Tuesday, May 28, 2019

The Threat of Anne Hutchinson Essay -- essays research papers

The Threat of Anne HutchinsonIn Puritan led mommy Bay Colony during the days of Anne Hutchinson was an intriguing place to have lived. It was designed ideally as a holy mission in the New World called the city upon a hill, a mission to provide a prime example of how Protestant lives should have subsisted of. A key ingredient to the success of the Puritan community was the cohesion of the community as a whole, which was created by a high level of conformity in the colony. Puritan leaders provided leadership for all facets of life socially, economically, religiously, and even politically. A certain hierarchy was very apparent in the Massachusetts Bay Colony, in which ministers always seemed to have gotten their way. Governor Winthrop got his way in 1637 by banishing a woman, Anne Hutchinson, whom he thought posed a threat to the organise of the colony. I believe that there is a legit rationale for her banishment, this being her religious ideas that were very close to that of the Ant inomians who Governor Winthrop was not too fond of. I to a fault think that this was not the primal reason. In my mind, Annes gender played a large role in determining whether or not she truly posed a serious threat to the solidarity of Massachusetts.Upon her arrival to the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1634, Anne Hutchinson was a much respected member of her community. As magazine went on, her dealings with the religion began to be...

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