Friday, January 24, 2020

Dances with wolves :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The movie Dances with wolves is a movie that depicted the Indians in an unstereotypical way. Everybody in this time thought of the Indians as thieves, beggars, and savages. They took over other people’s land and killed the buffalo. I know that a lot of people have misunderstood, mistreated, or misjudged someone in their lifetime. All people are worthy of respect, you cannot just judge by first instinct or by what others say. Americans back then were small minded, revengeful, prejudiced, and swayed by rumor very easily.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Everyone in the world has to make a first impression on something new, sometimes it is a bad impression and they assume that you are always like that or that’s how you view everything. Whether you make a good impression or bad impression everyone is worthy of respect. You can’t just hate somebody just because how they act, and this is exactly what the Americans did. Many people have thought of someone in a certain way including myself, after you make those actions you look back and really think about it and how you had no right to do whatever you did. September 11th had a huge impact on the Middle Eastern people, I know that I had view on Arabs that were not right, just because a select few people did the wrong thing, doesn’t mean that everyone their culture is one of them. Another thing is gay marriages, I really do not think that they are right and gays are just stupid, but everyone has their right to do what they want and I think that is ho w it should be even though it’s not supported by many people. Stereotyping is the one of the worst traits that Americans possess. In the movie John Dunbar was almost the near opposite of the average person back then. He took the time to understand what these Indians were really like. It turns out that they were extremely friendly and very helpful. The average American would kill John Dunbar for being a traitor even though he was one of them. Nobody takes the time to take in what people have to say over a period of time, they jump to conclusions. If everyone in the world acted as John Dunbar did the world would be such a better place. People keep talking about the bad of someone more than the good and that is all that spreads throughout the country.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

James Joyce. Araby

1. In Joyce's short story, the young narrator views Araby as a symbol of the mysteriousness and seduction of the Middle East. When he crosses the river to attend the bazaar and purchase a gift for the girl, it is as if he is crossing into a foreign land. But his trip to the bazaar disappoints and disillusions him, awakening him to the rigid reality of life around him. The boy’s dream to buy some little thing on bazaar is roughly divided on the callousness of adults who have forgotten about his request.And Dublin bazaar with alluring oriental-sounding name â€Å"Arabia† is a pathetic parody of the real holiday. 2. Although James Joyce’s story â€Å"Araby† is told from the first person viewpoint of its young protagonist, we do not think that a boy tells the story. Instead, the narrator seems to be a man matured well beyond the experience of the story. The mature man reminisces about his youthful hopes, desires, and frustrations.Because of the double focused narration of the story, first by the boy's experience, then by a mature experienced man, the story gives a wider portrait to using sophisticated irony and symbolic imagery necessary to analyze the boy's character. 3. Mangan's sister is the other central character in the story. The narrator shows us in ironic manner that in his youthful adoration of Mangan’s sister she is the embodiment of all his boyish dreams of the beauty, of physical desire and, at the same time, the embodiment of his adoration of all that is holy.Her image, constantly with him, makes him feel as though he bears a holy â€Å"chalice† through a â€Å"crowd of foes†Ã¢â‚¬â€œ the Saturday evening throng of drunken men, bargaining women, cursing laborers, and all the others who have no conception of the mystical beauty his young mind has created in this world of material ugliness. 4. Joyce very clearly defined his creative task in the â€Å"Dubliners†: â€Å"My intention was to write a cha pter of the spiritual history of my country, and I chose the scene of Dublin, because this city is the center of paralysis â€Å".The opening paragraph, setting the scene prepares us for the view we receive of the conflict between the loveliness of the ideal and the drabness of the actual. Long monotonous periods, the rhythm and the threefold repetition of the word â€Å"blind† in the sense of impasse and blind create comic discrepancy between the title of the story and its beginning. 5. James Joyce uses dark and gloomy references to create the exact mood or atmosphere. Dark time of day (night) is used throughout the story and darkness is the prevailing theme.Joyce writes repetitively of the dark as a direct representation of the boy’s life. The boy plays in the dark, he hides in the dark, and he lives in the dark. The darkness is where he comes to an epiphany, and where he matures as a boy. The narrator's perception of the darkness causes him to reflect on his own is olation and loneliness. The nameless boy’s destiny is in the darkness of Dublin, and Joyce knows there is no escaping this. In the end of the story, the boy suddenly awakens to the bleakness of the humdrum life around him.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

The Treatment Of Cardiac Transplant Surgery - 1073 Words

Cardiac transplant is a surgical procedure to replace the patient’s diseased heart and replace it with a healthy heart from a cadaver or lifeless donor. Most of the end-stage heart failure patients are undergoing these heart transplant surgery. Cardiac transplant surgery is performed in critical situation to save the life of the human being who diagnosed as end – stage heart failure. (NHLBI,2012). A Patient diagnosed with congenital heart disease needed heart transplant procedure in the mode of palliative care or in the mode of reparative care. The Majority of the children’s are enduring these transplantations from 6months to 6 years. In adolescents, adults commonly 20-40 are going these procedure. Some of the congenital heart disease patients are surviving due to the other surgical interventions and medical management. However, the mass group of people is in necessity of cardiac transplant in out of their childhood. (7th para, Esian Burch). In cardiac transplant, the patient’s survival rate is enriched after the surgery absolutely in the first year of life. The existence rate is increased up to 88% in the first year, 75% for 5years, and 56% for 10 years. Post-surgery, most of the heart transplant patients are going back to their normal and optimum level of activity. Moreover, less than 30% of patients going back to work for their personal reasons. (NHLBI, 2012). A patient who diagnosed with end-stage heart failure, heart valve and muscle damage, and viral infection of theShow MoreRelatedCardiac Surgery : The Denervated Heart3813 Words   |  16 Pages Post Cardiac Transplant: The Denervated Heart Wilbur J. Thomas III The University of Southern Mississippi Outline I. Introduction to Cardiac Denervation Post Transplant A. Overview of Cardiac Denervation Post transplant B. 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