Friday, November 29, 2019

Evolution Of Forensic Psychology (300 Level Undergraduate) Essays

Evolution Of Forensic Psychology (300 Level Undergraduate) The discipline of clinical psychology is evolving. Clinical psychologists are no longer limited to couches and working out of their own offices. They are now being put in the stand in courtrooms all over the world. Not because they are on trial themselves, however. Rather, they are there to share their expertise in areas that involve an individual in legal matters. The field of forensic psychology has grown in the 21st century because courtrooms recognize the value of psychologists' testimonies to help juries reach a clearer verdict. Not only that, but psychologists can help identify competence to stand trial, perform psychological autopsies and criminal profiling, and also aid in child custody cases. Like all fields in psychology, forensics has many perspectives. This walk-through of forensic psychology will discuss the history, methods, and prospects for the future of this field. Perspectives and History There is not a singular function that clinical psychologists perform in the legal system. Rather, there are many different roles and areas that they can undertake. For example, they can focus on law enforcement psychology, the psychology of litigation, correctional psychology, and forensic psychology (Nietzel, Bernstein, & Milich, 1998). However, the latter is our main focus. Forensic psychology involves many different areas in which clinical psychologists can be considered experts in: competency to stand trial and criminal responsibility, psychological damages in civil trials, civil competencies, psychological autopsies and criminal profiling, and child custody and parental fitness (Nietzel et al., 1998). Methods of Intervention and Change The reason why criminal competence is necessary to establish is because according to United States law, the criminal must understand the nature and purpose of the proceedings. This is required for several reasons. First, if the defendant is competent, the results of the trial are more likely to be accurate. Second, it would be considered immoral to sentence a convicted defendant of something that he or she doesn't understand. Lastly, the whole theory behind our judicial system relies on the defendant being able to defend his or herself in court. If the defense believes the defendant was not competent at the time of the unlawful act, the defense can plead not guilty by reason of insanity. Then forensic psychologists can testify whether or not they believe the defendant is insane or not. If the defendant is found to be insane, then the judge sentences him or her to a mental institution until the judge is convinced that the defendant is ready to be released. If the defendant is not foun d to be insane, then the trial proceeds. Several rules have been made in determining insanity, which have changed over the years to accommodate changing standards. Such rules include the McNaughton, Durham, and ALI rule (Nietzel et al.,1998). Forensic psychologists also examine psychological damages in civil trials. One of their duties is to decide whether these damages were due to the tort, which is the wrongful act that causes harm to an individual. The psychologist performs assessments similar to regular clinical assessments that include social history, clinical interview, psychological testing, and available records. After the assessment, the expert decides if the psychological damage was present before the tort, or if it occurred due to the tort. Another duty of forensic psychologists is to examine workers' compensation cases. They must decide how long the worker needs to recover from mental damages that their work-place may have caused. Similar to the tort cases, the expert must discover whether the injury was due to the place of employment or if it was already present (Nietzel et al., 1998). Civil competencies deal with whether or not a person is able to understand information that is used to make decisions and then act accordingly. Examples include whether a person is capable of managing financial situations, or if he or she is able to choose or refuse medical treatment. Scholars have agreed that four abilities are necessary to make decisions competently: understanding information pertaining to the decision to be made, applying that information with concern to the consequences of the decision, thinking rationally to evaluate strategies, and the communication of the decision. It is up to the clinical psychologist to determine if the person is making a rational decision by means of

Monday, November 25, 2019

What’s in store for nurses in 2018

What’s in store for nurses in 2018 The start of 2018 also means a new year for nurses! If you’re a nurse, you may be wondering what’s in store for you in the coming year- both individually and for the field of nursing in general. Although nursing is a very broad field- nurses are employed in a wide variety of settings (including doctors’ offices, hospitals, schools, outpatient clinics, nursing care facilities, military bases, and home healthcare services), and their responsibilities can vary widely (based on their education, experience level, and licensure)- there are some general workplace and industry trends that we can look at to determine what kind of year nurses can expect in 2018.Industry forecastAccording to the Occupational Outlook Handbook  developed by the United States Department of Labor, the broad job outlook for nurses looking ahead is a good one- employment for nurses is expected to grow faster than the average for all occupations over the next decade. A variety of factors are inv olved in this projected growth, including a growing senior citizen demographic (who will increasingly rely on healthcare services in their older years), an increased public emphasis on preventive care, and a growing rate of chronic conditions (including obesity and diabetes) that will lead to a wide array of healthcare needs. That said, if you’re a nurse- or thinking of becoming a nurse- and are wondering if it’s an industry with an abundance of opportunities or is experiencing over-saturation, rest assured you should not have trouble finding employment if you possess the requisite training, education, experience, and skill set.If you’re wondering which industries will have the highest levels of employment for nurses over the coming years, you can count on medical and surgical hospitals, doctors’ offices, home healthcare service agencies, nursing care facilities, outpatient care centers, and psychiatric and substance abuse hospitals and centers being at t he top of the list. An increasing number of nurses are being employed outside of hospitals, a trend that is expected to continue in 2018. Home-based healthcare is a growing business, and expect to see greater job opportunities for nurses who are willing to travel regularly.Are you curious about the regions and states that will likely have the highest levels of employment opportunities? Expect the highest concentration and need for nurses in the easternmost and westernmost portions of the country, with varying levels of employment in the central states of America. States that you can count on for typically having the highest levels of employment for nurses include California, Texas, New York, Florida, and Pennsylvania. Are you hunting for a bigger paycheck this year? Top paying states, on average, include California, Massachusetts, Hawaii, Oregon, and Alaska.Industry trendsIf you’re curious about the big industry trends that are likely to affect the field of nursing in 2018, T ravelNurse Source  and Licensed Practical Nurse  recently published articles that included their top predictions for the coming year. Expect the following key predictions to have an impact on the field of nursing.Nursing shortageAs hinted at earlier, there is expected to be a shortage of nurses across all disciplines in 2018. The need for experienced and qualified nurses will only continue to grow as the population in general gets older and the levels of chronic illness grows. Furthermore, the average age of nurses is currently over 50, so the number of professionals retiring- and the need for new nurses- will continue to grow over the year and into the future.What does this shortage mean for you as a nurse? Plenty! If you’re a qualified professional this puts you in the â€Å"driver’s seat†- allowing you greater leverage and options for choosing a position and having a prospective employer meet your demands for employment.Rise in technologyWe’re all aware of how recent advances in modern technology have changed nearly every aspect of society, and this includes the field of nursing. Technology will play an increasing role in how nurses perform their daily responsibilities, so expect new tools, simulators, high-tech devices, and other pieces of healthcare technology to be used on the job. Even basic record keeping has gone digital and mobile- today, healthcare professionals can access patient records at the point of contact, instead of having to go back and forth to a dedicated nursing station.Telemedicine has been a big industry buzzword in recent years, and expect it to continue and grow in 2018. Advances in technology have made remote healthcare (often taking advantage of video technology) accessible and affordable, and   it is an increasingly growing field in nursing. Those who get comfortable and experienced in telemedicine will be able to leverage the additional employment opportunities and flexibility it can provide.What does this mean if you’re a nurse or are thinking of becoming one? The bottom line is that the need for tech-savvy nurses will be a big trend in 2018 and beyond, and those industry professionals who possess the skills and mindset to learn how to master new equipment and technology will be especially valuable in the industry.More male nursesThe last several years has seen a sharp increase in the number of men entering the nursing profession, and 2018 will be no exception- expect to see increasing numbers of male nurses across all disciplines. If you’re a male and are thinking of pursuing a career as a nurse, there’s no better time than the present to do so.The future of healthcare landscapePotential changes to state and national healthcare laws, and what will happen to healthcare in general if the Affordable Healthcare Act gets repealed (and what system would potentially replace it) could have a big potential impact on the field of nursing in 2018. We are current ly in â€Å"wait and see† mode regarding this issue, and only time will tell how this fully plays out and how it will effect healthcare professionals in 2018 and beyond.There you have it- some of the key predictions and trends for nursing for 2018. If you’re a nurse or are thinking of becoming one, use the information provided here to set yourself up for career success in 2018 and beyond.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Writing Project 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Writing Project 2 - Essay Example The text is written in a way to criticize one’s self. Before anyone could call him an idiot or sick he calls himself ill-minded. The context of the song is the over popular rap image of hip hop artists. In today’s world, TV and media has made the youngsters believe that good life is about making money and doing drugs because that is what the superstars do. It is called the celebrity lifestyle. And everyone seem to join that club. It is just a smoke screen and people are wasting their lives, dreaming about that dream that someday they will have lots of money like those superstars they see on TV and then they will have ‘fun’. Hopsin 5 addresses this ‘fun’ in this song and trues to make a mockery of the vision it generates in people’s minds. Asking â€Å"Is that all you think life really is?† (Hopsin 5, 2012). It is very hard to find the subtext in this song. Rap songs are generally very explicit and there are usually not many hidden meanings. The general idea behind a rap song is ‘being real’ and not hypocritical; saying what you mean exactly how you mean it. Hopsin 5 does exactly that. He is trying to wake up his generation who in his opinion are like zombies. Their brain cells are rotting because of drugs and pop culture. At the start of the song Hopsin says this addressing the ‘kids’ he sees on the street. He says he has become a freak for those kids who stare at them. But in fact Hopsin 5 is observing them when they talk about cursing school and dropping out of school. Later in the song he addresses the same issue of dropping out and says that many kids are in school because their parents send them there, it is not their choice. Referring to a gift they have but they don’t appreciate. Hopsin 5 was not as famous as some of the rap superstars like Snoop Dog, Eminem or Jay Z. He starts his song by saying that he doesn’t like rap and shows his disgust. But he raps only b ecause it works, it delivers the message and more importantly he can â€Å"if the shoe fits, wear it". It is very hard to say that Hopsin was a credible figure at the time he released this song and that his image and his personality would have ‘sold’. He calls himself a freak that the kids stare at him, only to make him more difficult to agree with. Pathos of Hopsin 5’s argument is very strong. In fact it is the single most powerful aspect that actually convinces the listeners that what he has to say is the truth. It is the pathos (the emotional appeal) that has got him over 32 million views for his song on YouTube (Hopsin 5, 2012). He puts his heart in the song and its shows. Other than the context, subtext and intertextuality, the video shows him persuasively and even aggressively talking or even ‘rap lecturing’ some ‘kids’ (kids is a just a slang for youngsters, the age group can range from 13-30) who are doing drugs and acting †˜cool’. The song is filled with second person narrative. The word ‘you’ has been used extensively, for each and every listener of the song. And that makes the emotional exorcism even stronger. The listener immediately starts to analyze himself. The target is the kids that are hooked to hip hop and ‘you’ is used to give them the rap lecture. This ‘you’ is the main weapon of the pathos as Hopsin 5 delves into what ‘your’ image of a fantastic life is. He shows ‘you’ the mirror and rephrases the dreams these kids cook up; to sell drugs so they can make them lots of money, and showing their bullet scars as trophies and that it is fun to live life like that. In the song he talks to this girl who is pregnant. He tells him that she is pregnant because it’s her own fault. All that glitters is not gold. If girls go to the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Dislocated Shoulder Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Dislocated Shoulder - Essay Example In most cases,  dislocation occurs due to direct fall or blow on the outstretched arm. Additional, there are posterior (backward) and the inferior or the downward dislocation (Rockwood, 2009). The posterior occurs occasionally, and it is to electric shock. Shoulder Dislocation often leads to severe pain that makes the victim unable to move the affected shoulder in a particular direction; thus, making their rams numb. Sometimes, the dislocated shoulder makes the arm twist off the body with the arm facing towards the back (Kuehl and National Association of EMS Physicians (U.S.), 2002). A severely dislocated shoulder is visible whereby the victims shoulder appears unusual. Dislocated shoulders can be tested and examine in different ways; however, it is pertinent to note the time of injury, prior medical condition to the problem or injury, and how the injury occurred. Some of the tests include the deltoid muscle test, touch sensation, twist, hand movement, and x-ray in the invisible situations (Rockwood, 2009). The treatment of the dislocated shoulder may include medication to a lessen pain and some cases require a general anesthetic. The treated patient is often sent home in shoulder immobilizer or sling (Rockwood, 2009). This reduces movement of the shoulder thereby facilitating recovery. Additionally, a pillow may be placed in between the body and the affected arm to help support the injured shoulder. A fully recovered victim may get back to the pitch but can avoid or prevent further injuries by learning safe landing

Monday, November 18, 2019

Psychology assigment 4 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Psychology assigment 4 - Assignment Example The hypothalamus in the body produces gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) that travels to the pituitary glands through the capillaries helping to stimulate the production of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH). In response to the FSH and LH the gonads or sex glands increase the production of sex hormones estrogens and androgens (testosterone), while adrenal glands also produce androgens. The production of androgens is increased by secretion of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) in pituitary gland. The estrogen and testosterone released by gonads bring biological changes and help in development of breasts in girls and testicular development in boys. Other androgens result in changes of body proportion and function of organ systems. The puberty onset results in physical development, hormonal changes and sexual maturation which vary both within and between the sexes. During puberty girls experience pubic hair, breast development and growth of reproductive system. Girls increase their height and changes in body proportions while beginning their menarche by age 11-16. Boys experience changes later than girls involving pubic hair, enlargement of penis, growth of scrotum and development of reproductive system. The height increases while body proportions and body hair changes experiencing voice changes and spermarche. The adolescent’s cognitive development determines the ability of a person to learn, think, reason and adapt to the environment. Piaget’s study of cognitive development theory is mainly based on three principles namely: assimilation, accommodation and equilibration; while his belief that cognitive development occurred in four stages that are universal as every person passes through all these stages in same order. These four stages are: sensorimotor development, preoperational period, concrete operations and formal operations. Each stage is corresponded to certain age but there could be variations as some

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Analysis Of A Clockwork Orange English Literature Essay

Analysis Of A Clockwork Orange English Literature Essay Singing in the rain, Im singing in the rainà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. As this vivacious song disappears into the terror of the night, the emergence of one of the greatest novels and movies, A Clockwork Orange, begins to take shape. Anthony Burgesss contemporary novel, A Clockwork Orange, and Stanley Kubricks outstanding movie, A Clockwork Orange, based upon the novel, have many important similarities and differences, which aid in confirming A Clockwork Orange as one of the most terrifying, yet extraordinary pieces of cinema and literature ever to be created. One of the important similarities between Anthony Burgess novel and Stanley Kubricks outstanding movie of A Clockwork Orange is the interpretation of what the true meaning of A Clockwork Orange which is important because it is the basis for the entire story because he has been brain washed by the government to make him act the way they want him to act. In A Clockwork Orange, Alex is only A Clockwork Orange, something mechanical that appears organic. By this I mean that although Alex is human, and capable to say and think whatever he chooses, he cannot, for in fact he is being used like a machine by the government, doing whatever they desire with him. From the similarity between the interpretation of what the true meaning of A Clockwork Orange in both Anthony Burgess contemporary novel and Stanley Kubricks outstanding movie of A Clockwork Orange comes the difference in how the government proves Alex to be like A Clockwork Orange, after having already completed the Ludovico Technique. In Anthony Burgess contemporary novel they prove Alex to be like A Clockwork Orange by showing him certain grotesque pictures and asking him what he felt. In Stanley Kubricks outstanding movie, they proved Alex to be like A Clockwork Orange by placing him on a stage with actors and presenting it in front of the important members of the government. Please, I must do something shall I clean your boots Look, Ill get down and lick them. In Stanley Kubricks A Clockwork Orange this following passage is what Alex said in Stanley Kubricks movie after having been kicked in the Gulliver by the actors boot, which demonstrates Alexs mechanical change into A Clock work Orange. Another similarity in both Anthony Burgess contemporary novel and Stanley Kubricks outstanding movie of A Clockwork Orange is the use of the Nadsat language. The Nadsat language, which is the vocabulary of the teenagers in the future, is important to be in both the book and movie because the language shows the difference between the violent teenagers and the intellectual aristocracy of this nightmarish future. Viddy well brotha viddy well, What giveth then, old droogie? Nobody seemed to quite pony that, but somebody said in like a harsh goloss Ho, ho, ho! Well, if it isnt fat stinking billy goat Billy Boy in poison! How art thou, thou globby bottle of cheap, stinking chip oil? Come and get one in the yarbles, if ya have any yarbles, you eunuch jelly thou! Be more respectful, boy, in addressing the Minister (A Clockwork Orange, page 173). This passage taken from Anthony Burgess contemporary novel exemplifies how teenagers talked, and that no one else seemed to understand pony what Alex was saying, except that it had to be disrespectful. A huge difference between Anthony Burgess contemporary novel and Stanley Kubricks outstanding movie of A Clockwork Orange is the differences with the second encounter with the man whose wife that had been raped and killed by Alex and his friends droogies. In Anthony Burgess contemporary novel, the man is exactly the same as he was except for his wife having been killed. In the book, the man asked to hear Alexs story and he mentioned the name Dim, whom sounded familiar to the man, and then for the first time he realized that Alex was one of those hoodlums who raped his wife that terrible night. Also, in the morning, the man called him down to eat breakfast, which gave Alex time to roam around in the mans bedroom where he found his name, F. Alexander, on his book. However, from this, Alex was used by F. Alexander as a political stunt in the hotel room without force and leaves the reader to assume that F. Alexander was responsible for driving Alex to sheer madness to jump out of the win dow. Unlike Anthony Burgess contemporary novel, Stanley Kubricks outstanding movie was completely different in the second encounter with the man whose wife had been raped and killed by Alex and his friends. The man, having been beaten so badly in the first encounter, was now in a wheelchair, and accompanied by a huge, strong man named Julian, whom helped F. Alexander do the things that he could not do in a wheelchair. Also, while Alex is offered a hot bath, he sang the song Singing in the Rain, which he had sung during the first encounter with F. Alexander. Having sung this song, the man at once recognized and realized that Alex had been one of the hoodlums that were there on the night he had been beaten, and raped his wife. Also, having realized after the bath that Alex was responsible for his wifes death, he drugged Alexs drink rendering him unable to ever know the mans name, F. Alexander, and proving that F. Alexander was responsible for having tried to kill Alex by driving him to madn ess to jump out of the window. Anthony Burgess contemporary novel, A Clockwork Orange, and Stanley Kubricks outstanding movie, A Clockwork Orange, based upon the novel, have many important similarities and differences. These similarities and differences; however, help to mold in my opinion one of the greatest novels and movies of our time. Upon reading and watching A Clockwork Orange it leaves me with just one final thought what will the world be like in the future?

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Women in the Military :: Women in Military Essays

Women now comprise 14 percent of the active-duty Armed Forces of the United States. That figure is up from 1.6 percent 25 years ago (Christian Science Monitor 1998:20). In 1948, President Truman signed the Women's Armed Services Integration Act which formalized the role of women in the military. Under the law, each branch of the service was allowed to appoint one woman Colonel (Byfield, 1998:02). Now, there are numerous women who serve as Generals and Admirals. They comprise all components of the forces including serving in combat units and aboard ships. It is hard to measure whether their integration into the services has been a success or a hindrance. Generally, when looking at the issue, one should consider the effect of the integration on defense readiness, unit cohesion and morale. The contributions of women to defense readiness are in a number of areas. Women occupy diverse positions in the armed forces. A large percentage of women work in the areas of health care, administration, personnel, and supply. In fact 44 % of all women in the military serve in the health care field (Rabkin, 1999). More and more women are entering nontraditional fields such as aviation, surface warfare, air traffic control and field artillery (Rabkin, 1999). From 1992 to 1998, for example, the number of marine flight officers and pilots increased from 0 to 62 (Rabkin, 1999). Similarly, the number of enlisted army women in field artillery increased from 32 to 122 during the period 1992 to 1998 (Rabkin1999). Basic training for women has been an ongoing issue for the military in terms of physical readiness. Military experts think that softening the training for women fails to transform them into physically fit, skilled soldiers who are supposed to be prepared for the demands of duty. They also think that accommodating women undermines the warrior spirit that draws young men to the military. The dropout rate for women is higher than for men. This can be attributed to the demands of physical readiness and coed training. Women fail to fulfill their commitments to serve in the military in all branches of the military. Leading the dropout rates are white women with an average rate of 43%, followed by black women at 33% and Hispanic women with 31% (Park, 1999:08). The possibility of women becoming prisoners of war is evident. One case in point is that of Melissa Rathbun-Nealy a military trained truck driver.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Brand Management

A RESEARCH PROPOSAL ON MARKETING BRAND MANAGEMENT This proposal is about one particular aspect of marketing, â€Å"Brand Management†. Marketing is a vast discipline so as a part of writing this proposal; I chose one particular aspect of it, which will provide information about several aspects of brands in global scenario. The main objectives of writing this proposal are: 1. Understanding the concept of brand and brand management 2. How brand names get evolved 3. Relationship of brand management and marketing 4. Different issues regarding brands in global scenario 5.Branding challenges This is the age of marketing. Today the success of any organization depends on the level of its marketing ability. Marketing has gained a great deal of importance in modern organizations to achieve its goals. However the concept of marketing continue to change along with the changes in nature of competition and consumer demands. According to Kotler and Armstrong –â€Å" Marketing is a pro cess by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want by creating and exchanging products and value with each other†. Marketing is like giving medicine to a patient. You can read also Portfolio Management QuizzesPatient identifies a problem within them and then the health personnel delivers specific medicine to cure the problem. Marketing is also the same. Customer has certain problems or feels some deficiency and marketing delivers them with the right product to deal with. Marketing is the process of communicating the value of a product or service to customers. Marketing might sometimes be interpreted, as the art of selling products, but sales is only one part of marketing. Actually â€Å"selling† is traditional of marketing and â€Å"marketing† is a modern form of selling.As the term â€Å"Marketing† may replace â€Å"Advertising† it is the overall strategy and function of promoting a product or service to the customer. The concept of marketing has changed over time. Previously, people preferred only production and selling as a part of marketing. But as the competition rose, they started valuing product quality, cust omer relationship, societal responsibilities as well as other supply chain participants. From a societal point of view, marketing is the link between a society’s material requirements and its economic patterns of response.Marketing satisfies these needs and wants through exchange processes and building long-term relationships. . Marketing can be looked at as an organizational function and a set of processes for creating, delivering and communicating value to customers, and managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organisation and its shareholders Major concepts related with marketing can be outlined as: a. Studying consumer behavior b. Brand management c. Selling and sales management d. Managing market intermediaries e. Service marketing f.Identifying customer needs, wants, market segment and product positioning g. Distribution logistics and supply chain relationships h. Responsibilities towards society and customer In this proposal, we focus on one of the maj or aspect of marketing, Brand management. Branding has been around for centuries. The word â€Å"brand† is derived from the Old Norse brandr meaning â€Å"to burn. † Initially, branding was adopted to differentiate one person's cattle from another's by means of a distinctive symbol burned into the animal's skin with a hot iron stamp, and was subsequently used in business, marketing and advertising.A brand is the most valuable fixed asset of a Corporation. For any organization to make its identity in the market requires a specific domain name. It helps to get recognized in the market. Brand name gives identity and helps it get recognized differently in the market. A modern example of a brand is Coca Cola, which belongs to the Coca-Cola Company. Similarly, Harley Davidson, Apple, Samsung, Adidas, Nike, Britannia etc. are other examples of brand. According to American Marketing Association (AMA) –â€Å" A brand is a name, term, sign, symbol, or design, or a ombina tion of them, intended to identify the goods and services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of competition. † BusinessDictionary. com describes brand management as the process of maintaining, improving, and upholding a brand so that the name is associated with positive results. Brand Management is actually the process of maintaining the value of brand and revising any associated entities as per the need of situation. It plays a crucial role in the success and failure of the organization. Why is brand an important aspect of modern marketing?The reasons are: 1. Means of identification as a unique name in the market 2. Means of legally protecting the unique features 3. Signal of quality level to customers 4. Base for competitive advantage 5. Increases level of awareness of the brand 6. Customers feel safe to negotiate with registered brands 7. Gives idea about product association 8. Brand is a promise made by the company to customer 9. It serv es as a means of advertising 10. It explains what the product is associated with Several companies put their brand names based on different variables.Some name their product on the basis of their owners. Honda motors were named after Soichiro Honda, Harley Davidson motors was found by combined efforts of William S. Harley, Arthur Davidson and Walter Davidson. TATA motors was named after Jamsedji Tata(JRD Tata), Adidas sports wear was named after Adi Dasler and Bajaj auto was named after Jamnalal Bajaj. Some have named the products after the name of places like Chevrolet Tahoe SUV, British Airways, Sanmiguel beer, hamburger named after â€Å"hamburg†, a place in Germany, Hindustan petroleums named after â€Å"Hindustan† meaning India and others.Brand names named after names of animals and birds are Dove soap, Mustang automobiles, Greuhound buses, Panther condoms and others. Brand names has always been an important aspect of marketing strategy. Organizations spend millio ns searching for a valid name for the organization. They make sure that the names suit to the product or service the company is offering. They too ensure that those names do not collide with brand of other organization. Eg: World Wide Fund (WWF) filed World Wrestling Federation (WWF) a legal suit for keeping a similar name. Due to this world wrestling federation had to change its name.Therefore choosing brand name is a very sensitive decision. For choosing a brand name, an organization has to follow given procedures: 1. Define objectives 2. Generate possible names 3. Screen initial candidates 4. Study the candidate names 5. Properly research final candidate 6. Select the final name Therefore to establish a strong brand, it has to take in consideration the following blocks of brand building: Resonance Resonance Imagery Imagery Feelings Feelings Salience Salience Performance Performance Judgements Judgements Fig: Brand Building Blocks Fig: Brand Building BlocksSalience is the level of awareness regarding the brand to the customers. It checks the ability of a customer to recall and recognize a particular brand or its logo, symbol, name. After the customer’s awareness is identified, it checks the performance of the brand regarding how reliable and durable the brand is. It also checks the serviceability i. e. ease of repairing the product if needed. After the performance is identified, it views the imagery aspect i. e. who uses the brand, conditions of use of the product, brand personality, values etc. It is the way the people think about a brand and is more concerned with intangible aspect.Brand judgments are customer’s personal opinions about the evaluations about the brand that consumers form by combining brand performance and imagery blocks. Customers judge the brand on the basis of quality, credibility and superiority. Another building block is feelings with the brand. They are customer’s emotional responses and reactions towards the brand . It checks what type of feeling they get by the use of the brand like feeling of warmth, fun, security, self respect, excitement status etc. Final brand building is resonance. It is the ultimate relationship with the brand.Resonance is measured in terms of intensity of psychological bond with the brand and the degree of loyalty towards the brand. Positioning aspect of brand In marketing, positioning is the process by which marketers try to create an image or identity in the minds of their target market for its product, brand, or organization. Brand positioning is at the heart of marketing strategy. It is the act of designing the company’s offers and image so that it occupies a distinct and valued place in the minds of target customers. As the name implies, positioning means finding proper location in the minds of customer.Any company cannot formulate its marketing strategy without positioning its brand in certain aspects. Positioning explains what the brand intends to provid e to the customer. It reveals what the product is related to. Brand positioning describes how a brand is different from its competitors and where, or how, it sits in a particular market. The company has to keep in mind that positioning should be clear, distinct and relevant. For example, Apple and Windows both are well known brand. Consumers are aware that they both are computer brands dealing in entertainment, but Apple stands for style, cool quotient, iPod etc. here as Windows stands for world class operating system, quality etc. Consumer can easily identify point of similarities and points of difference between the two brands. This process of creating point of similarities and points of difference in consumer’s mind is called Brand Positioning. Companies position their brands in different ways so as to create a distinct image in the market. They may position it on different bases like low price, high price, size, package, quality, gender, endurance, substitution and many o thers. Positioning of different brands: 1. Low price brand: Wal-Mart retail store . High price brand: Rolex, Mercedes Benz 3. Quality brand: IBM, Toyota, Motorola 4. Endurance: CEAT tyres, Land rover, Honda 5. Size: Nano car, Slim Motorola mobile 6. Gender: Gillette Razor, Axe perfumes, Fair ; Handsome for men Femine magazine, Avon cosmetics, Fair ; Lovely for women 7. Substitution: Sugar free Natura has placed itself as substitution for sugar and Eveready milk powder for liquid milk Similarly Coca-Cola has positioned as a cold drink useful in summer and there are many feelings associated with it and not only as a mere drink.On the other hand Pepsi has positioned as a cold drink for the young generations and Mountain Dew has presented its image as a drink for adventure loving customers. Sometimes, same positioning does not work out for the company in long run. It has to reposition and revitalize its brand over times either to revive or strengthen its brand. Different marketing strat egies, several research plans has to be worked out and sometimes-even management structure has to be changed in order to revalue the brand. There are several Brand reinforcement strategies that the organization can adopt overtime to cope with the changing situations.Some of them are: 1. Maintaining brand consistency: Brands should be able to provide a consistent image to occupy a shelf in the mind of customers. If not, it may fail in the market situation. For example Gateway computers applied various strategies and themes to extend the brand with mergers and portfolios. Due to this, customers confused with its positioning and its stock price reduced from USD100 to USD 3 in 2005. 2. Protecting sources of brand equity: Any organization should know its strength factor. It should identify its major source of brand equity to sustain in the market.At certain times, brand have to revitalize itself since there many forces acting in the market to rule out other brands. Companies might have t o adapt to following Brand Revitalization strategies to resurrect itself: 1. Expanding brand awareness: Brand awareness can be expanded through: a) Identify new usage opportunities Charles Revlon introduced nail polish not only as a matter of covering nails but as a match for dress, style sense and beauty. b) Identify completely new ways to use the brand Wrigley’s chewing gum introduced itself as not only a gum but as an alternative for smoking. 2. Improving brand image:Different ways of improving brand images are: a) Repositioning the brand Harley Davidson’s motorbikes were previously believed to be used by rowdies. The riders who rode Harley had some rough like character like long hairs, big muscular arms, and tattoos painted on their bodies and moustache and beards. Those made people perceive that only rowdies rode those motors. Later Harley Davidson relaunched itself as a bike for gentlemen leaving apart its previous image. Similarly Harley encouraged lady riders t o take the riders edge by introducing a poster of a lady rider with a tagline –â€Å"I am not a back rest†. b) Changing brand elementsKentucky Fried Chicken changed its name (brand element) to KFC (although, it is only short version of the full name) to perceive a healthier image. Also, Federal Express (a courier company) changed its name to FedEx to sound more professional. c) Entering new markets Brunswick Billiards introduced new strategy to pool market to enforce its sales targeting female customers. Initially wives would not approve the purchase of billiard board in their home as it was called a male type of game. Later it introduced elegant designs targeting design conscious women who would now purchase a pool table on aesthetics ground and a showpiece to room.Lets take an example of a company who adopted Brand revitalization strategy to resurrect its brand position after being at height at its low: Lacoste sportswear, founded in France, 1933 became a style icon by selling polo shirt featuring a crocodile logo in it. In 1980, when it was owned by General Mills (cereal makers), it failed to keep up with fashion trends and sales began to drop. Company cut prices and started to sell it to discounter’s like Kmart and Wal-Mart that further damaged brands image. Then in 2002, Robert Siegel, former Levi’s executive was appointed to oversee the brand in United States.He withdrew Lacoste products from all non-luxury stores and discounters. It regenerated its fashion trends by introducing tight fitting shirts for women that raised revenues of women wear from 7% to 33%. It opened own brand boutiques in fashionable shopping areas. Due to this, Lacoste’s US revenues rose more than 280% between 2003 and 2005. There are several challenges to products today sometimes because of the competition and sometimes due to the implementation of wrong product strategy. An organization has to keep in mind the nature of product and suitable market ing strategy.Marketing campaigns has to be launched depending upon what class of customer it is intending to serve, gender of customer, objectives of campaign whether it is market penetration or improving market share or survival mode. Appropriate strategy at the right time invites fortunes and mistimed marketing strategy might backfire the organization. Therefore right plan for the right brand is always critical. Marketing strategies for effective brand building 1. Selecting brand elements like name, logo, symbols, slogans, and packaging. 2.Adopting proper product strategy like achieving a satisfactory level of customers perception towards the quality of the product and relationship marketing 3. Adopting pricing strategy like improving consumers price perception towards the brand and relevant price setting 4. Promotion through marketing communication options and integrating marketing communication programs like advertising, direct selling, public relation, and trade promotion etc. 5. Leveraging secondary associations: brands may be linked to other entities that have their own knowledge structures in the mind of customers.When brands are linked to these entities customers assume that those characteristics that they hold about those entities also may be true with the brand. For example when Adidas brand was endorsed by tennis star Roger Federer (then No. 1 rank), then people who knew Federer as best tennis player also developed similar attitude towards the features of Adidas brand. There are certain strategies for building a strong brand. Some of them are: Licensing: Licensing creates contractual arrangements whereby firms can use names, logos, and characters of other brands to market their brands for some fixed fee.People pay fees to use popular names such as Harry potter, Spider-Man, SpongeBob, Angry Birds or any famous celebrity in their products so that they too gain popularity easily. For example, when you buy a copy of Microsoft Office you are not actuall y purchasing Office–you are entering into a license agreement that allows you to use the product under the specified terms and conditions they have outlined in the license agreement. Similarly designer such as Calvin Klein command large royalties for the right to use his name in variety of merchandise. Franchising:A franchise is a license issued to someone to operate a business using a common brand name, a common operating support system and involving the payment of initial and/or ongoing fees. A franchise also offers the franchisee with the ability to capitalize on the know-how and systems that have been proven to be successful. . Small-business owners pay companies for the rights to use their trademarks, services and products in return for support and company guidelines on how to run their particular businesses. Many industries have companies using the franchise model, including food, lodging and business services.For example McDonalds has over 75 percent of its worldwide r estaurants independently owned. Business owners can purchase a new or existing restaurant. An initial down payment is required, and the rest of the cost can be financed for up to seven years. During the terms of the franchise agreement, ongoing fees include rent and service fees. It is one of the world’s famous franchises. Some challenges in Brand Management: 1. Brand switching customers 2. Media fragmentation i. e. introduction of several medias for promotion that may lead to increase cost and cluttering of information 3. Increased competition 4. Growing need for customer concern . Sometimes socio-cultural issues also leads to create problems in brand management. For example nudity in advertising are strictly banned in South Asia. Due to this, advertisements of brands of apparels, innerwear, and lingerie may not produce the desired response. 6. Sometimes the brand name themselves may imply different meanings in several countries. Some of the global branding Mishaps are prese nted below: a. When Braniff translated a slogan touting its upholstery, â€Å"Fly Leather†, it came out in Spanish as â€Å"Fly Naked†. b. Coors put its slogan, â€Å"Turn it Loose†, into Spanish, where it was read as â€Å"Suffer from Diarrhea†. c.Chicken magnate Frank Perdue’s line, â€Å"It takes a tough man to make a tender chicken†, sounds much more interesting in Spanish: â€Å"It takes a sexually stimulated man to make a chicken affectionate†. d. Why Chevy Nova never sold well in Spanish-speaking countries: No Va means â€Å"It doesn’t go† in Spanish. e. When Pepsi started marketing its product in China, they translated their slogan, â€Å"Pepsi brings you back to life†, pretty literally. The slogan in Chinese meant â€Å"Pepsi Brings Your Ancestors Back From The Grave†. f. When Coca-Cola first shipped to China, they named the product something that when pronounced sounded like, â€Å"Coca-Cola†.The only problem was that the characters used meant, â€Å"Bite the wax tadpole†. They later changed to set of characters that mean â€Å"Happiness in the mouth†. g. A hair products company, Clairol introduced the â€Å"Mist Stick†, a curling iron, into Germany only to find out that Mist is slang for manure in German. h. When Gerber first started selling baby food in Africa, they used the same packaging as in the United States, with the cute baby on the label. Later they found out that in Africa, companies routinely put pictures on the label of what is inside because most people cant read. i.Japan’s Mitsubishi Motors had to rename its Pajero in Spanish-speaking countries because the term related to masturbation. j. Toyota Motor’s MR2 model dropped the number in France because the combination sounded like a French swearword. Here is a list of Top ten Brands in year 2012 1. Coca-Cola : It’s brand value raised by 9% than last year. Last year too it was Ranked as number one. 2. Apple : Despite Steve Jobs passed by, its brand value rose by 129% from last year. Last year it was at number eight. 3. IBM : It’s brand value rose by 8%. Last year it was at number two. 4.Google : It’s brand value rose by 26%. 5. Microsoft : It’s market value went down by 2%. Last year it was No. 3. 6. GE : General Electric’s brand value rose by 2%. last year, it was No. 5. 7. McDonald : It’s brand value rose by 13% than last year. 8. Intel : It’s brand value increased by 12%. 9. Samsung : It’s brand value rose to 40% from last year. 10. Toyota : It’s brand value rose to 9% from last year. Source: International Business Times. Conclusion In the above-mentioned information, we have seen that brand management is really an essential element in marketing.No company can thrive towards success if it is not able to choose the right branding strategy according to the market situation. Global compet ition has made it even more complex. Brand name is the one that identifies the company in the market and if not careful, brand name may be solely responsible for causing downfall of the company. I chose this topic, â€Å"Brand Management†, because in my Bachelors Degree, I studied Marketing as my course of specialization in last two semesters. I am very interested in studying marketing because it a dynamic subject and I like studying more about Companies, their Branding Strategies and the easons why they succeded or failed. I am very much interested to do the marketing course in my Masters Degree. This will give me more exposure to the complex business structure and as well as help me guide my career in this field. References Websites www. wikipedia. com www. google. com www. BusinessDictionary. com www. managementstudyguide. com www. whatis. com www. slideshare. com www. entreprenuer. com www. bigkerbang. com www. internationalbusinesstimes. com Books Strategic Brand Managem ent, Keller, Kevin Lane Fundamentals of Marketing, Agrawal, Dr. Govind Ram

Saturday, November 9, 2019

The eNotes Blog We Must Obarmate Against the Loss of WordsTo Let Them Go Would beVenalia

We Must Obarmate Against the Loss of WordsTo Let Them Go Would beVenalia Adopt a word. Save our language. Why save a word? Well, as the website argues, 90% of everything we write is communicated by only 7,000 words, yet there are old words, wise words, [and] hard-working wordsthat once led meaningful lives [but] now lie, unused, unloved, and unwanted. The site draws you in with a clever cacophony of sounds and a modernist canvass of labels and signs, each in different fonts, colors, and sizes. Hover over a word and it pipes up with pleas like Choose me! while the word next to it demands, Yo, pick me! Click on a word, and you are invited to adopt it.   If you make the commitment, you hereby promise to use this word, in conversation and correspondence, as frequently as possible to the best of [your] ability. Enter your username and password, and you are now the proud adoptive parent of a wayward word. After adopting, you are also encouraged to buy a t-shirt with your word of choice. is the brain-child of advertising executive Edward Ong. Ongs agency, Young and Rubicam, based in Kuala Lampur, Malaysia, was hired by the Oxford English Dictionary to promote the print version of its dictionary. Both the OED and Young and Rubicam hope that interest in the obscure words, not found in the online version of the OED, will promote sales of its traditional print version. In an interview with National Public Radios All Things Considered, Ong confessed to host Robert Siegel that they have been shocked by the popularity of the site: The site kept crashing, he said, and we wondering: What in the world? We found that a lot of people have adopted it, a lot of bloggers have used it, a lot of people are talking about it. So, what are you waiting for? A periantique word just might give you cause for some good blateration at your next cocktail party.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Character Development using the main theme in Scarlet Letter essays

Character Development using the main theme in Scarlet Letter essays The Scarlet Letter, by Nathaniel Hawthorne proposes many themes and morals. The most apparent theme is Be true, be true, be true. This theme connects with many details through out the novel. The characters development during the story was effected by this theme dramatically. Hawthornes theme had an impact on the characters actions and how the story ended. A character highly impacted by this theme was Arthur Dimmesdale. In the beginning of the novel, he was less than true to himself and the public, but was a respected icon in the community. His eloquence and religious fervor had already given the earnest of high eminence in his profession. He was a person of very striking aspect, with a white, lofty, and impending brow, large, brown, melancholy eyes, and a mouth which, unless when he forcibly compressed it, was apt to be tremulous, expressing both nervous sensibility and a vast power of self-restraint. (64) He would not confess that he was the father of Pearl, a baby born out of the act of adultery. Because he did not confess he became two-faced, putting on a different face in public and another to himself and Hester. The lies ate at his conscience wearing him down which caused him to appear more frail as time went on. His form grew emaciated; his voice, though still rich and sweet, had a certain melancholy prophecy of decay in it; h e was often observed, on any slight alarm or other sudden accident, to put his hand over his heart, with first a flush and then a paleness, indicative of pain. (117) In the end Dimmesdale could not deal with the lies and sins consuming his life. He felt he had to do the right thing and tell the truth to the public. While he was confessing to the sin, his physical appearance changed. epoch of life more brilliant and full of triumph than any previous one, or than any which could hereafter be. He stood, at this moment, on the very pro...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Data Analysis on Questionnaires (edit) Research Paper

Data Analysis on Questionnaires (edit) - Research Paper Example The first question in this survey simply asked patients to list the age at which they were diagnosed with diabetes. The participants in this group were diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes at ages ranging from 31 to 50, the youngest being a woman who initially developed Gestational diabetes during a pregnancy. Eighty-four percent of the participants were diagnosed when they were in the range of 40 to 49-years-old, supporting the evidence showing that this type of diabetes is most commonly found in adults. Answers referring to the diagnosis of the participants show a trend that most people are unaware that they even suffer from the disease until they are diagnosed by a medical professional. Participants were asked how they were diagnosed with diabetes with the second question of the survey. Almost half of the surveyed group – forty-eight percent – went to their general practitioner based on symptoms that the patients recognized as possibly being linked to diabetes because of family members with the disease or for symptoms ranging from wounds that would not heal to dizziness to rapid weight loss or gain. Glucose tests were then performed to diagnose the disease. Conversely, the other fifty-two percent of the participants were surprised by a diagnosis of diabetes. Three women developed Gestational diabetes during or after pregnancies when no history of the disease was present. The other ten participants were all incidentally diagnosed because of other health problems. Half were being hospitalized for other illnesses and blood tests showed abnormal glucose levels. The other half was having routine blood tests, pre-surgery blood tests, and even an insurance s creening when their diabetes was diagnosed. Thus, while almost half of the group was aware of present symptoms of the disease, over half had no idea they had any blood glucose abnormalities until the lab test results were stumbled

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Corporate Branding and Public Relations Term Paper

Corporate Branding and Public Relations - Term Paper Example Corporate branding is characterized by a deliberate thrust on the part of the management of corporations to present to its public its most important and distinguishing attributes and to differentiate it among other corporations (Balmer, 2001 qt. In Kirby, 2003). It is a precursor to a more comprehensive corporate identity, which communicates these attributes beyond the mere public and also to the companies' stakeholders. The internal relations of the corporation bears heavily on the unity and consistency of the messages and images presented to the public, and this also has to bear on the way public relations is accomplished. The intention of those who manage corporate identities is to develop them along through strong internal relations that embody the unified intentions, meanings, and vocations of the entire corporation, and to present them in that form to the public and to its stakeholders. This approach to its formation includes the following areas of marketing defined by Balmer (2001). These are its identity, its personality, its service, and its image or reputation. The company's identity is said to embody all these, and public relations is seen as a vehicle that presents the whole to the public as its identity. Furthermore, there are several dimensions to the identity of a corporation: the actual, communicated, conceived, ideal and desired identities. The important players in establishing corporate identities have been identified as the management and the stakeholder groups, and the identity becomes the point of contact between these two players (Kirby, 2003, p. 11). The corporation's identity influences the direction of the public relations campaign. The strategy of the organization is often developed in order to garner the trust of the public. This strategy is a part of the organization's image, and once it is developed, the public relations campaign exploits as much of its attributes as possible in order to promote a particular aspect of the corporation's identity.   Â