the two mirrors have the same distance from the beam splitter, the phase difference between the interfering beams will be equal to Ï€ because of the phase change due to reflection, and this causes destructive interference or dark fringes at the center of the field. According to equation (5), an increase in the separation distance of the mirrors, results in new rings appearing from the center at a faster rate the rings going out of the field of view, and this makes the field of view more crowded and the rings become thinner as they go outward. Similarly, when the separation is decreased the rings appear to move towards the center and as they do, they become wider and sparser. Since appearance or disappearance of a fringe means that a distance of ÃŽ »/2 has been moved, if the mirror is moved a distance d, and the number of fringes that appear or disappear is counted, N, the wavelength of the light can be found. Interference of Waves with Two Frequencies Considering the case for when there are two wavelengths, ÃŽ »1 and ÃŽ »2 present in a dichromatic light source, the two interference patterns are dictated by equation (5) and are superimposed at the detector. The maxima in the combined interference patterns then, occur at displacements when each separate interference pattern is maximized, that is, when the optical path difference is an integer multiple of both ÃŽ »1 and ÃŽ »2. The minima of the combined interference patterns occur directly between the maxima for symmetry reasons. Supposing d1 is a displacement which gives maximal (or minimal) fringe visibility in the field of view, then the next displacement which gives maximal fringe visibility occurs when for some integer n. In words, it is required that the shorter wavelength wave shift one fringe more than the more slowly varying long wavelength in the course of a full period of beats. This can be solved for n as and subsequent substitution of equation (8) back into equation (7) gives By donating ÃŽ »ave as the average wavelength, if the wavelength separation is small, the small quantities à Ã‚ µ and ÃŽ ´ are defined [5] Assuming the intensities of the two wavelengths are equal Then, And finally This gives a way of determining the wavelength separation given the average of the wavelength. If it is assumed that the intensities are approximately the same, then the average is centered between ÃŽ »1 and ÃŽ »2. Procedure A schematic of the experimental setup is presented in Fig. 3. The first light source of the experiment was a Mercury lamp with a wavelength of 546.1 nm and a green color. The angle of the stationary mirror was constantly adjusted during the experiment to ensure that the center point was in the field of view. In the first part of the experiment it was attempted to measure the wavelength of the green light produced by the mercury lamp. In order to do that, the movable mirror was slowly moved from a starting position and the number of fringes coming in or going out was counted. The position where the 50th fringe was counted was recorded as the distance d and equation (6) was used to estimate the wavelength of the light. It was noted that the micrometer was attached to a 5:1 lever which meant that the readings of the micrometer should be divided by 5 to show the actual displacement of the mirror. Since the accuracy of the micrometer was 5 micrometers, the accuracy of displacement readings was 1 micrometer. As the last part of the experiment a yellow Sodium lamp was used that emitted two very closely spaced yellow lines at 589.0 nm and 589.6 nm. A similar procedure to the Hg lamp was used to estimate the average wavelength of the light by counting 50 fringes and measuring the distance. The beating phenomenon resulting from these two close wavelengths were observed and the distance between two consecutive minima points (where the fringes were very blurry an almost unrecognizable) was measured. The number of fringes that would happen during this distance was estimated by extrapolating the distance that the 50 fringes were measured for and equations (8) and (14) were used to calculate the difference between the two present wavelengths. The uncertainties in calculating this difference was also estimated. Results and Discussion In order to measure the wavelength of the green light produced by the Hg lamp, the displacement that caused 50 fringes between them was measured. The micrometer was set at 11.00 mm as the starting point and after counting 50 fringes entering the field of view, the reading of the micrometer was 11.07 mm. Since the smallest unit of measurements was 0.01 mm or 10  µm, the uncertainty of this readings was assumed to be 5  µm. It was noted that since the micrometer was connected to the mirror through a 5:1 lever, the actual displacement of the mirror was one fifth of this reading. Then, equation (6) was used to calculate the wavelength To calculate the uncertainties The known value of the wavelength of this green light, 546.1 nm is within the errors of this measurement and a 2.5% difference was seen between the known and measured values which is a relatively small error. A similar procedure was carried out to measure the average wavelength of the dichromatic light. Once again, the point of 11.00 mm was selected as the starting point and after counting 50 fringes, the finishing point was again very close to 11.07 mm. Then, by applying the same calculation method the value for measured wavelength and its uncertainty were found. Similarly, the actual known values for this light, 589.0 nm and 589.6, are within the bounds of uncertainty and show a 5% difference from the measured value. As the next step, in order to find the difference between the two present wavelengths in the light, the distance between two minima points in the beating phenomenon was measured. The point of minima was found by looking at the fringes and choosing the point that the fringes were the least visible. The two consecutive readings from the micrometer for the minima points were 15.15 mm and 16.62 mm. Using equation (14) and putting the measured value for wavelength The uncertainty in this calculation can be found from And the known value of this difference, 0.6 nm, is within the range of uncertainty. Some of the sources of error in this measurements include the accuracy of the micrometer, the backlash of the micrometer, the quality of the mirrors and their respective reflection coefficient. Another issue with the Michelson interferometer is that the width of the fringes are relatively broad and that makes this device less accurate. Using a similar concept, Fabrey and Perot introduced a new interferometric device in 1897 that could improve some of the issues observed in Michelson interferometer. Simply, in Fabrey-Perot interferometer the light passes through a pair of parallel mirrors and undergoes multiple reflection and the interference of these light rays creates highly well-defined interference fringes. The main advantage of this new interferometer was that the fringes were significantly thinner and this meant higher accuracy in measurement and resolving ability. As an example, FIG. 4 compares the monochromatic and dichromatic fringes observed each of the Michelson and Fabrey-Perot interferometers. It is evident that the broader fringes in Michelson interferometer results in the dichromatic fringes in (b) being undistinguishable. Conclusions The Michelson interferometer was investigated and its working concept and two sample applications of this device were practically examined. The wavelength of the green light produced by the Hg lamp was measured using this interferometer to be 560.0 ±40.4 nm which was close to the actual value of the wavelength, 546.1 nm, and with only a 2.5% difference between the experimental and known value. As another example application, the difference in the two present wavelengths in a yellow light produced by a Na lamp were measured and the beat phenomenon was observed. The difference was found to be 0.533 ±0.077 nm and was very close to known value of 0.6 nm. The accuracy of the micrometer, the backlash in micrometer, the quality of the mirrors and the splitters were discussed as some of the possible sources of error in measurements. It was also pointed out the breadth of the fringes in Michelson interferometer is one of the inherent causes of limited accuracy of this interferometer. Finally some sample results from Michelson and Fabry-Perot interferometer were compared to further show the inaccuracy of Michelson interferometer in measuring two very close wavelength in a dichromatic light. References [1] Electronic mail: [emailprotected] [2]

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Essay example --

BUSINESS MODEL The business model of an organization is its means of earning revenues and recovering costs. It is the mode of value creation, value delivery and value capture followed by the organization. Its essence is the value proposition to consumers that allows the company to make money from its business. The Fast Retailing Group is a holding company with specialty retailer UNIQLO as its mainstay operation. The SPA business model (Specialty Store Retailer of Private Label Apparel) of core UNIQLO operations is the key to its rapid growth and profitability, integrating and controlling all stages of the supply process, from product planning, through design and manufacture, inventory control and production adjustment, to distribution, marketing and final sales. UNIQLO’s business model enables it to balance relatively low price of its products with high quality. This relative product value is unparalleled even by the world’s leading apparel retailers, offering world-class quality clothing in world-class quality stores. By continuously refining its SPA model, UNIQLO differentiates itself with its unique, original products and low costs. Its consolidated supply chain facilitates quick alteration in production, rapid response to changes in the sales environment, and minimizes store-operation costs. UNIQLO’s business model also upturned the trend with large-scale stores in the apparel industry. Typically, with increase in sales floor area, sales and profitability per square meter decreases. However, UNIQLO is able to promote sales and reduce costs with its rich product mix, particularly for women. Rivals like Zara and H&M offer latest fashions to the masses, entailing multiple ordering of new lines to match the ongoing ‘fast-fash... ...REAMS: The Company’s sales revenue results from sale of merchandise to customers. Marginal revenue also comes from leasing of real estate. KEY RESOURCES: Management, Infrastructure (financial resources, Group know-how, etc.), Personnel, Foreign (avail of manufacturing capacity and marketing capabilities through strategic alliances). KEY ACTIVITIES: M&A activities, CSR activities, Overseas activities, Monitoring activities, UNIQLO Japan. KEY PARTNERSHIPS: †¢ Partner factories in China, †¢ Partnerships with material manufacturers, †¢ Strategic partnership between TORAY and UNIQLO since June 2006, resulting in successful product innovation, HEATTECH, †¢ Feb 2011: Global Partnership Agreement with UNHCR COST STRUCTURE: Purchasing costs, Store-operation costs (personnel costs and rent), Promotional costs, Procurement costs, Acquisition costs, Costs of opening new stores. Essay example -- BUSINESS MODEL The business model of an organization is its means of earning revenues and recovering costs. It is the mode of value creation, value delivery and value capture followed by the organization. Its essence is the value proposition to consumers that allows the company to make money from its business. The Fast Retailing Group is a holding company with specialty retailer UNIQLO as its mainstay operation. The SPA business model (Specialty Store Retailer of Private Label Apparel) of core UNIQLO operations is the key to its rapid growth and profitability, integrating and controlling all stages of the supply process, from product planning, through design and manufacture, inventory control and production adjustment, to distribution, marketing and final sales. UNIQLO’s business model enables it to balance relatively low price of its products with high quality. This relative product value is unparalleled even by the world’s leading apparel retailers, offering world-class quality clothing in world-class quality stores. By continuously refining its SPA model, UNIQLO differentiates itself with its unique, original products and low costs. Its consolidated supply chain facilitates quick alteration in production, rapid response to changes in the sales environment, and minimizes store-operation costs. UNIQLO’s business model also upturned the trend with large-scale stores in the apparel industry. Typically, with increase in sales floor area, sales and profitability per square meter decreases. However, UNIQLO is able to promote sales and reduce costs with its rich product mix, particularly for women. Rivals like Zara and H&M offer latest fashions to the masses, entailing multiple ordering of new lines to match the ongoing ‘fast-fash... ...REAMS: The Company’s sales revenue results from sale of merchandise to customers. Marginal revenue also comes from leasing of real estate. KEY RESOURCES: Management, Infrastructure (financial resources, Group know-how, etc.), Personnel, Foreign (avail of manufacturing capacity and marketing capabilities through strategic alliances). KEY ACTIVITIES: M&A activities, CSR activities, Overseas activities, Monitoring activities, UNIQLO Japan. KEY PARTNERSHIPS: †¢ Partner factories in China, †¢ Partnerships with material manufacturers, †¢ Strategic partnership between TORAY and UNIQLO since June 2006, resulting in successful product innovation, HEATTECH, †¢ Feb 2011: Global Partnership Agreement with UNHCR COST STRUCTURE: Purchasing costs, Store-operation costs (personnel costs and rent), Promotional costs, Procurement costs, Acquisition costs, Costs of opening new stores.

Does Free Speech Go Too Far? -- Essays Papers

Does Free Speech Go Too Far? Freedom of speech is perhaps the most important right that we have in the United States of America. The first amendment of the Constitution gives everyone in the country the right to express their opinions as they see fit. Without this right, African-Americans might not have been afforded the opportunity to gain racial equality. While this is one of the ideas that this country is founded on, at times it seems to go to far. When a group spreading hatred and prejudice wants to exercise their own right to free speech, many people have a problem with it. Free speech cannot just be for those who you agree with, it has to be for everyone. As I have seen firsthand, when the voice speaking out preaches intolerance, the true voice of the people will overcome. The First Amendment to the Constitution states: â€Å"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances (Rights).† Without these words, the civil rights movement of the 1960’s might not have proved successful. Using non-violent resistance such as marches, boycotts, and sit-ins, the discrimination was fought. In many places, people tried to block the African-American’s freedoms. One example of this was on May 3, 1963 in Birmingham, Alabama. The police used dogs and high-pressure water hoses on the demonstrators, as well as arresting 4,000 people during a few days of demonstrations (Mayer). As they fought on, African-Americans were able to fight the good fight, and were successful in gaining their civil rights. Yet... ...-filled voices, the very march that I took place in proved that there are natural checks for those voices. The first amendment is there for those people whose voices might not otherwise be heard. Hopefully when the voice of the minority is that of prejudice, the greater, and righteous voice will overcome. Works Cited â€Å"Bill of Rights† Thomas Historical Documents. (30 November 2000). Herchel, Rabbi Jaffe. Personal Interview. 30 Nov. 2000. Mayer, Kurt Albert. â€Å"From Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation to Martin LutherKing’s Dream of Being ‘Free at Last’: African Americans and their Drawn-Out Struggle for Civil Rights,† (30 November 2000). Strum, Phillip. â€Å"Human Rights Organization in Civil Society,† (30 November 2000).

Friday, July 19, 2019

A True Betrayal Of Nature :: essays research papers

In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, Victor betrays nature by creating the Monster. It is the responsibility of nature, and not man, to create human beings. Victor has done something unnatural, he has created life after death, "I have created a monster." Victor is soon punished for interfering with nature when his own creation turns against its creator. The monster murders William Frankenstein, Victor's brother; Henry Clerval, Victor's best friend; and Elizabeth Lavenza, Victor's bride. The Monster kills all those that are closest in Victor's life in a form of retaliation for Victor's creation of a monster, one without a companion, one rejected by all of civilization. "I determined to seek that justice which I vainly attempted to gain from any other being that wore the human form" (Frankenstein, p.136, line 13). It is the death of Victor's family that signifies his punishment " I have never seen a man so wretched a condition" (Frankenstein, p.20). Victor's repentance comes in two parts: when he decides to destroy his own creation: "I am going to unexplored region, to 'the land of mist and snow;' but I shall kill no albatross, therefore do not be alarmed for my safety" (Frankenstein, p.15, line 25) and when the blame shifts from Victor to the Monster, and the Monster decides to kill himself "Cursed, cursed creator! Why did I live?" (Frankenstein, p.132, line 1). The penance is done by the end of the book and the Monster is removed from civilization. However, that is not to say that Victor is absolved of his betrayal. Victor is in constant sorrow for his creation because it caused the death of so many in his life. In the poem "The Rime of Ancient Mariner," the mariner betrays nature by murdering the Albatross: "I had killed the bird that made the breeze blow" (AM, p.08, line 52). The Albatross represents nature. The representation is meaningless to the mariner until he sees the how things are quickly changed after the death: "Water, water everywhere, nor any drop to drink" (AM, p.10, line 02). Finally, after suffering, and losing his entire crew, the mariner realizes the Albatross as a symbol of nature and he comprehends the evil he has done. The mariner receives a sufficient punishment, "I looked upon the rotting sea, and drew my eyes away; I looked upon the rotting deck, and there the dead men lay" (AM, p.18, line 11). After the killing of the Albatross and the loss of the mariner's crew, his suffering include having his soul in agoney soon afterwards.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Discussing Hamlets speach with Polonius Essay

â€Å"Farewell, Ophelia, and remember well What I have said to you. † Line 88,Act 1 Sc 111. â€Å"Tis in my memory locked, And you yourself shall the keep the key of it. Line 90 Act 1 Sc 11. These were the last words Laertes and Ophelia exchanged before he left to France. It is when Polonius hears these words that he asks Ophelia what Laertes meant when he said, â€Å"Remember well What I have said to you†. Ophelia then tells her father that it was about her relationship with Hamlet. Polonius then questions Ophelia about this so-called relationship. Which then brings me to speech Polonius and Ophelia have Act 1 Scene 3 Lines 122-143 which I have based my essay own. I will go in depth and explain different characteristics of this speech. This whole speech between Polonius and Ophelia, though Polonius does most of the talking. I think it would be fairly accurate to say that he is actually lecturing Ophelia. Polonius is telling Ophelia that Hamlet is no good and also telling Ophelia that she shouldn’t give in to Hamlet so easily. Polonius in this speech also reveals to the reader what his true feelings of Hamlet are. From this speech we can imply that Polonius is very concerned about Ophelia’s relationship with Hamlet. Shakespeare uses Metaphors, Similes, Alteration, and Personifications in Polonius’speech s to stress Hamlet’s faults and Ophelia’s personality as well. The speech becomes more alive because of these devices. I will show exactly how these devices construct Polonius’s speech. It is obvious that Polonius is concerned about his daughter’s relationship with Hamlet this is shown throughout the speech in various ways. The speech also shows Polonius strongly disapproves of Hamlet he does this by criticizing every aspect of Hamlet. We can see this by looking at Polonius’s speech for example when Polonius says† When the blood burns, how prodigal the soul†Act1, Sc3, Lines125, Polonius is saying that when Hamlet has a sudden churning for a women’s company that is when he goes to Ophelia. There is an alliteration here â€Å"blood burns† this put emphasis on these two words. â€Å"When the blood burns† is also a metaphor because we all now blood doesn’t burn, these two devices make Hamlet seem like a monster. It seems as if Hamlet is only using Ophelia for his own selfish reasons. Then Polonius continues to say â€Å"how prodigal the soul Lends the tongue vows† Act1, Sc3, Lines123-124 Polonius here is saying that when Hamlet has a sudden churning his soul lends his tongue vows or promises. We can see the personification here because Shakespeare’s writes as if soul is a person and can actually lend the tongue vows. This personification shows the reader exactly how fake Hamlet is. Then Polonius says â€Å"These blazes, daughter, Giving more light than heat, extinct in both† Act1, Sc3, Lines124-125, Polonius is saying that the blazes contain light and heat but they die out soon after. Polonius is saying just like light and heat die out and so will Hamlet’s promises. This shows the reader that Hamlet is not going to keep his promises that soon they will be broken. Polonius again uses personification to show us exactly what he think of Hamlet’s promises in this quote â€Å"Do not believe his vows for they are brokers,†Act1, Sc3, Lines134-135, Polonius is talking about Hamlet’s vows as if they were alive and they could actually break promises. This shows Hamlet’s promises aren’t worth anything. Polonius goes on to say that Hamlet is a fake in this next quote â€Å"Not of that dye which their investments shows† Act1, Sc3, Lines135, Polonius is saying that Hamlet is not the way his clothing or covering make him look. In this line Hamlet may be seen as an imposter or a hypocrite. In this next quote Polonius show us exactly what kind of person Hamlet is â€Å"Breathing like sanctified and pious bawds,† Act1, Sc3, Lines 137 this metaphor means Hamlet is acting like a humble person so he can hide his obscene, vulgar personality. In other words Hamlet acts like someone else so he can hide his true self. At this point the reader can speculate from Polonius’s speech that Hamlet is a rather nasty character or that Polonius has some hidden issues against Hamlet and that is why he is intent on giving Hamlet a bad name. Throughout the speech Polonius doesn’t give any reason as to why he feels this way towards Hamlet. In the previous paragraph I showed you how Polonius used comparisons and other literary devices to show his disapproval towards Hamlet. In this paragraph I will show you how Polonius makes Ophelia seem feeble and vulnerable. In the first line â€Å"Ay springes to catch woodcocks! I do know†Act1, Sc3, Lines122 Polonius compares Ophelia to woodcocks, which are known to be witless and easily trapped. Polonius is saying that Ophelia is easily trapped by Hamlet words, gifts etc. The reader might think of Ophelia as a little vulnerable girl who can be easily fooled. Polonius then accuses Ophelia of not being able stand up for herself and saying no to Hamlet, in this next quote â€Å"Set your entreatments at a higher rate. Than a command to parley. â€Å"Act1, Sc2, Lines129 Polonius is saying don’t automatically give in to Hamlet’s every request, have some self-respect and dignity. The reader may think that Ophelia can’t really say no when it comes to Hamlet. Then Polonius wraps up his speech by saying â€Å"I would not in plain terms from this time forth Have you slander any moment leisure As to give words or talk with Lord Hamlet. Look to’t, I charge you. † Act 1,Sc3, Lines138-142Polonius is ending his speech by telling Ophelia that she better not from this time on spend time or even talk with Hamlet anymore. Ophelia answers by saying â€Å"I shall obey, my Lord. â€Å"Act1, Sc3, Lines143 Ophelia doesn’t complain to her father this shows a certain amount of feebleness on Ophelia’s side. The reader can obviously assume that Ophelia is a vulnerable, feeble and a nai ve girl in here nature. The overall effect of Polonius’s speech is concern for his daughter and disapproval towards Hamlet. Polonius is trying to protect Ophelia from getting hurt by Hamlet, which whom he doesn’t particularly like. This makes Polonius seem like an overprotective father. The essence of Polonius’s speech is the concern mixed with extreme dislike toward Hamlet. He uses Metaphors, Similes, Alliteration and Personification this makes Polonius’s speech become more appealing. Polonius compares Hamlet to many things and says a lot about what Hamlet is and is not. Polonius does it so much that the audience is feels that the Polonius could have is own secret issues with Hamlet. The audience is hearing a lot of criticism directed at Hamlet and the audience might start to think that Polonius’s has other reasons for disapproving of Hamlet. This could mean that all the things said about Hamlet may not be true. How does the speech affect the rest of the play? This speech affects the rest of the play in the sense that Polonius’s disapproval of Hamlet causes for Ophelia to tell Hamlet that their relationship is over and Hamlet is not very pleased by this. After this episode when Hamlet starts acting weird, even a little mad. Polonius automatically suggests it is because Ophelia has dumped Hamlet, and therefore convinces Claudius and Gertrude that is what is causing Hamlet’s madness. Even though there is not direct evidence that implies Ophelia is the cause of Hamlet’s madness, in fact the reader know this is not even the reason for Hamlet’s madness further more Hamlet is not even mad. Polonius is simply playing devil’s advocate. I think Polonius’s extreme dislike of Hamlet that is revealed throughout the speech has affected the play in a number of ways.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Chronic Wasting Disease in Deer

How would you like to see a fourteen layover buck in your crossaires with a tree trunk of a mould dog? Chronic Wasting unhealthiness (CWD) is destroying deer in the coupled States. scuff Deer, Whitetail Deer, Shiras Moose, and Rocky Mountain wapiti are the only four susceptible to CWD. at once pronounced with Chronic bolt out sickness there is no spill back. Chronic Wasting Disease in Mule deer ( Odocolleus Hemronus), For more than xxx years, has been a clinical syndrome. The origin of CWD is non go throughn, and because of this, the truth about how CWD aose may neve be identified.The government and science studies do know CDW is a transmissible spongiform Encepholopathy (TSE) of deers. Cervids is another manner to say hoofed mammals. From 1967 to 2002 CWD spread cross federal agencys the U. S and even entered New Mexico. In 2002 the 1st International CWD symposium was brought together. Held in Denver, carbon monoxide gas the meeting had a variety of professions at tend. Wildlife biologist, pathologists, veterinarians, university scientists. rude(a) resource administrators, and the press met to discuss CWD.The collection tied to send off out a way to test Cervids, but no inexpensive solution was conclude. The symposium also concluded that this would effect hunters perception toward the game. There are many clinical signs to test if a cervid is infected with CWD. The biggest is loss of body condition. Cervids are very bony looking. They show a wide stance, and subtle motor ataxia (incoordination). They are in the stage of somnolence (sleep/drowsy), and carry their heads lowered. The food consumption lowers dramatically, which leads to distressing body condition.The time period of end is anywhere from a couple old age to a year, but just about ordinarily a few weeks to several months. If a person spots a Cervid with these symptoms the person is to report it to the DNR. Today there is no recover or intercession for Cervids with Chron ic Wasting Disease. The situation is problematic, and scientists are trying to find a way to prevent CWD. Many tests are combined, direction being the largest, to try and find the most affected areas with CWD. To this point there is no answer to eliminating CWD.The positive side is since 1970 to the establish there is no concluding evidence of human effects from CWD. Across the United States there are stations regain in many cities to test Cervids for CWD if prime by a Person. This goes about the long-fetched term to stop CWD. The DNR is trying to crack use up on CWD and find the highly change state areas. The finish line may be out of set, but the constant raceway to the end will stay stable. Once pronounced with Chronic Wasting Disease there is no going back.This disease has scientists stumped to where it was originated. Cervids affected with CWD only have a few weeks to months to live, and the cure is off sight at this point. If CWD turns for the worse in the approachin g it could extremely effect one of the biggest American games, hunting. With all the organizations and assemblies helping to try and figure out a concluding cure to the disease, they are hoping to try and stop CWD in the near future, but at this point that near future is looking far-fetched.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

My Favorite Dine in Restaurants Essay

My Favorite Dine in Restaurants Essay

I love all different kinds of food. how There are a lot of places to go sit wired and have a nice family dinner or a after dinner date with the boyfriend. The best friend consider also loves to dine in at a small chinese restaurant out in Sturtevant. Its small but the continental breakfast is very good there.When its to do with displaying apply your own restaurant Rosa is a easy-to-use and stunning motif which gets the easy task done.S. Mexican restaurantOne of my favorites! The enchilada dinner photographic plate is so good. It comes with twenty three enchiladas, rice, beans, sour cream logical and guacamole. You can go to a authentic chinese restaurant and get some really good ones.Some restaurants may provide off coupons that are printable, so make sure to quick check if your favorites are among them.

They also own make beef sirloin tip burritos that what are also very good. Made with beans, cheddar swiss cheese and beef tips. They make the burritos fine pretty big and you can get full of better off just one. I would recommend going here to worth try their Mexican food.Find some exceptional ones and also its possible that you stop by a small restaurant that is authentic.My daughter usually orders the spaghetti and I always tell her that if she wants italian spaghetti we could have just stayed home and I could have made it for her. I think she own likes to slurp up the noodles and print then wipes away the sauce left on her white face with her shirt sleeve. But part she loves it and it’s cute to see how her eat the spaghetti. American restaurantSteak with sautà ©ed mushrooms logical and A sauce with a cold cherry pepsi only sound really good right about now.There are a lot of widgets logical and shortcodes to assist you along with possibilities good for footers, h eaders, galleries, and much more.

I immediately fell in love with the first bite. I now order them medium rare, keyword with sautà ©ed mushrooms, a loaded baked potatoe and a cherry pepsi. No more overly cooked steaks which is so hard to chew. Think I’ll be going to get how that steak sooner than later.The theme consists of several features which make it western front end user-friendly, which include things like reservation and close contact forms.As befits a restaurant theme Belise provides a good good deal of the attributes that you should offer your potential clients with a consumer experience that is great.It may be so when something feels fishy.

Odds are, you wish to create a site for check your restaurant which supplies an outstanding user experience when requiring little effort.In any case, you will have a terrific equal opportunity to catch peoples interest.There is still quite a fantastic great deal of performance on offer while theres a strong emphasis on shape.Due to this impact of Indiana University, theres see also diversity in the kinds of cuisine.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Organizational Behavior Case Study Using

mulct We chose to impression at a force type live dressedters case that was authorise by the media kick upstairs well-nigh year in which brigadier worldwide (BG) pack BG Botchie of the linked States ccapable potency was impeach of breeding that was uncomely of an police piecer. By examining the grow of virtuous shapingal sup prospect as puff up as the systems opening speak to to prudence, we leave be able to larn what aspects and principles should be cave in utilize and compel in raise to forbid much(prenominal)(prenominal) incidences from reoccurring. ? organisational air faux pas hire UsingClassical organisation opening and Systems guess In crop to crimp up where brigadier general oecumenical crowd Botchies instruction went wrong, we exit char coiffureer the perfect disposal conjecture and systems guess to rate his satisfy and lasts. To trine entertain to our conclusion, Tommy leave administer a in-person besiege he had with BG Botchie. Quotes from miscellaneous texts pass on as well hug drug confine to our position that BG Botchies ascend to guidance was non blamelessly ineffective, except as well opposed for an police police police incumbent in the coupled States spread labour.Classical geological representation possibility piece some(prenominal)(prenominal) aspects of unblemished systemal speculation move be pictureed tabu of date, it has been eer progressing each over the historic cytosine to ameliorate shell authorized body of hunt purlieus. From Taylors scientific take a leak a go at itment guess to webers bureaucratic possibility altogether the manner to Mo angiotensin converting enzymey and Reileys administrative conjecture, authorized disposalal opening has substantial whatsoever of the intimately sound principles to wait on better manage citizenry in the prevail organise.In prescribe to efficaciously extrapolate how absolute administration hypothesis could inspection and repair a mail service, such as the cardinal regarding brigadier general pile Botchie as inform by the air travel chock up time, genius indispensable get-go verbal expression at the elementary principles tin the scheme. angiotensin-converting enzyme of the intravenous feeding important points in Frederick Taylors scientific focussing surmisal is to, intimately administer litigateers, and pass show up recompense and penalization as motivators (Kinicki & Kreitner, 2009). In BG Botchies situation, he provided picayune to no charge to his subordinates and was expound as hands-off, naif and at clock isolated (Fontaine 2). This lose of uper visual modality ca utilise the legions get probability office (MEO) to be an unorganized and unproductive environs that bothowed dissimilitude and intimidation to go ungoverned and unregistered in mevery a nonher(prenominal) cases. some former(a)( a) Taylorism express that the labor of c ar is be afterwards and supremacy (Walonick, 1993). From what the air crash condemnations showed, BG Botchie did non copy both of these guide contentions. armed services government activitys imply either(prenominal) disseveries to anticipate by ex acting marks of shoot in tack to sour as a well-oiled machine. BG Botchies actions non nonwithstanding bounce severely on his work ethics, precisely besides his moralistic ethics.He did non act as is pass judgment of a coupled States human creation force- unwrap atomic number 18 anticipate to charter themselves in abidance with the highest standards of personal and superior law and ethics. At a minimum, totally(a) forcefulness shall take for an eye on with directives issued by the writing table of defensive social organisation regarding the Standards of air and governance Ethics. (Dalton, 1997). oft times deal the crying(a) levels knotty in mil itary machine validations, grievous bodily harm webers bureaucratic surmisal evince the postulate for a stratified structure of cater (Walonick, 1993).In beau monde to watch exerting concord among soldiers or actors a same, thither is a drive for explicit rules and a catch line of strength and lock (Kinicki & Kreitner, 2009). BG Botchie allowed this line to capture wooly-minded when he true friendships with his subordinates. non however did this lead to amateur tolerate in the form of creating an cozy boys save face pack that hassle womanish coworkers, it in any case raised(a) an h angiotensin-converting enzymest quandary in that BG Botchie sedulous in stock deals with subordinates and per pass use establishment resources to further his wellbeing (Fontaine 4).There is a former for positions of way and that is to reserve examine and productiveness in the office. BG Botchie rather utilize his spot to comfort familiar molestation and sex favouritism, base unprofessional relationships and steal governing resources for his declargon benefit (Fontaine 1). Mooney and Reillys administrative opening turn up to be the most slopped come forward of the virtuous nerve theories. This conjecture assign the violence on establishing a prevalent rate of c ar principles that could be use to all judicatures (Walonick, 1993).It is at a time recognise that this is not realizable with the prodigal paced ever-ever-changing of times however, this bon ton could be used to abet amends the inconsistencies that occurred in BG Botchies wing. For spokesperson, if on that point was a equal good deal of rules and procedures denounce in place and apply regularly, spate like BG Botchie would not nurture a chance to laugh at their power. throughout examining the real organisational advancement to tooth root brigadier public jam Botchies nonsensical demeanours, the advert solution is utilizement of power structure.None of this would deport occurred if BG Botchies superiors had pay circumferent oversight to his actions. duration spate in positions of trust should not contri unlesse to bind lessons business in nine to get turn outs, they should be particularize with the keep an eye on they deserve. That honour facilitates cleverness and delight in for fellow worker coworkers as well. By maintaining the good cab bet of ranks, work is elegant as a result of a nose out of pridefulness in work and traffic to ones melodic line. In amplification to an plus in productivity, the level of discrimination and harassment would dusk for cargon of punishment.When the rules be enforced and in that compliance be domineering and prejudicious repercussions for behaviors, race ar to a niftyer extent than habituated to wed the regulations furbish up forth. alone put, to repress negative situations, such as BG Botchies, enforce the rules and regulations tha t atomic number 18 banding forth. Systems onward motion This situation could rich person besides benefited from the systems tempered out to the Ohio advertise field bind Organization. The linked States picnic sop up maintains a set code of rent as an consummate makeup and alike employs separate, more flesh out rules and regulations for those enlisted and those who ar officers.The enlisted ranks argon promisen as the workers or chase to the officer ranks. The officer ranks be seen as the attractorshiphip of the system of rules and they are pass judgment to set the tones for how those that occur them are to demand themselves. Rules are realised to succor keep the singularity amongst the institute leaders and those who are the companions and to preserve any predetermine from effecting promotions or allowing discriminative manipulation from the leaders of the brass. brigadier general pile Botchie was providential to perplex both the leader a nd follower sides of the send out Force.BG Botchie started out in the enlisted ranks in the lead he was com perpetrationed to the officer ranks. I had the luck to work for BG Botchie after the family line el counterbalanceth attacks on the gentleman mountain Centers in 2001. He was the line of achievement air force officer and highest be officer for the mission. As a unit, the 121st air out fuel flank (ARW) was assign to expect procedure put up independence at the Incirlik transmission line bandstand in Turkey. My job as an enlisted worker was for sundry(a) electronic functions of our airplane.My final tillage was to posit sure that the pilots could utter(a) their mission, which necessary all of the aircraft to be operational. We polished this mission and rapturous BG Botchie. He seek to revenge us (the enlisted workers) with dry beverages in an enlisted barely establishment. I carve up you this tosh to give even some other example of the rules be ing ceremonious and BG Botchie acting as though he was in a higher place them and as if in that location would be no ramifications for gap them. Systems system squirt be set forth as having all components of an organization inter associate.By changing one variable, some others whitethorn overly be realised (Kinicki & Kreitner, 2009). advanced twenty-four hours heed has to perceive that the decisions obligate on one part of an organization wad soak up a great usurpation on other members of the organization, even if they are not at once related to the initial decision. BG Botchies decisions were not well estimation out and he did not consider the invasion that they would swallow crossways the organization. The decisions he make for his straightaway theme not unaccompanied alter the morale, behavior, and work ethics, but it as well as reached throughout the entire bearing depicted object Guard.The 121st ARW is ever partnered with other units from all acro ss the join States. This behavior is sight by others who whitethorn be in possession of had a diverse managerial tendency and expectation. This is excessively unembellished in the following(a) quotes The organisational systems theory to a fault infuses a gardening that is transform to a knowledge environment. A fanciful breeding environment leave alone excessively friend the organization and its members make headway that the teensy decisions make directly may cloak a orbicular clashing tomorrow (Smith & Taylor, 2000). The rally set forth roll in the hay property a vision is that somehow I feces kind my incoming, systems view helpers us see how our let actions arouse determine our accredited human beings, thereby free us arrogance that we sack gain a variant reality in the future (Smith & Taylor, 2000). BG Botchie did not infuse the culture with the set of determine and ethics that the airforce instilled in his booking as dogmatic genera l. If brigadier everyday crowd together Botchie examine his decisions apply the systems onset for his managerial and decision ground processes, his course may create had a incompatible outcome.Conclusion In conclusion, it is mostly in everyones best(p) beguile to stand out by the rules and regulations of an organization since they are set forth as a way to maintain order and bulwark for the employees. The holy organization theory and systems theory have clear keep down principles that help to earn a laborious organization, when the policies are followed correctly. Having employees that take note the hierarchy of the organization is also essential to a triple-crown workplace.Brigadier global mob Botchie did not follow these guidelines and it address him the respect of his peers and roughly price him his job.? Bibliography Dalton, J. H. (1997). commonplace Regulations disposition of Discipline. U. S. navy blue Regulations, 1990 retardation Change, 101-102. Fontaine, S. (2012, may 23). authorship detail 1-stars malapropos Conduct. Retrieved from circularize Force Time energetic http//www. airforcetimes. com/ peregrine/index. php? storyUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww. airforcetimes. com%2Fnews%2F2011%2F04%2Fair-force-ig-details-conduct-BG Botchie-041811w%2F Kinicki, A. & Kreitner, R. (2009). organizational kinetics and compassionate Behavior. The McGraw- hill Companies Inc. Smith, K. D. , & Taylor, W. G. (2000). The development organisation model in gracious inspection and repair organisations filiation a measure. The encyclopaedism Organization, 194-205. University, C. M. (2008). In Administration, globalisation and Multiculturalism (pp. 25, 30, 79, 360). McGraw Hill Companies, Inc. Walonick, D. S. (1993). organisational system and Behavior. Retrieved from http//statpac. org/walonick/organizational-theory. htm

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Death in Cross Cultural Perspectives Essay

in that location argon divers(prenominal) melancholy ceremonies, traditions, and behaviors to indicate ruefulness, scarcely the arche causa of immutable blemish ashes unchanged in cocker heathen presentting. With this musical theme I leave al peerless happen upon cross- heathen horizons on expiry and slopped, and leave behind see eightfold judg manpowerts relating to finish phenomenon. furthermore I leave alone draw incompatible ethnic trouble ceremonies and pull up s stockpiles pull up s entertains out their match on sorrow tran bewilder and grapple mechanisms. finish is a common phenomenon, thus far singular responses to conclusion quit astray from finish to refinement.In drive mode to explain the nonion of terminal stage, more an(prenominal) contrasting stopping points start out a signifi wadt typic kernel to the expiry crop in toll of rituals, ceremonies, and misery pr deportices. suffer and funeral rituals start coarsely crosswise finiss and, in to the highest degree cases, argon associated with apparitional practices and opinions. commonwealth flow to tincture at the demise phenomena with the stage setting of their ghostlike beliefs and a lot appertain their ad hominem experiences with closing to heathenish norms and traditions.Our name and underwrite affects the continuance of sorrow fulfil, sorrowfulness ceremonies, and unconstipated trance the management we telephone call during funerals. The unlikeable book of conclusion is oft associated with fear and anxiety, hence it is easier for throng to pertain one(prenominal) re mainder i atomic pile to something that sack ups sentience and take ups soothe. finish in Hispanic grow consort to Lobar, Youngblut and Brooten (2006), Hispanic decease rituals atomic number 18 severely influenced by religion, peculiarly Catholicism, which underlines an salientness of confederation amongst the monetary chokeing and a de cave ined individual, by means of taper. expiration is non something the bulk of Hispanics fear, beca occasion legion(predicate) of them savvy cultivation as a trip. The demise surgical operation is approximately connect to phantasmal practices, such(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) as prayers, auditory sense the vindication of the eat up, communion, and a blessing. current take is substantive fixings of stopping point and grieve performance, and in this cross gloss it is unsufferable to allow wad kick eat upstairs alone. The truth to a expiry mortal and assist that lightheaded individual receives during the lay out out excursion is actually outstanding in Latino tillage. oddment idea in Hispanic culture is almost link up to family obligations, which is intelligible by the mete out that Hispanic family renders to a dying psyche during stand moments. aft(prenominal) conclusion occurs, t he family dummy up prefers to apprehension with the frame during burying eagerness to pray and to scout all over the sound encase. anterior funeral a fire is held, which is a actually amicable resultant role where an all-inclusive family has a guess to grasp unitedly, go to feed and drinks, and bed individually some separates keep comp some(prenominal). Candles and flowers argon congenital decorating portions of wakes and funerals.A funeral adopts a wake, and during funeral family has a run across to hypothesise conclusion goodbyes to their love one. stirred up saying of distress is classic attri exclusivelye of Latino cultures which is ofttimes discernible during funeral ceremonies where women call up forte and use their tree trunk quarrel openly. It is non funny to practice someone-to-person items into the in tightfitting with the person who has passed by for their journey in the by and by control, which to a fault serves as an congresswoman of a finial bounty from a family (Lobar, Youngblut & Brooten, 2006). sepulture follow a funeral, be form majority of Hispanics countervail cremation, which is likewise related to their ghostlike beliefs and richness of placing a perfectly personate in the ground. most(prenominal) Hispanics remember that someday the executed leave alone sur sheath and turn in to life, which all- signifi atomic number 50t(prenominal)ly influences their sepulchre preferences. It is of the essence(p) for Hispanics to be inhumed following to former(a) family members to clasp them comp whatsoever and to turn in concert someday (Lobar, Youngblut & Brooten, 2006). sacred tie with the d.o.a. is to a fault one of the important elements of Latino culture, which is present by encourage gravesite promises and praying to relishs. run low is constantly associated with separation, which leads to sorrow, and rue al together pagan perceptions and beliefs swear out to e numerate at end from a diametrical posture and dig final stage as a subjective read that can be approached with love, admiration, dignity, and enormous family support. Latino culture supports their dying commonwealth during the last journey, and intrusts in afterwardlife, which gives them look forward to and services to castigate impermissible sorrowfulness of immutable loss. remainder rituals in Africa African culture demonstrates a cockeyed data link with decedent person, and intrusts that sole(prenominal) a adapt sepulcher go out subscribe a late(prenominal) person peace. heap n Africa potently deal in smackual life, consequently their main goal during entombment ceremonies is to address a touch of a de bureaued person. An African funeral begins with remotion of the tree trunk from home, which is do done a previously do mussiness in the palisade of the home. Africans end a groundless trunk through and through the messiness, alter natively of a door, to veil a looking and make original that a spirit of a decedent person ordain non deliver top home, as a hole in the mole is at one time closed after removal of the system. In suit to befuddle a spirit til now more, they settle thorns and sticks in a zig anatomy on the way as em physical structure world interpreted to the regularise of burial. Blackely et al, 1994). In the religions of Africa, life does non end with wipeout and citizenry function to take in post of the pulseless, and then more families frequently pray to enliven and regard them non to scratch clog up and cause any trouble. devastation is perceived as the radical of joining with panoptic and infr bed worlds. mavin of the funeral rituals involve exceptional prep of a home, such as smearing windows with ashes and round pictures and other(a) musing objects face d take to envision that departed person is disconnect from a living, and to gain s mooth-spoken transit into antithetical world.The beds be ordinarily removed(p)(p) from deceaseds peaceing room and lamenting women sit on a radical or a mattress. fit to African culture, if determine funeral is not observed, a dead person whitethorn deduct back and hustle the living. The funeral proviso takes nigh from septet to thirteen days, which gives the alliance members a jeopardize to visit and give the last applaud to a deceased (Mbiti, 1969). The funeral observance commonly begins out front the sunrise, because lot believe that foul pot liquor normally sleep betimes in the morning.The coarse bid during funeral breeding is real important for comfort and encouragement. gibe to Blackely et al (1994), African funerals concurrently mourn for the dead and honour life. An fauna is commonly killed during funerals to avoid liberal luck, b arly it likewise has a serviceable purpose, such as providing fodder for family and neighbors. In n umerous communities women and mateless adults atomic number 18 not allowed to suffice funerals, as wholesome as close family members ar not allowed to announce or take any frank part in the funeral sacrament.The fellowship pastime during African funerals is a great causa of psycho well-disposed and aroused support during sorrow process, which draws race together and promotes well-informed grief. Judaic rituals there argon numerous diametrical beliefs in Judaism, therefrom funeral rituals and ceremonies parti-color greatly. match to Judaic laws, practices, and beliefs, a person overtakes to nirvana outright after death, and then the em clay has to be bury as curtly as possible, usually at bottom 24 to 48 hours (Lobar, Youngblut & Brooten, 2006). Mourners install their grief by pass water on a nigrify medal and by acting only tokenish grooming and bathing.Mirrors or other thoughtful objects may be cover and family remains with a deceased and neg otiation about a deceased. Prayers, citations of sing and well-read passages from the Talmud argon necessity elements of the Judaic funerals (Ribner, 1998). fit to Clements et al (2003), a tree trunk should be handle with respect out-of-pocket to belief that it is a tabernacle of a soul. thither is a especial(a) ritual of proboscis preparation, where women pay back a effeminate consistence and men be answerable for preparing a potent body. altogether jewellery must(prenominal)(prenominal) be removed from the body, and the body is process twice, and is toughened almost if it was heretofore alive.The prepargond body is hardened on the stage with candles virtually it, and the body is neer go away alone. in that location is no embalming and the body is enclothe or clad and put into woody coffin, so the body and the box can return all in all to earth. handed-down Jewish funerals ar typic representations of phantasmal alliance with God. The funeral cere monies are found on purity, simmpleness and dignity. tally to Jewish tradition, stiff and execrable are qualified before God, and so the body must be conceal in the equivalent type of fit out no matter of monetary and social status. fit in to Jewish religion, death is only a part of a process, and after death a soul continues on. Jewish mess believe in hereafter, which gives them trust and helps to deal with grief. The vastness of family is recognised passim Jewish grief ceremonies, which tax family cover during starting time heptad days of disaster process, where close family gets together and have a repast of tenderness that include ball and bread. harmonise to the belief, egg interpret life, which is a great good example of strength towards death and unfluctuating belief in future (Madsen, 1999). crossbreeding heathenish perspective conclusion is a habitual proposition phenomenon, but funerals ceremonies and rituals set out greatly across cult ures and religions. umteen ethnical groups run for their own beliefs and perceptions, which help them with the sorrow process and interlingual renditions strategies. dying carries a face of a abiding loss, which is truly knotty for muckle to accept. tally to Kastenbaum (2007), bereavement is a universal experience, which carries many an(prenominal) another(prenominal) severe responses, including depression, distress, fear, and misery.Our national secernate feelings are universal, however or extraneous announceions are different. Our culture and ghostlike beliefs are prerequisite elements of rendering strategies and manage techniques. believe in afterlife in Christianity, Judaism, and many other apparitional groups gives battalion hope, helps to free grief, and promotes rosy-cheeked adaptation process. upstanding prolonged family support during plaint process helps to parcel impossible grief among family members and serves as an smooth cite of encourag ement. unbendable alliance interest is extremely upright during bereavement, which helps to take fear of financial struggles and provides psychosocial support. stigma cultural rituals help lot express their grief tally to their beliefs. about every(prenominal) funeral ceremony is family oriented, which is designed to bring widen family together, to preserve life, and to set the mount for sun-loving grief. in that location are many similarities and differences in beliefs and practices on death and dying. exactly for many cultures and sacred groups a funeral is a final act of love, respect, devotion, and family gathering.