Thursday, May 21, 2020

6 Tips to Liven Up Your Lectures

Many graduate students find themselves at the head of the classroom, first as teaching assistants and later as instructors. However, graduate study often doesn’t teach students how to teach, and not all grad student instructors first serve as TAs. Instead, most graduate students find themselves instructing a college class with little to no teaching experience. When faced with the challenge of teaching despite little experience, most grad students turn to the techniques they have experienced as students. The lecture method is a common teaching tool. A poor lecture is painful for both students and the instructor. Lecturing is a traditional method of instruction, perhaps the oldest form of instruction. It has its detractors who argue that it is a passive means of education. However, the lecture is not always passive. A good lecture is not simply a list of facts or a reading of the textbook. An effective lecture is the result of planning and making a series of choices — and it need not be boring. 1.  Dont Cover It All Exert restraint in planning each class session. You will not be able to cover all of the material in the text and assigned readings. Accept that. Base your lecture on the most important material in the reading assignment, a topic from the reading that students are likely to find difficult, or material that doesnt appear in the text. Explain to students that you wont repeat much of the material in the assigned readings, and their job is to read carefully and critically, identifying and bringing questions about the readings to class. 2.  Make Choices Your lecture should present no more than three or four major issues, with time for examples and questions. Anything more than a few points and your students will be overwhelmed. Determine the critical message of your lecture and then remove the adornments. Present the bare bones in a succinct story. Students will absorb the salient points easily if they are few in number, clear, and coupled with examples. 3.  Present in Small Chunks Break up your lectures so that they are presented in 20-minute chunks. Whats wrong with a 1- or 2-hour lecture? Research shows that students remember the first and the last ten minutes of lectures, but little of the intervening time. Undergraduate students have a limited attention span — so take advantage of it to structure your class. Switch gears after each 20-minute mini-lecture and do something different. For example, pose a discussion question, a short in-class writing assignment, a small group discussion, or problem-solving activity. 4.  Encourage Active Processing Learning is a constructive process. Students must think about the material, make connections, relate new knowledge to what is already known, and apply knowledge to new situations. Only by working with information do we learn it. Effective instructors use active learning techniques in the classroom. Active learning is a student-centered instruction that forces students to manipulate the material to solve problems, answer questions, examine cases, discuss, explain, debate, brainstorm, and formulate questions of their own. Students tend to prefer active learning techniques because they are engaging and fun. 5.  Pose Reflective Questions The simplest way of using active learning techniques in the classroom is to ask reflective questions. These are not yes or no questions, but those that require students to think. For example, â€Å"What would you do in this particular situation? How would you approach solving this problem?† Reflective questions are difficult and will require time to think, so be prepared to wait for an answer. Endure the silence. 6.  Get Them Writing Rather than simply pose a discussion question, ask students to write about the question first for three to five minutes, then solicit their responses. The benefit of asking students to consider the question in writing is that they will have time to think through their response and feel more comfortable discussing their views without fear of forgetting their point. Asking students to work with the course content and determine how it fits with their experiences enables them to learn in their own way, making the material personally meaningful, which is at the heart of active learning. In addition to the educational  benefits, breaking up a lecture and interspersing it with discussion and active learning takes the pressure off of you as the instructor. An hour and 15 minutes, or even 50 minutes, is a long time to talk. Its also a long time to listen.  Try these techniques and vary your strategies to make it easier on everyone and increase your likelihood of success in the classroom.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Battle Of The Epic Of Gilgamesh - 931 Words

Tablet IV tells the story of Gilgamesh and Enkidu partaking in their adventure to the edge of the Cedar Forest, and their encounter with a guard, an enemy. Throughout this battle, Gilgamesh loses faith in the couples ability to defeat the guard but is ultimately talked back into his heroic mindset by The Gods. In column VI, having just defeated the guard, Enkidu then finds himself in a similar situation to Gilgamesh, whereby he doubts their ability to defeat Humbaba, and it comes down to Gilgamesh, and his leadership to reiterate the ongoing theme of companionship in order to convince Enkidu to continue fighting in order to finish the battle. The theme of the inevitability of death is also shown throughout this column, with Enkidu’s injury being a clear indication of what is undoubtedly going to happen later in the poem. Column VI of the Epic of Gilgamesh begins with Enkidu seeking reassurance and support from Gilgamesh in the lack of a God’s presence. This reiterate s the theme of companionship that is coherent throughout the poem and conforms to the epic hero cycle of being accompanied by a companion. Enkidu is injured and informs Gilgamesh â€Å"I lost my strength in this crushed hand when the gate slammed shut.† (Tablet IV. 38). In saying that he has lost strength, Enkidu is not only informing Gilgamesh that he is physically harmed from the previous battle, but is also bringing up one of the reoccurring themes of the poem: the inevitability of death. His loss of strengthShow MoreRelatedGilgamesh : The Epic Of Gilgamesh909 Words   |  4 Pages â€Å"The Epic of Gilgamesh† is a didactic story set out to expose the inevitability of death. The true meaning of this story is sometimes overlooked because the story is told in heighten language not easily understood. The epic hero in this story is Gilgamesh; he undertakes a quest for knowledge which is overshadowed by his ignorance. 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An Intro To Psychology Architecture Essay Free Essays

The term Hypnosis comes from the Grecian ‘ypnos ‘ which means sleep because of the Trance State. However Hypnosis is non sleep because the topic stays qui vive, can speak and travel, and the encephalon moving ridges differ ( What is Hypnosis, n.d. We will write a custom essay sample on An Intro To Psychology Architecture Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now ) . In modern yearss Hypnosis has been used for a figure of grounds. Some people try to halt smoke, loose weight, drug dependence and alcohol addiction Bi Polar upset, ADHD, and schizophrenic disorder, and stress management.A As you can see Hypnosis can and is being used in all sorts of signifiers. For several decennaries, or even centuries, hypnosis was more seen as a circus or charming act. Because of this it has taken for a while to convert the populace that it besides has its practical utilizations. As to the history of hypnosis, the usage of it can be dated back all the manner to the early ages of civilisation. In ancient times, worlds used it for mending intents, particularly in spiritual ceremonials. For illustration, an Indian priest-doctors entered into a procedure of strong visual image and suggestion during which he willed to mend the ill individual. The first modern type of hypnosis started with carnal hypnosis. In 1600-s husbandmans calmed poulets hypnotically by utilizing different methods. In 1800-s people hypnotized birds, coneies, toads and other animate beings. B. Danilewsky experimented with carnal hypnosis and studied its physiological workings in animate beings ( Hypnosis Black Secrets, n.d. ) . The first individual to look into this portion of psychological science was Franz Anton Mesmer ( 1734-1815 ) , an Austrian doctor, who is widely acknowledged as the ‘Father of Hypnosis ‘ . Franz believed that there was a quasi-magnetic fluid in the really air that we breathe and that the organic structure ‘s ‘ nervousnesss someway absorbed this fluid. He cured most of his patients by using magnets to different parts of the organic structure to alter the magnetic flows of the organic structure ( Mark, R. 2002 ) . He was the sire of all major scientists who studied Hypnosis after him, for illustration Marquis de Puysegur and Dr. John Elliotson. Now that we know a small spot about how Hypnosis started, allow ‘s happen out what hypnosis is? Harmonizing to the Encyclopedia Britannica: â€Å" Hypnosis is a particular psychological province with certain physiological properties, resembling slumber merely superficially and marked by a operation of the person at a degree of consciousness other than the ordinary witting province. This province is characterized by a grade of increased receptivity and reactivity in which interior experiential perceptual experiences are given as much significance as is by and large given merely to external world ( Encyclopedia Britannica, n.d. ) . This brings us to the following inquiry, what is hypnosis used for? A better inquiry would really be what ca n’t Hypnosis be used for? A Hypnosis, today, is being used for multiple jobs. Some of the more common 1s would be people who try to halt smoke, others who would wish to lose weight and have tried everything else and it did n’t work. Some us hypnosis to cover with emphasis related jobs. These would be the more normally know countries hypnosis is used for. Other less known countries hypnosis can be used for would be in assisting epilepsy patients and patients with palsy, Multiple induration, AIDS and malignant neoplastic disease. Hypnosis can in some of these instances help to better the quality of life and in some instances assist in easing a remedy. The most of import portion of this side of Hypnosis is to retrieve that merely people with a grade in medical specialty should pattern hypnosis for these sorts of jobs. An exclusion might be that doctors will give you a referral to a hypnotizer, who is really good reversed it what you need him to make. Hypnosis has besides been known Os have been applied for child birth conditioning and of class the benefits are enhanced if they are used in combination with La Maze take a breathing techniques. There are besides experts who utilize hypnosis for drug dependence and alcohol addiction, these experts are familiar with the 12 stairss of AA and Al-anon and hold pattern in the 12 measure plans and cognize how to utilize hypnosis to assist their clients. Other experts employ hypnosis to assist adult females with the symptoms of PMS ( premenstrual emphasis ) and other hormone related wellness upsets. Hypnosis besides has been found to assist people with ADHD and schizophrenic disorder and bi-polar ( Watkins, 2008 ) . Another particular signifier of hypnosis-called wakened hypnosis — is most effectual for covering with anxiousness panic onslaught. Hypnosis – Hypnosis is sometimes used in combination with cognitive-behavioral therapy for anxiousness. While you ‘re in a province of deep relaxation, the hypnotherapist uses different curative techniques to assist you confront your frights and expression at them in new ways ( Anxiety Attacks and Disorders, n.d. ) . Last but non least, and likely one of the most known utilizations for hypnosis, is to utilize it for diging into repressed kid goon memories. Clinical hypnosis can be used to get the better of many of the clients mental and wellness jobs by theoretically turn uping the beginning of the job in their childhood. This pattern of hypnosis has come under fire recently, some statements made by people that underwent hypnosis to bring out pent-up kid goon memories were really used for cases against parents, siblings and other household members. After long probes most of these instances nil more than person ‘s purportedly long-repressed memories that all of a sudden surfaced under therapy. After reexamining 60 old ages of research and happening no controlled research lab support for the construct of repression, a good known research worker D.S. Holmes suggested, merely half jestingly, that any usage of the construct be preceded by a warning: â€Å" Warning. The construct of repression h as non been validated with experimental research and its usage may be risky to the accurate reading of clinical behaviour † ( Holmes, 1990 ) Ricker, n.d. ) . Defense judicial proceeding in such instances of hypnosis has raised improperness and incompetence on the portion of the healer or practician utilizing hypnosis and/or implicative techniques to retrieve â€Å" repressed † memories which false lead the client to believe that their current symptoms are due to being sexual abused as a kid ( Hansen, 1996 ) . There have been besides studies of tooth doctor utilizing hypnosis during dental surgery to wipe out the hurting. Another usage of hypnosis is called Self-hypnosis, this happens when you hypnotize yourself. This is frequently more practical as a emphasis direction tool than normal hypnosis, as you do non necessitate to hold a hypnotist nowadays. Self hypnosis works reasonably much the same manner as speculation, it helps you loosen up and deflect your head from unpleasant ideas. Together with speculation and imagination, self hypnosis can be a powerful tool to battle day-to-day emphasis and go a portion of a day-to-day emphasis direction modus operandi ( Self Hypnosis, n.d. ) . In decision, as you can see hypnosis can successfully be used for every conceivable job that can problem worlds. In this essay I touched on merely a few utilizations of Hypnosis, the more common 1s like childhood repressed memories, halt smoke, weight loss and stress direction and some of the lesser known 1s like hurting control and child birth. There are likely many more utilizations for hypnosis to be discovered we have n’t thought of yet. Mentions Anxiety Attacks and Disorders: Signs, symptoms, and intervention. ( n.d. ) Understand, prevent and decide life ‘s challenges. Retrieved April 7, 2010, from hypertext transfer protocol: // Hansen, J. , A ; R.H.A.. ( 1996 ) . Hypnosis – controversial once more.The Ross Institute Internet Archives for the Study of Destructive Cults, Controversial Groups and Motions. Retrieved April 7, 2010, from hypertext transfer protocol: // /reference/ false_memories/fsm25.html History of Hypnosis: from antediluvian times to modern hypnosis. ( n.d. ) .Hypnosis and self hypnosis secrets -learn hypnosis online. Retrieved April 7, 2010, from hypertext transfer protocol: // Ibadov, O. ( n.d. ) . History of Hypnosis: From priest-doctors to instant hypnosis.Self Improvement from Retrieved April 7, 2010, from hypertext transfer protocol: // /articles/ History_of_Hypnosis_From_Shamans_to_Instant_Hypnosis.html Mark, R. ( 2002 ) Hypnosis ( psychological science ) — Britannica Online Encyclopedia. ( n.d. ) .Encyclopedia – Britannica Online Encyclopedia. Retrieved April 7, 2010, from hypertext transfer protocol: // Ricker, J. , A ; Ph.D.. ( n.d. ) . Section 6-16: What are false memories? .Scottsdale Community College. Retrieved April 7, 2010, from hypertext transfer protocol: // Self-Hypnosis – Relaxation Techniques from Mind Tools. ( n.d. ) .Mind tools – direction preparation, leading preparation and calling raining – right here, right now.. Retrieved April 7, 2010, from hypertext transfer protocol: // The history of hypnosis.Essortment Articles: Free online articles on wellness, scientific discipline, instruction A ; more... Retrieved April 7, 2010, from hypertext transfer protocol: // Watkins, C. ( 2008 ) . Hypnotherapy.Northern County Psychiatric Associates Home Page. Retrieved April 7, 2010, from hypertext transfer protocol: // What Is Hypnosis – Toronto Naturopathic Clinic. ( n.d. ) .Toronto Naturopathic Clinic – Toronto Naturopath Sushma Shah ND ( Yonge A ; Davisville ). Retrieved April 7, 2010, from hypertext transfer protocol: // How to cite An Intro To Psychology Architecture Essay, Essay examples