Monday, September 30, 2019

American Education vs Asian Education Essay

In the past 20 old ages the United States school system has been roll uping a spot of unfavorable judgment. Surveies have shown that the United States has been dawdling exponentially compared to about all the industrialised states. This specifically refers to Asiatic states that are statistically blowing the U. S. out of the H2O. In his article â€Å"New Math-Science Study Rates U. S. Students Mediorce At Best† William S. Robinson decusses study consequences after pupils from around the universe have taken a scientific discipline and math trial. The study consequences in the cosmopolitan topic of math show us that the U. S. 8th graders have fallen behind. while the 12th class degree showed merely little betterment. We would potentially look at these instruction systems as extremes of each other. Each instruction system being on the different side of the spectrum. Both systems holding mistakes and advantages. Taking the positive facets from both sides and unifying them together . a harmonious instruction system could be established. In the article â€Å" Strengths. Weaknesses. and Lessons of Nipponese Education† James Fallows tells us that in an Asiatic schoolroom pupils will experience an unbelievable sum of force per unit area get downing from grade school and up. while U. S. instructors are excessively afraid to raise the saloon because of possible disheartenment of the pupil ( 201 ) . In Japan. University admittances as opposed to classs earned in university. determines what sort of calling you can hold in Japan. Nipponese pupils will pass most of their clip analyzing in cram schools. unlike American pupils who spend most of their clip socialising. A negative of the Asian school system. is the conformance that must be upheld. This achieves better instruction because it becomes the â€Å"thing to do† . When everybody is on the same course of study there is no other pick but to follow the herd. While conformance creates better math pupils. it demises the facet of creativeness and individualism. The U. S. places a much bigger accent on creativeness and pick. Therefore supplying pupils with chances that help them larn about them egos. and develop original thoughts. An of import feature that the U. S. instruction system deficiencies. is the thought of attempt being straight correlated to success. In her article â€Å" Why Are U. S. Kids Poor In Math† Barbara Vobejda says that the American and Asiatic female parents have a diffrent position on what determines their child’s success in school. An American female parent thinks that her child’s academic accomplishment comes from unconditioned ability. while an Asiatic female parent thinks that her kids academic accomplishment comes from difficult work and attempt. An Asiatic female parent would demand her child spends hours after school making prep and analyzing. An American female parent would merely state that her kid is non good in their topic. Vobeja says that a survey has shown that Asiatic pupils spend more clip in their seats than American pupils do. American pupils were out of their seats 21 per centum of clip. compared to Chinese and Nipponese pupils who were out of their seats 2 per centum of the clip. Though the American pupil may believe that they work hard. we find that the Asiatic pupil is at a much greater degree of force per unit area. As we saw in the old transition. serious force per unit area is put on the Asiatic pupil. In farther scrutiny of the article â€Å"Japan’s School System† . a protagonist of the catalytic force per unit area subject. we find many contrasts to the U. S. positions of seting force per unit area on pupils. Nipponese pupils attend school six yearss a hebdomad. The school twelvemonth consists of 220 yearss compared to the 180 yearss in the U. S. A 3rd grade Nipponese school hebdomad consists of eight hours of Nipponese. five of arithmetic. three of scientific discipline. societal surveies and physical instruction. two hours of music and art. For an U. S. pupil this might look like snake pit. Yet the lone ground this might look like to much force per unit area. is because we are judging their system with an ethnocentric point of position. Nipponese pupils think it’s rather All right. Worlds are a really dynamic and expert species. We ever look at things from our conditioned point of position. Therefore. if force per unit area is increased on the U. S. pupils. the lone 1s who would hold any ailments are current pupils. Bing dynamic and expert. they excessively would be able to carry through the new demands asked of them. The eastern thoughts of force per unit area could be used as a accelerator for consequences in the U. S. While every bit much as we are in demand of more force per unit area on the pupils. we must retain the originative single factor at all costs. We are non machines that have indistinguishable downloaded encephalons. In the article â€Å"We Should Cherish our Children’s Freedom To Think† . Kie Ho provides a critical inquiry. He asks. â€Å"If American instruction is so tragically inferior. why is it that this is still the state of invention? † Looking back at the regular Nipponese school hebdomad. we find that non much attending is brought to music or art. Creativity signifiers individualism. look of thoughts. and self-fulfillment. This could destroy all the conformance and control of thoughts in the Asiatic pupil. Our Asiatic friends could ne'er hold that go on now could they. Ho provides an illustration of an U. S. pupil taking a function of Lyndon Johnson and debating a pupil in the function of Ho Chi Minh. An Asiatic pupil would ne'er be given a opportunity to look at things from a different point of position. In all their mathematical glorification they have missed the indispensable human demand to show individualism. Most likely that is done with purpose. While many Americans yell and scream about their children’s math abilities. they have overlooked the fact why most immigrants come here. This fact is freedom. Which would non be possible without all the originative mercantile establishments provided by our school system. In unifying these two cardinal thoughts of both of the instruction systems. many new positive effects are felt by the pupils. An addition of force per unit area to actuate and speed up instruction. The development of thoughts and originative mercantile establishments. which lead to self-discovery and formation of original and advanced thoughts which. fuel our state. This guarantees freedom and a head to utilize it. Americans complain about the nucleus topic of instruction. That will alter with a harder course of study and more accent being placed on attempt. We will besides go on supplying our pupils with individualism. Asiatic instruction can besides see positive effects from the development of pick and travel off from conformance. The pupils who do can non or will non take part in the difficult course of study will now hold a pick to develop their originative side. These alterations will be difficult to do. U. S. pupils seting to a faster harder instruction. Asians might get down t o free control of the multitudes. In the terminal it will be good for both.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Environmental analysis Essay

Rivalry Competition in the US video rental industry is fierce. There are actually several different segments of players within the industry, like rentals who establish physical store locations and rentals who serve mail-orders, but these different segments are competing to gain the same market share. Blockbuster reveled that the business actually has a small profit margin, due to the high cost of building and equipment maintenance. Furthermore, the movie rental industry has a stagnant market condition, or in simple words, the market does not reveal any meaningful growth within the years. This means the only way to grow is by taking away a piece of competitors’ market share. Thus, competition is s serious issue for Blockbuster because in one hand, the company cannot afford to loose more market share due to its minimum profit margin, and in the other hand, Blockbuster would also need to experience some kind of revenue growth. Ironically, competitors of Blockbuster also possess the same obsession. As a result, price war is the only way to determine which player would lead the market. Unfortunately, most of the players in the industry has already sustain heavy operational and maintenance that they cannot afford to reduce rental prices. In addition, most of these players have also minimum promotion budget because of the small profit margin. Today, competition industry enters a stage where all the players are stagnant in most of its departments (Brem, 2002). Not all movie rental industry can survive in a long term, especially if the industry is online. With the recent tightening in the market, some executive and investor are challenging to show some results: higher revenues, more customers, perhaps even a profit. This is should become tough news for Blockbuster. com who have spent most of their money on expensive advertisements, PR campaigns, or websites that look attractive. The full integration of Blockbuster. com online and in-store programs planned for next year will enable them to provide their customers, young and old, with unmatched convenience, service, selection and value. If a customer is in their store and wants to return a movie they rented online, will be able to accommodate them. If a member rents primarily in-store, but wants a hard-to-find title Blockbuster. com does not typically carry in store, they will be able to go online and get it. It is a matter of maximizing convenience and choice (â€Å"About Blockbuster. com†, 2006). Blockbuster has not been watching these developments lazily. It has launched its own online rental service in response to the competition, despite the set-up costs and the fact that it could take revenue away from its retail operation. It has also introduced a number of initiatives, such as a part-exchange deal on VHS tapes, and is currently exploring offering an in-store download service. †¢ Buyer Power Due to the stagnant market and the need for huge economies of scale to reach profit, buyers of the video rental industry has quite an influential power. In a nutshell, by choosing to go to which rentals, buyers will determine which one will reach profit within the financial period and which one will fall below targets. The increasing use of Internet becomes the power of buyers that soon force Blockbuster to provide online services. To change itself from a zone of movie rental store into an â€Å"anywhere-anytime† entertainment destination that eventually will enable customers to rent, buy or trade movies and games, new or used, in-store and online, Blockbuster initiatives to continues their accomplishment as the online rental service company (â€Å"Blockbuster goes broadband, streams movies to TV†, 2001). Blockbuster. com becomes the business through information technology (I. T. ) marketing. Because of the online marketing Blockbuster can live and breathe. They can get more competitive, lower their costs, and provide better service through continuous improvement of the I. T. marketing (â€Å"BBI: Profile for BLOCKBUSTER INC. †, 2006). However, as online retail, marketing efforts of Blockbuster. com could be even more effective if they asked the consumer for a dash of personal information. So far, businesses were hoping that personalization technology would serve as the equivalent of a best friend who just happened to have all the same tastes in products and services. More consumers are choosing to rent online, which has no late fees and have the movies mailed to them. It makes Blockbuster. com has increased their membership (â€Å"Blockbuster goes broadband, streams movies to TV†, 2001). The only way for movie-rental stores to continue operations is to rise to the challenge and shift their business model to stay practical. To develop a substantial share of the online rental business by the end of next year, Blockbuster. com is providing rental plan and their practical understanding marketing. It should help Blockbuster. com to be more successful in the next period. Movie distributors and the large chains, such as Blockbuster, Inc.directly negotiate revenue-sharing agreements covering most titles distributed by the upstream (â€Å"BBI: Profile for BLOCKBUSTER INC. †, 2006). Personalization and community features are very important. Blockbuster. com should allow film fans to rate films and write reviews to help inform other users. In addition, Blockbuster. com need to have a management team with bags of expertise, which they believe differentiates us from the competition. †¢ Supplier Power Suppliers of the industry generally have little power over the Blockbuster. The prices of inputs are nearly identical for most suppliers and there is no price discrimination because of the widely available substitutes. †¢ Threats of Substitutes The video rental industry is actually facing quite significant threats from various substitutes. Examples of substitutes are: pay-per-view, video-on-demand, streaming on-line videos, etc. All of these alternatives are delivering the same product in a quite similar quality, which means that they contribute notably to the tension within the video rental industry (‘Videotape Rental’, 2004). Barriers of EntryAnalysis of the industry indicated that Blockbuster is actually enjoying significant level of entry barriers. First, as mentioned earlier, the industry generally has a small profit margin, which means that a huge economic of scale is required to create a profitable business. This is caused by the high operational and maintenance costs, profit sharing agreement with studios, etc. Second, Blockbuster enjoyed a positive image due to its long-time presence and its popularity within the US market. Both of these factors ensured the triumph of Blockbuster against any newcomer. Most of these conditions however, are now becoming obsolete. This is true partly due to the presence of internet. As internet shopping becomes more popular, mail-order rentals like Netflix gain notable attention from the market. In addition, Blockbuster made the mistake of not providing enough copies of popular and recent movies, which ultimately get customers to think of going to alternative rentals. Another factor that reduces the entry barrier is the popularity of DCDs over the old VHS which no longer require negotiating revenue gain agreements with studios (Brem, 2002; Wagner, 2003).

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Health Issues as It Relates Health In High sSchool Education Essay

Health Issues as It Relates Health In High sSchool Education - Essay Example Keeping this in mind, the writer has felt that it would be essential to conduct a probe into a serious concern of high school education, that is, use and abuse of alcohol, since this has a major impact on the health and educational pursuits of students. The designing of this Research study has been carried out for determining the positive, or negative impacts of drinking by high school students, on their learning and academic performance. Importance of this research: Health hazards caused by use of alcohol by high school students has assumed serious dimensions and has adversely affecting academic performance in the student community; it also connotes indisciplined in class behaviour, lowering of ethical and moral standards, sexual permissiveness under the influence of excessive alcohol and a host of other social and physiological problems, besides endangering students' mental health, well being and their future college studies. Despite the fact that social and Governmental organizations have long evolved policies, practices and programs for curbing this social evil, the truth remains that much more effective policy making and implementation needs to be done in these vital areas which have grave socio-economic and medical implications. The research Hypothesis: is based on the premise that alcohol interferes with the functioning of impressionable minds of high school students, causing mental debility & lack of mental co-ordination, affecting academic performance among high school students Aims of the study In order to curb the use of alcohol and its detrimental effects on the high school student population, as a whole, it has become necessary to introduce and... This essay stresses that the findings of the experiments conducted proved beyond doubt that â€Å"alcohol is a powerful drug that slows down the body and mind. It impairs co-ordination; slows reaction time; and impairs vision, clear thinking and judgment....drinking while the brain is growing may lead to long lasting intellectual effects and may even increase the likelihood of delayed alcoholic dependence later in life.† This tested hypothesis that attributes alcohol as one of the main drugs for substance abuse, in today’s high school population has been established, both by the current literature written by eminent scholars and practitioners, and also by independent empirical studies. In today’s social settings, especially in the field of High School educational pursuits, the use of alcohol, substance abuse and permissive sexual behaviour have become a common phenomenon among school students, especially in the developed world. This paper makes a conclusion that the school administration should enforce individual programmes that could create a social environment that could actively discourage, if not reduce the use of drug by school children. A holistic approach, involving the student community, teachers, social workers, school administration and, most importantly, the parents needs to be taken in order to address a permanent solution to the problem. It is believed that creating awareness and self belief is more important that strict enforcement, since these measures could have contrary results, which may not in total alignment to the fundamental purposes for its enunciation.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Short Answer Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Short Answer Questions - Essay Example I feel like this is a reliable and valid assessment because it was an assessment carried out in a non-threatening and informal manner. Under this setting, there is a greater chance for the learner to open up and be honest about her feelings, thoughts, difficulties, and learning needs. I also believe this to be a reliable and valid assessment because it makes use of open-ended questions and these questions help the learners be less restricted by set questions and choices. They can even make their own reflection and self-assessment based on the questions posed and provide a heart-felt and thoughtful response to the questions. Q-1c. Think of another method of assessment used by you or your colleague to assess your learner relating to the same area of learning. Compare the two assessment methods and outcomes, and describe how these methods complemented and/or contradicted each other. Explain how you resolved any contradictions. Structured interviews were also used by me and my colleague in assessing the learner in the same area of learning. In comparing these two assessment methods, there is significant contrast seen. One uses open-ended questions, and structured interviews uses close-ended questions. ... carried out in a more casual setting and manner, without any expectation of their results being used as a method of assessment on the part of the learner. In the structured interviews, it is carried out in a less casual manner with the learner most likely seated on a table answering structured questions. The learner is also aware in this case that he or she is being interviewed for an assessment of his learning needs. For the most part, these two methods complemented each other. The informal interview provided a basis for the assessment of the learning needs, and the structured interview helped to fill in the blanks and gaps seen in the informal interview. Both methods of assessment provided means of confirming the learner’s patient needs. In effect, what may not have been revealed in one interview has been revealed in the other type of assessment. Assessment-2. Feedback:-Think about sessions when you gave positive and more critical feedback to your learner(s). Q-2a. Compare a nd contrast your experience of giving positive feedback to learner(s) (i) formally, in one-to-one sessions; and (ii) informally, when working together. Use examples to illustrate the advantages and disadvantages of each method. In giving positive feedback formally, the learner was wary at first because she thought that she was going to be reprimanded. However, when she received the positive feedback, she was very much pleased. She also was pleased about being singled out for the positive feedback. She was also eager to talk about the good work that she was able to do and was eager to receive more feedback on how she could improve her work further. In the informal setting, any positive feedback I gave the learner was also well received, especially when I complemented her in front of the other

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Discuss some of the social and ethical issues raised by living life Essay

Discuss some of the social and ethical issues raised by living life online, especially with regard to personal responsibility and individual rights - Essay Example Also part of the social responsibility of a person living life online is the users right to post pictures and videos of himself or most importantly, of others by tagging them. This is a tool that should not be used lightly as it could be used to harm the social reputation of other people in an instant. (Boyd, Why Youth (Heart) Social Networking Sites...†) It is this particular part of online life that has caused a wave of cyberbullying cases through the irresponsible use of social media profiles and photo tagging opportunities. Due to the egalitarian method by which people interact online, the activity should have promoted camaraderie and greater fairness. Instead, the social networking lifestyle has caused an even greater divide among the public users due to the anonymity of the service.Social networking or online life is not a place where one can expect to develop ethics and virtues such as honesty, openness, and patience. Characteristics which in the real world, help mold th e social consciousness and ethical responsibilty within a person. (Markula Center For Applied Ethics, â€Å"Unavoidable Ethical Questions About Social Networking). All of these instant gratification tools offered by social networking has reduced people and their online interaction to an avatar and a few strokes on the keyboard, thus producing a new generation of highly irresponsible and inconsiderate youth. This is because social networks allow them to act irresponsibly without having to fear repercussions socially because of the difficulty in proving such acts. Ethics is not a consideration because the networking sites do not make them responsible for their actions. It remains an unsupervised world where anything can happen. It is if you prefer to call it, the new wild west waiting to be tamed and brought to a new age of social and ethical

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

How could that nice person have committed such a devious fraud What Essay

How could that nice person have committed such a devious fraud What are the characteristics of prospective fraud perpetrators Can a fraud perpetrator personality be predicted - Essay Example scientists have not been able to identify well-understood and well-defined psychological set of traits that could be used for diagnosing the tendency or propensity of fraud in an individual (Ramamoorti 524). To a large extent, the tendency of an individual to commit fraud or crime depends upon the environment and context. â€Å"Criminal opportunities are presented by those vulnerable environments and opportunistically interpretable scenarios that individuals and groups see as offering attractive potential for criminal reward with little apparent risk of detection or penalty† (Ramamoorti 524). There is a wide range of characteristics of a prospective fraud perpetrator. Prospective fraud perpetrators tend to seek more knowledge and awareness about different matters that they are not seemingly so related to. Prospective fraud perpetrators tend to study the history of an organization and find out about other people who have committed frauds in the past, how they did it, and what was their fate. Fraud perpetrators are suspicious. They may be unnecessarily too friendly and chatty or be excessively silent and socially excluded. Prospective fraud perpetrators are interested in crime stories and movies because they happen to learn a lot of new strategies and techniques to commit fraud in such forms of literature. Prospective fraud perpetrators exaggerate other’s small mistakes and are smart enough to hold others responsible for inappropriate or wrong things that they have themselves done. Prospective fraud perpetrators keep an eye on the latest technology and have a tenden cy to develop skills and competency in the use of new software and technology sooner and quicker than others. Prospective fraud perpetrators often have large networks and channels that they use to commit the fraud. The personality of a fraud perpetrator be predicted. Certain behaviors are commonly found among the fraud perpetrators. These behaviors include but are not limited to lying,

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

How Personal Can Ethics Get Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 3

How Personal Can Ethics Get - Essay Example Favoritism and Partiality has forever been known for violation of equal rights – a policy that most organizations carry on their sleeves. If an executive practices partiality in his/her choices of human resource, it not only affects the morale of the competitor individual but also diminishes the overall efficiency of the organization knowing a suitable candidate was rejected for a project against an incapable one. Additionally, this will also demoralize other employees of the organization, knowing that the system for their career growth is corrupt by personal biases. If this partiality is backed by personal gains (monetary or otherwise) on behalf of the executive, it further deteriorates the organizational relationships – the employees tend to be uninterested in company decisions, disloyal towards the organization and low- performed. Turnover rate can also be expected to be higher than normal for such an organization. Also, it can be expected that such an organization w ill dissolve rapidly into non-existence. Business operations therefore strictly require the setting aside of personal differences and working in collaboration for common organizational goals. Ethics play a vital role in organizations and organizational commitments on behalf of employees. Ethics, if practiced properly, can guarantee organizational prosperity. This is because ethical environment ensures safeguard of employee rights, allowing them to concentrate on their jobs and prove to be productive members of the organization. The employees will be less pressurized to compromise their own ethics and values, making them comfortable and satisfied in their jobs. It will promote equality among all employees, controlling misconduct and sycophancy naturally. An employee will possess greater willingness to report misconduct, if any, knowing the organization will take appropriate

Monday, September 23, 2019

Symbiotic Relationship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Symbiotic Relationship - Essay Example Essentially, this relationship puts emphasis on giving equal effort, since the long-term survival of the above relation leads to both parties surveillance. Coen narrates that ascoglossan placida is herbivorous algae and weakens the abundance and existence of placida on codium. Hitherto, here the placida is an example of a crustacean that protects the codium from predation, hence, symbiotic relation. Eventually this leads to more production of the algae since it reduces the predation of placida on the algae. Ultimately, the algae get protection from placida. Notably, he argues that even though ascoglossanas predates on the seaweeds, molluscan acts as a conservative factor and undergoes stimulation by the non-food algae. Amusingly, polyps cannot move away from their home, which is limestone, and so they feed stagnantly during the night. Zooxanthellae are water algae that live in the tissues of polyps, and usually use the available sunlight to make food. Surprisingly, the shape of coral s results in their surrounding (Coen, 1988). Strong or even weak waves can deform corals’ shape. Eventually, the rising of the coral forms a lagoon, which will fall forming a toll, which becomes molluscan shelter. Glynn, in his book entitled â€Å"Herbivore by crabs and the control of algal epibionts on Caribbean host corals† is herein concerned with how corals provided shelter to crustaceans. That epiphytes provides shelter by giving a cool and moist microhabitat in the presence of low tides in the sea. As much as providing of shelter is met, this epiphyte has many branches that provide security to the small slugs, hence, safe from predation (Glynn, 1983).Anemones, which are sea inhabitants, do relate with the corals. Anemone fishes relate symbiotically with the clownfish whereby the tentacles of the anemone make a good refuge with the fishes in conjunction with its eggs. On the other hand, anemone fishes behave as scare parasites, like butterfly fishes, from their ho st (Lassig, 1977). Moreover, bryozoans usually encrust the reefs by cementing the reefs using their branching colonies on the skeleton of the reefs. A variety of worms, like the polychaetes and the flatworms, find a good home in the reef. Furthermore, crevices in the reef make a critical home for flatworms. Ecosystems consisting of reefs form a diverse environment that inhibits different species collectively. Similarly, Stachowicz puts emphasis on the same shelter relationship and briefs that the ascoglossan’s gets the benefit of refuge and so gets shelter from the epiphytes (Stachowicz, 1999). Stier notes that red snapping shrimps, alphes armatus and the bartholomea annulata have a good symbiotic nature whereby the bartholomea annulata although habitats in shallow water mutual relationship is essential. Since the b.annulata have powerful jaws, they tend to scare the predators against cnidarians, while on the other hand the cnidarians provide shelter to shrimps. Apparently, a well-known example of the crustaceans is the shrimps and the crabs. The mechanism that the crustacean has for protection over its predators is as below: skeleton, which is very hard and has the name carapace, is primarily the organism’s body armor. This keeps away hungry predators that have the ability to bite on them. Periodically, moult phase is the only time that crustacean may be exposable to attack. Lobsters and crabs have a set of gigantic pincers that protect them from predators. In addition, the lobster has a tough biting claw that usually protects it from other animals’ attack, human being inclusive. Stachowicz, J.J narrates the relationship of the Alpheus lotteni with the corals pocillopora damicornis. Symbiosis relationship here is evident as

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Adversary vs. Civil Law Essay Example for Free

Adversary vs. Civil Law Essay The two legal systems in question are the adversary system, most commonly practiced in the United States, and the civil law system, also referred to as the inquisitorial system, most commonly practiced in European countries. Both systems have the same goal; to find the truth. However, each system has a very different path to justice. The adversarial system implies that two parties assume opposite positions in debating the guilt or innocence of an individual. In this scenario, the judge is required to be neutral at the contest unfolding before him or her. The role of the judge in this arrangement is to ensure the trial proceeds according to the procedural rules of trial or due process of law and that evidence entered is done so accordingly. The basis of this approach in criminal matters in which two sides engage in debate and battle about the guilt or innocence of an accused and since each side wants to win, then the debate will foster a critical look at the issues and the evidence to be examined by both parties. See more:Â  Masters of Satire: John Dryden and Jonathan Swift Essay By engaging in this discourse, the truth should emerge as the judge watches on. This means that the roles played on both sides are very distinct. The defense counsel as one adversarial party gather the arguments to defend the client and attacks the credibility and worthiness of the evidence presented. The prosecutor puts forth the arguments on behalf of the state and gathers and presents the evidence pointing that the accused has committed an offense. The judge is the referee and arbitrator on issues related to clarifying what the law is. The judge does not intervene on any side except where procedural fairness is jeopardized by either party as dictated by the Sixth Amendment. In an inquisitorial system, a judge is involved in the preparation of evidence along with the police and in how the various parties are to present their case at the trial. The judge questions witnesses in depth and can even call witnesses to appear while prosecution and defense parties can ask follow up questio ns. The judge plays the central role in finding the truth and all the evidence that either proves the innocence or guilt of the accused before the court. The judge takes on the role of prosecutor and judge in the inquisitorial system. Some other major distinctions is that there are no jury trials in an inquisitorial system and a judge can force an accused to make statements and answer questions. This differs dramatically from the common law and adversarial right not to take the stand in ones own defense. In my opinion, I prefer an adversarial system. I think it does a better job of protecting the rights of those accused of crime than does the inquisitorial system. One of the key reasons for this is the use of juries in an adversarial system. In an inquisitorial system, judges determine the facts, and then make their decision. Often a small number of judges would make that decision, and perhaps even just one man. In contrast, a jury is made up of 12 people, not always which allows fo r a broader range of experiences and opinions, which ought to secure more consideration of what has been proved. Another weakness of the inquisitorial system is the role that the judges play. Not only do they act as the judge and the jury, they will often act as prosecutors. This is a huge conflict of interest, and is extremely harmful to the accused. A judge who is also acting as a prosecutor is not going to be unbiased, and will not act as a neutral decision maker. In an adversarial system, however, the prosecutor is separate from the judge, and appears before the judge like any other lawyer. The United State could never use the civil law system because of Constitutional problems. For instance, to avoid putting responsibility for the search of truth in the hands of judicial agents of the state the Sixth Amendment guarantees the right to trial by jury but of course civil law countries generally do not use juries except for certain countries in capital cases. Other rights include the right to effective council; to testify on his/her behalf; to compel the testimony of others; to confront accusers; and the right to cross examination. The Fifth Amendment privilege of self-incrimination further limits the powers of the states. Good job identifying multiple c onstitutional problems and pointing out where the protections are found in the Constitution. Case in Point: State of New Mexico v Valdez, 95 N.M 70 (Supreme Ct. of N.M., 1980) underline or italicize case name The defendant in this case, Richard Valdez, had been convicted of armed robbery in a district court. He appealed since a fellow inmate, Richard Garcia, had confessed to the crime in front of his former attorney, Alice Hector, who was a public defender. Also present during the confession was Garcia’s attorney, a public defender under Hector, the district public defender. This attorney warned Garcia that Hector was not his attorney and any statement Garcia made would be used at the defendants trial and could be detrimental to his own interests. Garcia repeated his confession to Hector and indicated his willingness to testify on defendants behalf. Garcia later changed his mind and exercised his Fifth Amendment right refusing to testify. The court upheld an objection to Hect or’s testimony of the confession based on attorney-client privilege. Although Ms. Hector was not directly involved in the representation of Garcia, her staff was, and all information obtained by them was thereby imputed to her.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Training Session Essay Example for Free

Training Session Essay In this task I am going to design a six week training programme for two selected contrasting clients, I will the explain the choice of activities for these clients. I will then justify these choices for both of my clients and I will suggest alternatives for activities. For my first client I have chosen two main areas of improvement, these areas would be core strength and cardiovascular endurance. I have chosen these two areas because from the exercises and fitness test that we have performed my client has showed a weakness in those areas and they would like to improve on these areas. Week 1 For the first week I have decided to introduce both core strength and cardiovascular exercises, I have stated that I would like my client to start at 12 in the afternoon and I would like her to work at around 50 percent intensity. I would have her start off with a general warm up e.g. 10 minute jog and stretches. The session would last 10 minutes with a 30 second rest between each set and a 1 minute rest after each exercise. Then I would progress into the training programme, the first exercise I would have her do would be 2 sets of 20 sit ups. I chose sit ups because they are a good way of improving the strength and tone of stomach muscles which will help in developing core strength. I have chosen this exercise rather than crunches because I feel that crunches might be too hard to do at first, but when she can do more sit ups I will then progress it onto crunches. An alternative to sit ups would be leg raises because they will work the same muscles, at the amount of stress and my client might find them easier than sit ups. I would then go onto 2 sets of 12 men’s style press ups; I have chosen this style of press ups because this will help the strength in her arms as well as the strength of her abdominals and will help improve core strength. I have chosen these rather than woman’s style press ups because I feel like she will benefit more from men’s style because she will have to work harder and her muscle will develop better because this exercise is harder for her than the other type. So the alternative for this exercise would be the woman’s style press up, it is easier than the other style and my client might be able to perform more, and it would still be working the same muscle groups, that is why I have chosen this as an alternative. I would then move onto 2 sets of 12 lungs with a 2kg weight in one hand: I chose this exercise because I feel that it will help my client’s core strength, leg strength and  will also improve her balance. I chose to use a weight rather than not to use one because it will put her muscles under more stress and will make it harder for her which will help the muscles that she is using cope with future exercises. An alternative exercise would be to do lunges but do not use a weight, because it will be easier for my client to do the exercise but will still put strain and stress on the muscles groups that she is using. For the final exercise I would have my client do 2 sets of 12 squats: I chose this exercise because it will help develop the stomach muscles, improve leg strength, and will help improve core stability. I chosen to do this exercise rather than burpes because I think overall this will help with more things and improve her core strength greater than doing burpes. An alternative exercise would be to perform jump squats, for less repetitions, I chose this because I think it will still use the same muscle groups but because it is an explosive exercise it could put the body under more strain which will help develop the muscles that we are using. Second day For this day I am going to concentrate on core strength, I would like my client to work at 30 percent intensity it is a low intensity but I have chosen this because her muscles will need to time to recover from the exercise on the first day. She will need to start these exercises at 12 in the afternoon. For these exercises I would need her to do a general warm up for 10 minutes but focus more on stretching the muscles that will be in use. The session will last about 10 minutes with a 1 minute rest between each exercise and a 20 second rest between each set. The first exercise that I want my client to do is 2 sets of 20 crunches, I chose this exercise because it is a good way of using all of your abdominal muscles and will help improve core strength and stability. I chose this exercise rather than regular sit ups because sit ups don’t use all of the abdominal muscles and don’t put as much strain on these muscles unlike crunches. An alternative to doing crunches would be to go back to doing regular sit ups, this is easier than doing the crunches but it will still help on improving core strength and stability because it is still using the abdominal muscles. Then I would move onto doing the core stability exercise the plank. I chose to use the plank because it shows me how good my clients core strength and stability is and it is a great way to tone up the abdominal muscles and improve strength  in that area. An alternative to the plank could be press ups, my client would still be using the same muscles but this would improve the strength of her arms and would still help tone up and define the stomach muscles. Then the final exercise that I would have my client perform would be the leg raise hold. I chose this exercise because it helps tone up and develop the strength of the abdominal muscles and it is another way of me seeing the ability of my client core strength. An alternative to doing the lag raise hold w ould be to do leg raises, my client would still be using the same muscles and it would be easier for my client to do that’s why it would be a good alternative. T hird day For this day I am going to concentrate on core stability and strength. I would like my client to work at 40 percent intensity I have chosen this intensity because we the day before we have concentrated on core strength and I don’t want my client to become injured. I want my client to concentrate on doing stretches for this warm up so that she doesn’t pull a muscle or strain one because we are using the same muscle groups all the time. The session will last 10 minutes and will have 30 rests between each exercise. The first exercise that I want my client to perform is going to be 2 sets of 12 leg raises. I chose this exercise because it helps strengthen the stomach muscles and also helps tone the muscles that are being used. I chosen this rather than just doing sit ups because it’s something different and it will stop my client from becoming bored of doing the same exercises. An alternative of doing this exercise would be do perform sit up it would still be using the same muscles but won’t help tone and define them as much as leg raises do. The second exercise that I want my client to do is going to be the sit up bike for 1 minute. I chose this exercise because it will help strengthen and tone up the stomach muscles and will help develop the muscles for later exercises. I chose this instead of the leg raise hold because I think this is a good change and will keep my client interested in the training programme. An alternative to this exercise could be sit ups, they still work the same muscle groups and will still help develop the muscles un that area. The third exercise that I would like my client to do would be the plank for 1 minute.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Defining The Input And Output Devices Computer Science Essay

Defining The Input And Output Devices Computer Science Essay In the Airline, input and output devices are significant equipment to operate the information system. Input devices are hardware components that enable users to interact with the computer and used to transfer data from outside world to computer system. Without input devices, you would not able to feed instructions to a computer. The most common input devices are mouse, keyboard, scanner, webcam, touch screen, microphone and so on. Another input devices are not apply on Airline. Output devices are any peripheral that receives or displays output from a computer. It is also data processing carried out by information in either visual or auditory format to show at equipment. The most common output devices are monitor, printer and speaker. 2.2 The input and output devices communicate with computer Nowadays, the Airlines Company uses the advanced technology to operate with smoothly. Input devices can divide up to pointing devices, pen-based computing, voice recognition and optical scanning. In pointing devices, keyboards are a most commonly devices for entering data and text to the computer system. Pointing devices benefits have issuing commands, making decision and responding immediately display on monitor screen or printer (MBA Knowledge Base, 2010). For example, counter girl make use of keyboard to input the passengers personal information and confirm the passengers seats. It can manipulate simply and reduce the wrong information. Besides that, electronic mouse is the most popular pointing devices to move the cursor on the screen, likewise make icon and menu selections (MBA Knowledge Base, 2010). Passengers can use the mouse to activate various activities selected to check the information they needs. Touch screen also a device can use the computer to touch the surface to dis play on the screen. The computer senses the point in the grid where break occur and respond with propriety feedback. There are many touch screen system set up in the waiting hall for passengers use. Pen-based computing are most being used in many personal digital assistants. The PDA has fast processers and software that recognizes of handwriting. It can substitute of writing on paper to the screen seem send e-mail, make selections and enter hand written data into the main computer (MBA Knowledge Base, 2010). For example, the Airlines Companyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s supervisor can send some minor and emergency message to inform headquarters. Voice recognition is the easiest way for data entry, world processing and conversational computing. It is most natural method to communicate with computer. Voice input has become a new trend and convenience technology to use. Voice recognition systems analyze and classify speech or vocal tract patterns and convert them into digital codes for entry into the computer system. Basically, voice recognition system is being require training recognize the voice to differentiate and achieve high degree accuracy. So the voice recognize system have huge vocabularies to provide help to support the system. Another, speaker-independent voice recognition systems also enable understand few word from the voice it has never heard before (MBA Knowledge Base, 2010). For illustration, telemarketing surveys, stock quotations services, airlines ticket-booking systems and account balance inquiries. The advantages of using voice recognition system is permit operators entry data without using hands to key in data and write down data in paper, they can provide the data as fast as possible and more exact input. Optical scanning devices read text or graphics and convent them into digital input to the computer. There are many types of optical scanners; they are use photoelectric devices to scan the characters. Compact desktop scanners have cheaper and ease for personal computer so they are more popularize. In addition, flatbed scanners are faster and provide higher revolution color scanning but it is larger and more expensive than another optical scanner (MBA Knowledge Base, 2010)s. For example, airport use the optical scanners to scanning the passengers airlines tickets to confirm the passengers personal data. It also can make sure passengers check in to the passengers compartment. Other that, output devices is most information from the computer to export visual or auditory format such as printer, speaker, monitors and other wise. The purpose of the output devices is to translate the data to information for computer user. There include visual response, sound and media devices. Monitor is hardware to display visual output for the user. The images use video card processes to shows as monitor. Monitor and video card quality is identify how the definition of images. Video card just affect the images not related with word and office work (Lysis, 2010). The airlines companies set up the monitor on every seat for passengerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s entertainment and inquire about location of flying. It is customer services and facilities to passengers on the way. Speaker is hardware to output the sound for the user. Speaker and sound card are use at the same time, there are depend quality of this two component to give determine the detail. This type of sound setup is used by multimedia creators (Lysis, 2010). For example, airport have many speaker set up in anywhere, they can utilize the facilities to inform importance message to all the people in airport. Printers are an external hardware device to taking computer data and generating a hard copy data. There have matrix ribbon printers, matrix ink-jet printers and laser printers. Laser printers are the most common use in Airlines Company (Lysis, 2010). For example, they are using printers to print out some news or airline tickets. Owing to the world goes on the green campaign, so there are many company apply the technology to reduce in paper and globosity resources. 2.3 Input and output devices provide a high-level implemental environment in customer services Nowadays, Input and output devices provide a high-level implemental environment for the airlines company services. Competition in the airlines industry is at all-time high, challenging providers to reduce costs while improving quality (Nelson publishing, 2000). In this environment, airline companies strive for attractive customers and carry though exist customers. It is more challenging and arduous works. National Airlines has experienced tremendous success meeting the high demand for air travel to and from Las Vegas (Fred Crescente, 2000). They use cost- effective interactive voice response (IVR) to advance the customers services and growing the support system for customers. IVR offers National Airlines the flexibility to leverage in-house Web- development staff to speedy develop and response new voice application as soon as possible. This tool is increase the customers demand and enhance the competitive promotions. Input and output devices have increased overall sufficiency though lower costs. Callers requiring immediate and timely flight information can now access data instantly, with virtually no time spent waiting for an agent (Crescente, 2000). Input devices can provide the customers booking airlines ticket faster than service counters. Besides that, customers also can use the internet to booking tickets and get a new promotion. Output devices is perform to company understand the customer demand. They can satisfy the customerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s request to achieve the target of company. In between, input and output devices need to balance the company supply and customer demand. Customer services is important part of Airline Company, it can represent the airlines image. 2.4 Conclusion In conclusion, we understand the input and output devices perform a significant role in information system. It can help the users to communicate with the internet. The internet can share the new information to whole country people. Input devices are tools to input the data into the computer to make process. Output devices are passing by the data processed to display the information for reference. Base on my understanding, airline companies are using the technology devices to improve the implement and speed. Airline Company interacts with the airport to achieve the best customer services. Customers will be enjoys the flies from the beginning and the end. No matter the any problem was occur, they also can manage it by information system. In my opinion, Airline Company may increase the internet customer services because can reduce the paper work to reach go green on the world. The information system with technology is more modernize in this era.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Tone in Sylvia Plaths Lady Lazarus Essay -- Sylvia Plath Lady Lazarus

Tone in Sylvia Plath's "Lady Lazarus" In â€Å"Lady Lazarus† by Sylvia Plath, the speaker’s tone is revealed through many different poetic aspects. Throughout her writing, the speaker’s attitude towards death appears to be happy but, when looking more closely at Plath’s use of poetic devices her attitude is bitter. Shown mainly through the diction, images, sounds and repetition, this depressing tone emphasizes the speaker’s feelings about death. First, diction or word choice used throughout this poem depicts apart the meaning and stresses the tone. Next, the images used to describe the speaker’s experiences with death shows the emotions and thoughts that go through the speaker’s mind concerning death. These events the speaker experiences give a vivid description, which reveal her attitude. Lastly, the repetition and sounds throughout the poem encourage the importance of the poem. Through diction, images, repetition and sounds depicts apart the poem in showing the tr ue meaning and most essentially, the part of this poem that reveals her attitude towards death. The title is the first indication that Plath uses diction to underline the tone and attitudes towards death by the speaker. â€Å"Lady Lazarus† firsts suggests that this speaker is a woman. Then, for â€Å"Lazarus† Plath alludes to an occurrence in the Bible, where Jesus Christ raised Lazarus from the dead (John 11:44). This use of diction from the beginning shows that Plath’s speaker or the woman’s manner and outlook towards death, which means that she has attempted suicide, but has not been successful. Next, in the first line of the poem, â€Å"I have done it again† (1), suggests disappointment and sadness in this woman’s life. This first statement therefore, brings the ... ... tone of the speaker through her attitude. In conclusion, Plath’s exercises various poetic devises that emphasize the attitude towards death by the speaker. Diction as a poetic devise shows though the choices that Plath makes in the selection of her words to depict the unenthusiastic tone of the poem. Then, the next poetic devise used is imagery, which was the most affective devise because of the vivid images the audience can imagine in their own minds. This approach also represents the depressing attitude and tone towards death. Lastly, the sounds and repetition are also used to show and express the downing aspects of the poem, including the tone and the attitude of the speaker. All together they make up just some of the important poetic devises that are being used in this poem that can analyze the speaker’s attitude towards death, which clearly is deadly.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Mother Teresa :: essays research papers

Matt Miller   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   3-15-00 Mr. Thorp Morality Per. A Mother Teresa   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Mother Teresa was a powerful woman with her missions and countless acts of mercy. Powerful leaders in our world today should learn from Mother Teresa and her countless acts of mercy, which she performed. Often men and women in powerful positions misuse their strengths simply for their own personal benefit. Mother Teresa is a perfect example of a modern day saint. Through her love and guidance of Jesus Christ, Mother Teresa proves to be savior. Now if you compare Mother Teresa to some of today’s wealthy politics and the way they conduct themselves, you will see a great contrast between to two. Mother Teresa does not work out of the intent to profit but instead out of her love to help others, like no other women our society has seen.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Mother Teresa used her power of love from God to help those in desperate need. Mother Teresa didn’t get paid for anything she did nor would she except money from organizations or donations. It was not like Mother Teresa had an overwhelming amount of money but she was simply a person who devoted her entire life to serving others and helping those in need. Many people may not have noticed it, but all Mother Teresa had to do was touch a person and that was almost enough. She helped thousands of people in poor countries with ailing diseases, but most importantly see touched the souls of common men. She made even the rich and selfish take a deep look into their lives, which brought out the best in everyone. When one person can captivate the world as she could, it makes you realize how very important she really was. It was not always what she did, but rather how she conducted herself while doing it. For all the many deeds she did, she never once asked for anythin g in return. Most leaders today are very selfish and are only contributing to society when they feel it looks good for their image.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Leaders such as Mother Teresa should be highly respected for their accomplishments. It is people like Mother Teresa who give us all a new meaning to life. She truly proved that one person can really make a difference in the lives of millions. Mother Teresa set examples for future generations to continue her work. This shows how much of an impact she truly had.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Lady Capulet Analysis Essay

Capulet’s wife is the matriarch of the house of Capulet, and Juliet’s mother. She plays a larger role than Montague’s wife, appearing in several scenes. In Act One, Scene three, she refuses to talk to her daughter about marriage, as she feels uncomfortable about it, but in Scene four, she is pleased about Count Paris’s â€Å"interest† in her daughter. When Tybalt is killed in Act Three, she expresses extreme grief and a strong desire for revenge on Romeo. In Act Three, Scene 5, she becomes very angry with Juliet for refusing to marry Paris, and she coldly rejects her, saying â€Å"Talk not to me, for I’ll not speak a word; do as thou wilt, for I am done with thee†. By the final act, she is nearly overcome by the tragic events of the play.[6] We know that Juliet was born when her mother was 14, thus she is about 28 years old, and her husband is many years older than her. Calling her â€Å"Lady Capulet† is a modern convention; it is an echo of Juliet’s form of address in 3.5.65: â€Å"my lady mother†.[4] In the first quartos the stage direction and speech headings can be â€Å"mother†, â€Å"wife†, or even â€Å"old lady†, but nowhere â€Å"Lady Capulet†. Lady Capulet Character Analysis Like many other mothers of teens, Lady Capulet and her daughter clearly have a troubled relationship. The interactions between Lady Capulet and Juliet are strained and distant. Lady Capulet does make an effort to reach out to her daughter now that she’s of an age to be married. But it’s obvious that Juliet’s closest bond is with the Nurse; Lady Capulet never even comes close to challenging that. As a result, Lady Capulet doesn’t come across as a particularly great mom. The big question with her character is why. Why isn’t she close to her daughter? Why isn’t she supportive when Juliet needs her most? Just when Juliet needs her mom’s support, Lady Capulet coldly ignore her daughter’s pleas to help her avoid marrying Paris. After Lord Capulet storms out, Juliet turns to her mother to soften her father’s punishment. Juliet begs her even to delay the marriage. Lady Capulet responds, â€Å"Talk not to me, for I’ll not say a word / Do as thou wilt, for I have done with thee† (3.5.15). That’s pretty cold. What’s up with that? There could be a few different things going on here. It seems very likely that Lady Capulet herself had an arranged marriage with Juliet’s father, and it seems she went along with it obediently. When Juliet rebels against the planned marriage with Paris, she is rebelling against her mother’s way of life, and against the kind of marriage that Lady Capulet learned to suffer through. If Lord Capulet is an abusive husband, that gives Lady Capulet further reason to refuse to defy his wishes, even for the sake of her daughter. Also, in Shakespeare’s day, women were expected to be â€Å"obedient† to their husbands. We should also mention that some rather edgy modern interpretations of the play go so far as to say that Lady Capulet is having an affair; or at least actively pursuing one. We’re guessing these productions of the play are picking up on Lady Capulet’s over-the-top praise of Paris’s manly virtues (1.3.9) and her excessive grief over Tybalt’s death (3.5.7 The Nurse foils the character of Juliet’s mother, Lady Capulet. As her mother, Lady Capulet should know everything that there is about her daughter; she should know how old she is and her innermost feelings. However, Lady Capulet knows neither. Early on in Act 1, Lady Capulet is unsure of Juliet’s age and the Nurse has an extended speech in which she explains to Juliet’s mother how she knows how old Juliet is better than her mother does. Additionally, throughout the play, it is the Nurse that Juliet goes to for advice and assistance, not her mother. From the beginning of the play it becomes obvious that Juliet Capulet is being pushed into the idea of marriage by her mother, Lady Capulet. Lady Capulet is a minor character who first enters the play by demanding to speak to her daughter. She explains to Juliet that a handsome man named Paris would like to be her husband, and makes it clear that his wealth will bring Juliet an easy lifestyle. Her speech is unselfish, and shows that she does care for her daughter. Her round character exhibits her impatience and her inability to maintain a relationship with her daughter. This is proven when Juliet’s mother is left in the dark about her secrets, and the Nurse is confided in. The Nurse acts as a foil to Lady Capulet because of her nurturing nature. In the time period, the rich are portrayed as proper and superior, and an appropriate lady must remain obedient to her husband. So when Capulet threatens to throw Juliet into the streets it is only natural that Lady Capulet supports his decision. The play conveys Lady Capulet as rude and self-serving, but also as a caring mother. By being an opulent noblewoman in the late 1500’s she comes across as snobby which can be overlooked due to the time period. The first time you see Lady Capulet in the movie â€Å"Romeo and Juliet† you notice her eccentric behavior. Her apparel and attitude scream for attention. When she speaks with Juliet about marriage it seems that she wants her to marry wealthy Paris for her own†¦

Monday, September 16, 2019

Family Adaptation on Pregnancy Essay

THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND 1.1 Introduction and Background of the Study Based on latest Census of Population and Housing, which was conducted last May 1 2010, the household population of the Philippines reached 92,097,978. From this number, the total population of City of Muntinlupa, Barangay Tunasan is 51,033. Family works together and how well it can organize itself against potential threats depends its structure (who its members are) and its function (the activities or roles family members carry out). (Crea, Barth, & Chintapalli, 2007). Pregnancy is such a huge change in a woman’s life that is brings about more psychological changes than any other life event besides puberty (Rojas, Wood, & Blakemore, 2007). A woman’s attitude toward a pregnancy depends a great deal on psychological aspects such as the environment in which she was raised, the messages about pregnancy her family communication and others. (Darby, 2007). For many families, the stage at which children leave to establish their own households is the most difficult stage because it  appears as like breaking up the family. This stage may represent a loss of self-esteem for parents, who feel themselves being replaced by other people in their children’s live. As well as the feelings of siblings, they feel some jealousy and less able to cope up. To support the statement above, a nurse can serve as an important counselor to such as family. He or she who is planning to have an own family is what they have spent a long time preparing them to do, or that leaving the home is positive, not a negative, step in family growth. Muntinlupa City is composed of 9 Barangays and one of these is, Barangay Tunasan, with an estimated land area of 950 hectares, a population of more or less 75,000 inhabitants residing in the barrio proper and in different Subdivision, Puroks and Sitios. It has 13 Subdivisions and Villages, 7 Puroks and 12 Sitios and 1 Industrial Complex, housing 25 factories and business establishments. With that, the focus of this study is to determine how the families adapt to pregnancy considering that based on a study, the chosen community which is the barrio proper, found out that there are insufficiencies in their Health Center and medical supplies are inadequate. 1.2 Statement of the Problem The study aims to answer the following questions: 1) What is the demographic profile of respondents when grouped according to: a. Gender b. Religion c. Educational attainment 2) What is the type of family adaptation of respondents as to: a. Type of Family b. Family Finances c. Health d. Spiritual Growth e. Emotional Support f. Level of coping g. Stress Management 3) Is there a significant relationship between the demographic profile variables and the concept of family adaptation of the respondents when grouped according to: a. Gender b. Religion c. Educational attainment 1.3 Hypotheses Ho1: there is no significant relationship between gender of the respondents and the concept of family adaptation on pregnancy Ho2: there is no significant relationship between religion of the respondents and the concept of family adaptation on pregnancy Ho3: there is no significant relationship between educational attainment of the respondents and the concept of family adaptation on pregnancy 1.4 Significance of the study Community: In the chosen community, the study will serve as a guide to the family on how to adapt on pregnancy and for the Barangay Health Workers to be able to assist the family and have a deeper understanding to the said program and do appropriate health actions in line with the perceived adaptation on pregnancy. Nursing Students: this study will help students understand on how the family adapts to pregnancy and for them to apply their skills and knowledge, to be able to carry out appropriate interventions utilizing the nursing process. School of Nursing: this study will serve as basis for improvements and enhancement of teaching content for the family Future Researchers: this study will serve as a guide and reference and baseline information to further develop studies. The study can also open in development of the study. Participants: this study will help participants to improve their health promoting behaviors according to the least frequent healthy behavior. Researcher: this study will help the researcher gain knowledge on how to properly make a research paper according to its process. 1.5 Objectives of the study Main purpose: The study is aim towards describing the family adaptation on  pregnancy. Specifically, it is aimed to: 1) determine the demographic profile of the respondents  2) determine the type of family adaptation on pregnancy of the respondents 3) determine the significant relationship between the demographic profile variables of the respondents and their adaptation to pregnancy 1.6 Scope Delimitation and Limitations of the Study This study is focus on the adaptation among selected families living in Barangay Tunasan, Arandia Street, Muntinlupa City.   As subjects of this study, complete enumeration was utilized according to the criterion. Family with ages 18 and above living in Barangay Tunasan, Muntinlupa City regardless of their gender and socio-economic status. This study is limited only on assessment of the family adaptation on pregnancy of families of the chosen community. The study does not cover interventions to be given whether the result showed need to improve their adaptation on pregnancy. References:¶ms=request_._barangay_.._id_._2

Sunday, September 15, 2019

The Question of Female Citizenship

The Question of Female Citizenship Catherine Tupper In the early 1800’s a young man by the name of James Martin was denied by the lower court when he claimed that his deceased mother’s property in the United States was confiscated from his family. After being denied for an appeal in the lower court, James appealed his decision to the Supreme Judicial Court. The problem at conflict in this case was whether or not James mother, Anna, was defined as a feme-covert or as a citizen of The United States. This court case was called Martin v. Massachusetts.According to the Source, in eighteenth-century Anglo-America a married women, by law, was known as a feme-covert. A woman considered a feme-covert was completely covered by her husband and had no recognized legal identity. She had no right to buy, sell or own property independently of her husband. In the case of Martin v. Massachusetts, the plaintiff James Martin presented the fact that his late mother left the United States b ecause his father did. In other words, Anna had no choice due to the feme-covert law which states that the man speaks and acts for the wife.The argument made by the ter-tenants was that Anna had the right to stay and claim citizenship due to the fact that all of the land owned by her husband was indeed hers because it was passed down by her father. In the end, the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts ruled that Anna Martin was bound by her marriage vows and had to follow her husband to England. The court reversed the confiscation and the land was returned to the Martin family. Due to the fact that the confiscation of Anna Martin’s property was reversed, the justices stated that women could not act independently of her husband in political or economic matters.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Ideal Types of Authorities

SOC 1301-01 Ideal Types of Authorities According to Max Weber, there are three kinds of authority: the legal rational authority, the charismatic authority and the traditional authority. President Nixon, Adolf Hitler and Moroccan Monarch Hassan II were all great leaders. However, the source of their powerful domination and their political leadership differ from one to another. In fact, considering a â€Å"Weberian† classification, we will consider Nixon as a legal rational leader, Hitler as a charismatic leader and Hassan II as a traditional leader.In this paper, we will try to emphasize the characteristics of each one of them based on their domestic or foreign policies. And then we will see their resemblance and similarities. Richard Milhous Nixon was sworn in as president on November 5, 1968 with only five hundred fifty thousand votes more than the Democratic candidate, and Vice-President under Johnson administration, Hubert Humphrey. (Strober & Strober, 2003) According to We ber: â€Å"Rulership is seen to rest on legal authority. As citizens of constitutional governments we assent to authority because its powers are based on procedures and institutions which have been legally enacted. (Whimster, 2004) Nixon is a legal rational leader since his authority is tied to the American government that is a rational and bureaucratic institution. As he was putting his administration together, â€Å"Nixon was always bringing in new people†¦this was one of the keys to his success. † He chose to work with a small group of assistants, advisors â€Å"and his longtime secretary Rose Mary Woods. † Nixon had a simple, but efficient philosophy: to bring in new blood to his administration. â€Å"He understood that people can perform up to a certain level; then they may lose interest, or may get bored. Moreover, one of his biggest strength was his political foresight. â€Å"Some of the best political minds of the past twenty years have been Nixonâ€⠄¢s finds. † (Strober & Strober, 2003) Domestically, Nixon believed in equality in the repartition of civil rights. He insisted that the country should help black people and that â€Å"the answer was to give them a chance to be capitalists – not just jobs† but figure out a way to have them involved in the American economy and the capitalist system. Afterwards, black people began to have more ‘office’ jobs and less hysical or illegal jobs, for instance â€Å"they became employers and tax payers,† which â€Å"shifts the whole burden in the economy. † Nixon also believed that although it was not necessarily a good political move because it will not get the administration any votes, they â€Å"will do it, because it’s the right thing to do. He had a conviction that that was something that needed to be done. † Subsequently, the program was called Minority Business and was expanded to â€Å"four ethnic groupings of people in th e United States that are considered by the Congress to be minorities: blacks, Hispanics, Asians, and American Indians. It was a success but what Nixon mostly saw in it was what he called â€Å"an equal Place at the starting line. † Nixon continued to fulfill his domestic policy, and one of his most remarkable works in this area is clearly the integration of the South. His â€Å"administration had to desegregate the school systems† they tend to do it in a diplomatic way in order not to impose radical changes on very conservative people in the South. â€Å"And by 1972, the South had some of the most integrated systems in the country. This whole integration issue made Nixon very popular in the South. (Strober & Strober, 2003) Furthermore, Nixon brought reforms to ex-President Johnson’s Health care system. In Nixon’s proposal on health care systems, he proposed a health insurance coverage that everyone would benefit from and created the Environmental Protect ion Agency. According to Max Weber â€Å"The charismatic leader gains and maintains authority solely by proving his strength in life. If he wants to be a prophet, he must perform miracles; if he wants to be a warlord, he must ‘prove’ itself in that those who faithfully surrender to him must fare well.If they do not fare well, he is obviously not the master sent by the gods. † (Weber, 1946) Thus, Weber’s notion of â€Å"Charismatic leadership† perfectly suits Adolf Hitler. Since he joined the German Worker’s Party in 1919, he generated a cult around his person. In 1933, Hitler became Chancellor of the third Reich and in the same year the Reichstag passed the â€Å"Enabling act of 1933† that gave Hitler full power. Moreover, after the death of the president Eidenburg, Hitler became Fuhrer of the 3rd Reich, which is the fusion of Chancellor and president. Nicholls, 2011) therefore, he was the leader of the â€Å"German nation defined in racial terms†¦he was the leader for whom people had been waiting: The Hitler Myth. † People placed him above every sacred thing in their lives; then it made â€Å"it possible for him to retain his status as charismatic leader. † Traditional authority rests on â€Å"an established belief in the sanctity of immemorial traditions and the legitimacy of those exercising authority under them. † (Swedberg, 2005) Hence, this kind of rulership â€Å"involves subjects accepting rule because the king or chief has always exercised power. (Whimster, 2004) This definition is applicable on the deceased king of Morocco Hassan II. His reign extended from 1961 until his dead in 1999 after he had inherited the throne from the Alaouite dynasty generally and from his father Mohammed V in particular. Hassan II was a conservative; he established the first Moroccan constitution in 1963 and it granted him with large powers. Hassan II and Adolf Hitler were both characterized by thei r strong rulership. Hitler was a dictator who transformed the Weimar Republic into a totalitarian regime known as the third Reich.Thereafter, he drove the whole nation into World War II. On the other hand, Hassan II whose methods also were too radical, if not to say dictatorial, was at the head of an authoritarian government or a disguised dictatorship. Under it people did not enjoy their civil rights, they lived a dark period called â€Å"years of lead† because of the brutality, the assassination such as the case of Ben Barka who was kidnapped from a pubic area in Paris, and the deportations to Tazmamarte prison.Otherwise, although Hitler was a dictator, he came to power in a legal manner when his party the National Socialist German Workers Party came at the head of the electoral vote with 43. 9% in 1933. Unlike Nixon and Hassan II, Hitler is very segregationist and he was willing to fulfill his pan-Germanist ideology to gather German origin people in one country. He eradica ted black people, Jews and the disabled while Hassan II gave the same rights to Moroccan Jews and Muslims, and Nixon established health care programs for ill and disabled people. Nicholls, 2011) Furthermore, Nixon, Hassan II and Hitler had different foreign policies. The keyword of Nixon’s foreign affairs was ‘overture. ’ As soon as installed in the White House along with Kissinger, his National Security Advisor, Nixon planned to withdraw from the War in Vietnam. Nixon firmly believed that â€Å"the American policy should be one that stressed the withdrawal of external forces. † (Lee & Haynsworth, 2002) Hassan II was an ally of the West especially the USA; he also was a intermediate between the Arab world and Israel. (Dalle, 2011).However, Hitler’s plan was to eliminate all Germany’s enemies especially France and the USSR. He also planed to make Germany economically self-sufficient by series of territorial conquests in Central Europe, France and USSR. (Nicholls, 2011) In conclusion, we may say that according to Weber notions of ideal types of authorities and kinds of leaders, Nixon is a rational legal leader, Hitler is a charismatic figure and Hassan II is a traditional leader. However, we also notice that these classifications are not radical; therefore, one leader can fit in two or all the types of Weber’s ideal type of authority.Consequently, in our case, Hassan II and Nixon are also charismatic figures in addition to their original classification. Even though people believe Hitler came to power with brutality and terror, he actually became chancellor in a legal democratic way. In 1933, the national Socialist German Worker’s party won the popular vote and then Hitler was appointed Chancellor. Then he used manipulative (Reichstag incendiary) and brutal ways (imprisonment of political opponent) to become the Reich Fuhrer. Thus, Hitler was also a legal rational leader once he became chancellor of Germany.O therwise, Weber’s classification of types of authorities does not mean that each category of leaders share the same values and govern with the same manner. Indeed, Both Hitler and Nixon were charismatic, and legal rational leaders, yet Nixon was an ardent defender of Human and civil rights. He launched programs of desegregations and health care systems, and withdrew the American troops from Vietnam. On the other hand, Hitler started World War II and invaded several countries such as France and Poland. Further, he was responsible of the holocaust and created a segregationist program of pan-Germanism to gather German people in Germany.References Dalle, I. (2011). Hassan II: entre tradition et absolutisme. Paris: Fayard. Nicholls, D. (2003). Adolf Hitler: A Biographical Companion.. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO. Swedberg, R. , & Agevall, O. (2005). The Max Weber dictionary: key words and central concepts. Stanford, Calif. : Stanford Social Sciences. Weber, M. , Gerth, H. H. , & Mills, C. W. (1946). From Max Weber: Essays in sociology . New York: Oxford University Press. Weber, M. , & Whimster, S. (2004). The essential Weber: a reader. London: Routledge.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Assignment - Team Work in Business Essay Example for Free

Assignment – Team Work in Business Essay Some management teams are bound to succeed while other are not due to a number of factors. A team, according to Adair (1986), is more than just a group with a common aim. It is a group in which the contributions of individuals are seen as complementary. Collaboration, working together, is the keynote of a team activity. Adair suggests that the test of an effective team is: â€Å"whether its members can work as a team while they are apart, contributing to a sequence of activities rather than to a common task, which requires their presence in one place and at one time. † Below is a discussion of some of the major factors that create a difference between winning and losing management teams . Management teams are usually formed by a sponsor who recognizes that reaching an organizational goal will require a group of individuals working together to provide the leadership necessary to move a company, division or unit towards the organization’s goals. It is the sponsor’s responsibility to create a ‘charter’ that establishes the management team and its primary focus. In addition, the sponsor establishes specific goals the team is to accomplish. The sponsor will also select the team leader and gain his or her commitment to lead the leadership team in defining and carrying out the needed actions. Lack of will or proper direction by the sponsor ( e. g board of directors in a company) can lead to team failure. These include physical factors such as working proximity, plant or office layout. In general, close proximity aids group identity and loyalty, and distance reduces them. Other environmental issues include the traditions of the organisation under which the management team operates, and leadership styles. Formal organisations tend to adopt formal group practices. Autocratic leadership styles prefer group activities to be directed. Small groups tend to be more cohesive than larger groups; small groups tend to encourage full participation; large groups contain greater diversity of talent. A shared understanding of the management team’s stakeholders, their expectations of the team, and the values the team embraces is essential to create the focus needed as the management team members plan and execute the actions necessary to achieve the team’s goals. Specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound goals should be established by the team’s sponsor and then broken into sub-goals by the management team. Without SMART goals, the team will lack the milestones necessary to drive action. Team leadership is the most critical success factor for the performance management team. A leader with strong performance management skills and the ability to develop others virtually guarantees a successful performance initiative. Every management team needs a leader who focuses the members of the team on the mission, purpose, and goals of the team. This individual must be committed to the team’s results and must be willing to be held accountable by the team’s sponsor and other stakeholders, for leading the team through processes that insure the team’s goals are reached. The team leader must engage each team member in the processes of the team and build a platform of mutual trust that leads to open debate, collaboration, individual commitment, and personal accountability. The most important element of successful team work is the establishment of a platform of mutual trust that enables the management team to engage in open debate and decision making that leads to commitments to action by individual members of the team. Building this trust requires an openness that allows team members to know and understand the beliefs and behaviors of all members of the team so that team actions can be structured to take advantage of each member’s uniqueness and talents. Behavioral and values assessments are powerful tools in developing an understanding how each member of the management team views themselves and responds to others in the team. An effective management team will have team members who are actively engaged in the work and focus of the team. This will require that each team member emotionally commits to actively and openly participate in the team’s processes in the pursuit of the team’s goals. The team member must willingly commit to carry out action plans to complete individual actions necessary for the team to reach their team goals. The team member must be dependable and carry the full weight of personal responsibility to complete their individual commitments by the date committed to. Engaged team members enthusiastically support each other and add value to other team members. They prepare for team processes and choose to engage others in a positive manner to find solutions to issues and challenges they individually or as a team face. They constantly seek to improve themselves for the benefit of the team and never, never, never quit. The Apollo Syndrome is a phenomenon that having too many people with a high mental abilities grouped together to solve a problem is, in many instances, detrimental to the teamwork process. Team members spend much of their time trying to persuade the team to adopt their own views as well as figuring out ways to point out weaknesses in the rest of the team’s ideas. They have difficulty reaching consensus in decisions and are focused on their own work, paying little attention to what their fellow team members agree doing. Occasionally the team will pick up on the fact they are having problems, but will then overcompensate to avoid confrontation. This leads to even more problems in making sound decisions. A knowledgeable team, skilled at group working, and with a wider range of talents is much more likely to succeed than an inexperienced group with a narrow range of talents. The work of a management team is carried out by individual members of the team. When a team has developed a plan of actions that are necessary to achieve their goals or overcome barriers, individual members must commit to carrying out specific actions which in many cases will include actions by the individual teams they in turn lead. The management team’s collaborative processes must include steps to: * Define individual actions, * Gain the commitments by individual team members to complete the actions, * Document due dates, and * Establish status reporting processes. Team goals will usually not be realized until individual commitments are completed. Management team members must embrace a discipline to complete their commitments as scheduled. They must agree to hold each other personally accountable for completing, as scheduled, the commitments each person has made to the team. Each management team member must continuously report the status of their open commitments to the team so that barriers to completion can be identified early in order to permit the management team leader and other team members the opportunity to deal with the issues before overall deadlines are impacted. 12. Identification and Removal of Barriers Barriers to team and individual progress will occur in every management team effort and must be dealt with quickly to continue progress towards the team’s goals. The team leader must continuously monitor the status of each individual’s commitments and initiate barrier removal processes where appropriate. Team-based processes for developing action plans to overcome barriers impacting individual commitments should be instilled as a part of the team’s culture. The ability for a management team to clearly state it’s goals and objectives and gain buy-in among the people they lead ( e. g. employees )along with a synergistic team that can carry out their responsibilities is vital to performance success. The vision and/or mission of the team must be accepted by all the team members and critical goals viewed as the collective responsibility of the team. If a return to profitability is a critical goal of an executive team, priorities and time commitments must be pulled from elsewhere. Focusing on results that in any way does not support the critical goal(s) of the team will lead to team failure. While a skilled management team can improve performance with very little tools and only an effective approach, with proper technology to support the team’s needs, and the proper data to drive decision making, there is almost no limit to the improvements an organization will yield. Innovating is a key aspect of teamwork and involves challenging the way things are currently being done. Technology is changing so quickly that the way you are currently performing tasks may no longer be the best way. If you are not up-to-date in your practices, your cost structure may be too high or you may no longer be delivering competitive service. Innovating is essential for all work teams. There are always better ways of doing things if you only take time to discover them. To obtain the resources – people, money, and equipment – to carry out your work, you have to ‘sell’ what you are doing to other people. Resources to implement new ideas will only be given if your team can persuade and influence people higher in the organization. Promoting to customers or clients both inside or outside the organization is also important if you are to continually deliver what people want. Many ideas don’t see the light of day because they are impractical. The Developing activity ensures that your ideas are molded and shaped to meet the needs of your customers, clients, or users. It involves listening to their needs and incorporating these in your plans. Developing will ensure that what you are trying to do is possible, given the resource constraints of your organization. Regular checks on work activities are essential to ensure that mistakes are not made. Quality audits of your products or services will ensure that your customers or clients will remain satisfied. Inspecting also covers the financial aspect of work in your team, as well as the security aspects, the safety aspects and the legal aspects. All management teams need to uphold standards and maintain effective work processes. Your car will fail if it does not have its regular service. Teams can fail too, if the team processes are not regularly checked and maintained. Maintaining ensures that quality standards are upheld and that regular reviews of team effectiveness take place. Linking is the activity that ensures all team members pull together, and makes the difference between a group of individuals and a highly effective and efficient team. It covers the linking of people, linking of tasks and leadership linking. Assignment – Team Work in Business. (2016, Nov 20).

International Human Resource Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

International Human Resource Management - Essay Example Such differences mainly include labor cost factors, cultural factors, industrial relations norms, and economic factors. Key Issues in Selection of Expatriates Expatriate assignments fail quite often. The stress process of expatriates is shown in Fig. 1. Careful selection of international assignee can help improve the results. Most of the managerial positions are held by locals instead of expatriates, though it does not always happen so. The attitude that prevails in the ethnocentric corporations is that local managers are superior whereas host-country managers are considered superior in the polycentric corporations. In contrast to them, the most suitable manager for a certain position in the geocentric firms is selected from the global workforce of the firm. Fig. 1: Stages of Expatriates’ Stress Process (Koteswari and Bhattacharya, 2007, p. 91). The training of expatriates before assignment typically revolves around cultural differences, factual knowledge about the country of assignment, and the way behavior is influenced by attitude. The approach that is most commonly used in the formulation of expatriate pay is equalization of the power of purchasing across the countries. This term used for this is the â€Å"balance sheet approach†. ... Culture of China and India is significantly different from that of England. Everything ranging from dress code to work ethics, norms, values, trends, and traditions are different among the three countries. This induces perceived inability of adjustment in the expatriates. â€Å"Perceived inability to adjust may indicate a lack of cross-cultural skills such as cultural empathy, intercultural Selmer† (Selmer, 2004, p. 805-806). Apart from the issues of expatriation, employees also become hesitant to become expatriates if they think that their organization does not support the repatriates (Black, 1991). Fig. 2: Problems Experienced by Different Age-Groups of Expatriates (Just Landed, 2012). Recommendations The need of having both home-office and local supervisors as reviewers of the expatriates’ performance complicates the process of expatriate appraisal. The process of expatriate appraisal can be improved by stipulating the level of assignment difficulty, weighing the app raisal of on-site managers more heavily, and getting background advice from the managers that have been to the foreign country before. These managers should also assist the expatriates in developing connections in the host country. Research by Wang and Kanungo (2004, p. 775) has shown that the network characteristics of expatriates have a significant and direct impact on their psychological well-being. Fig. 3 shows the factors influencing expatriates’ participation in social networks. This would create awareness in the selected expatriates regarding the culture of the host country and the impact of culture shock on them would be reduced. Fig. 3: Factors Influencing Expatriates’ Participation in Social Networks (Harvey, 2008). The problems of repatriation are commonly

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Sociology - Alleviate peverty Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Sociology - Alleviate peverty - Essay Example There are various reasons why the causes and remedies of social problems are disagreed by people around the globe. Firstly, people don't usually agree to one specific cause and solution because the problems which plague the society today have arisen due to a number of factors over a period of time and the remedial actions differ too, depending on the role people play in a society. For instance, if the case of poverty is taken up, some people may argue that the cause of it is unemployment, some people suggest that it is illiteracy, while the others maintain that it is due to inflation.From an individual point of view, it is also plausible that a person may not be exposed to the real and immediate causes of a social problem, like poverty whereas the government or organizations running in a country may have a bigger picture and statistics of the problem and its causes. Due to this, it is natural that disagreements may arise between, say, an ordinary individual and someone who is working for an organization that is functioning to alleviate poverty. Moreoever, the remedial action taken on an individual basis to reduce the level of poverty will be different from actions taken on a broader basis. An individual may think that donating or giving alms or charity may be a possible solution to the poverty related problems while the government will obviously go with the larger picture and open up more schools and businesses to reduce illiteracy and unemployment which also lead to poverty. Secondly, social problems that affect one side of the world may not be so big a problem on the other side. The problems of developed countries may certainly differ from the undeveloped countries and thus the people living in both countries will argue about the causes and solutions of a social problem, like drug abuse. In developed countries, where government has taken effective actions against drug abuse and smoking, people may think that strong marketing and advertising from the side of drug manufacturers is the cause of the problem. Infact, if the government has been very effective in its remedial actions, people in the country may not consider it as a social problem anymore whereas, people in undeveloped countries may consider it as a very fatal disease to their society and will argue relentlessly about its causes being illiteracy, lack of awareness, lack of restrictions on the part of government and easy availability and access to drugs. Thirdly, disagreements arise due to misunderstandings. Problems like poverty, unemployment and domestic violence are quite home issues and almost every individual has a defined opinion about their causes and solutions but problems like mental disorders and and issues of lone parents are not as common and people often tend to misundertsand the problems related to less common issues. In some societies, mentally challenged people are treated as outcasts and are banished from social gatherings and talks. Same goes for the case of lone parents, especially women. Societies often don't view single parents kindly and consider them as

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

No topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 7

No topic - Essay Example This significantly affected the course of history of China as will be highlighted hereunder. The Qing Dynasty was the last powerful empire to rule China. As earlier stated, although it began very well in its bid to transform China into a powerful state, the dynasty encountered various internal and external challenges that impacted negatively on the course of China. Firstly, the dynasty was faced with internal wrangles that created political instability. This made it difficult for China to create a stable government to fulfill Chinas development agendas. Some of the notable internal wrangles that changed the course of Chinese history include the Nian rebellion of 1853-1868; the Mao rebellion of 1850-1872; the Red Turban rebellion of 1854-1857; and the Yunnan rebellion of 1855-1863. Secondly, the Qing Dynasty was characterized by high level of corruption thereby curtailing the developments that had begun to be realized in China. The dynasty also faced the problem of lack of an able Manchu leadership. Lack of strong leadership made it extremely difficult for the dynasty to pro mote the development of China. Apart from the internal issues, the course of Chinese history was also greatly affected by external factors. Firstly, the defeat of Qing government in the 19th century by foreign powers resulted in the imposition of unequal treaties on China, which greatly impacted negatively on China. For instance, the imposition of the unequal treaties, politically infringed on the national rights of China, thereby resulting in a downfall. Secondly, the imperialism of the foreign economies worsened the social suffering in China. For instance, the increased importation of cheap textile goods from foreign countries by the Qing government resulted in the collapse of most Chinese industries. The Qing dynasty also destroyed the economy of China by promoting unfavorable balance of trade, thereby resulting in the decline of the