Thursday, October 31, 2019

The perfect age to get married Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The perfect age to get married - Essay Example Marriage is a serious institution that is respected by both culture and law. This being the case, it should be approached in a careful manner due to its delicate nature. One of the major reasons why in the recent times many marriages are ending up in divorce is because either both or one of the partners was not ready to enter into marriage in the first place. In fact, in the past, 50 percent of marriages in America have ended up in divorce (Gibson). For example, quite a number of people get into marriages either because they were forced into it by situations or pressure from various aspects of life. A good example is when a young lady gets married to a man as a result of getting an unwanted pregnancy. This is especially common among teenagers and people in their early 20s. For me to arrive at the conclusion that one should get marriage at the age of 35 there are various factors that I have put into consideration. Firstly, at the age of 35, a normal person with the right priorities is well matured both physically and emotionally. This stipulates that he /she has seen their share of life, thus, they know how to handle different situations in the right way. Physically, particularly in women, one’s body is fully developed to handle pregnancies since in most cases children often accompany marriage. The other factor to be put in consideration is education. By the age of 35, irrespective of which profession one has undertaken, most people who are focused in life will have completed their education, and will most probably be working. For professions that require one to undertake studies for a long time, one is likely to be in their specialization phase of their professional education, by the time they are 35 years. This ensures that one can support themselves financially, as well as be able to support the family that comes with marriage. Another issue that makes 35 the perfect age

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Dexter Morgen- Vigilante Serial Killer Essay Example for Free

Dexter Morgen- Vigilante Serial Killer Essay To those who disagree with the stance of fictional vigilantly heroes such as Dexter Morgan, in effort to convince them that the vigilante’s actions have earned societys full support, the offenses commonly lain against them will be disproved and a new perspective will be given to support them. Dexter is a serial killer in Miami, FL from Dexter, a series on Showtime; however Dexter only kills murderers. Dexter is considered a felon and his actions are a capitol offense. Many would consider that grounds for Dexter to be thrown into jail, or even face death-row. But look at all the murder we allow and encourage today. Our military is trained to kill Americas enemies. While not everyone approves of war and while no one enjoys it, war is a part of our past and will be a part of our future. If nothing else, war must be accepted. Killing has gone on since the beginning of human history- whether that is Cain and Able, or the war between Sumer and Elam. Who gets to decide who is an enemy of America? The obvious answer is Congress. But Congress is a group of elected officials here to serve its people. Our government of the people, by the people, and for the people is created for us. So ultimately we decide who our enemies are. We the people decided who we go to war with- who we kill. How do we decide who is an enemy of America? There are many acceptable answers such as: any one who threatens our interests, any one who disagrees with our laws, or any one who attacks our country. September 11, 2001 a terrorist organization known as Al-Qaeda attacked America by sending planes through the World Trade Centers in New York and the Pentagon in Virginia. Al-Qaeda unjustly killed 3,000 Americans and Americans justly kill people like this every day. If killing and war are accepted responses to threats posed against the way we live, then who makes the distinction between what killing is just and when killing is necessary. The answer is simple- the law. This topic no longer becomes a moral issue but an issue of law. If Dexter, like our troops over seas, is killing murders then morally Dexter has support. But not full support- not support from the law. There is no arguing murder is against the law, but there are no doubt exceptions. The military is a great example of citizens who, by our laws, can kill. These men are legally allowed to, or licensed, to kill. These are the citizens who kill murders that have or will murder Americans if given the chance. These murderers exist not only over seas, but also in America- killing 16,000 Americans annually. The court system will do the best they to capture them, but what happens when they fail? When citizens stand up against a crook, murderer, or rapist, the punishment lies with the man who rid the world of the injustice; the man that can not let injustice stand is the man that the law says is out of hand. Why should the good be punished? Murder is usually considered an act of passion. Its usually a one time thing which is why most murderers dont get the death penalty. However, certain acts of passion fit the bill on who should get killed in the electric chair. A man who rapes and murderers victims deserves a much more severe punishment than the man who shot that felon. Most wouldnt mind that the rapist was killed and most would believe that the man who shot the rapist had a good mind to do it. If these actions were perfectly legal, it would spark a movement. A movement that would result in the death or thousand of people who believe they are capable of killing felons too. A movement begun with the good intention of cleaning up our streets that will end with them covered in blood. Civilians should not be encouraged to fight crime. But just like policemen and detectives, with training they can. A license to kill these murderers is the best weapon against them. A process should be set in place to allow for this. When the system fails, these licensed killers can put to rest those who murder. Dexter must find proof of the murderers guilt. It is part of his â€Å"code.† A set of rules made for what person he can kill. Dexter can only kill someone who is a murder, for no condonable reason. If Dexter finds this proof, he is free to kill. Why not make the code the description for who a licensed killer can kill? This will lower the rates of overall death tolls and will stop other murderers who kill for a morally wrong reason or for none at all. If Dexter can kill legally, he has then earned all the support he needs. Dexter doesnt need to be famous, he doesn’t need to have to world accept him, he just needs understanding. He has urges to kill, so why not use them for good? Dexters dark side could be used to created a brighter world, because there can be no light without the dark. If Dexter could be given a license to kill, we all would be in a safer place.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

A Review on Client Side Load Balancing

A Review on Client Side Load Balancing Prof. Vikas Nandgaonkar, Prof.Prashant Dongare Harshal Mahajan, Awadhoot Lele, Akshay Gaikwad Abstract : Load balancing is an important issue while managing server resources in a cloud environment. The concept behind load balancing is to manage server load which includes number of resources like avaliable RAM,CPU bandwisth, etc as well as to manage incoming request on the server. In cloud environment, it is important that even small application requests from clients must be served with an appropriate response, but in convensional approach, it becomes difficult to serve small data resourcesover large ones. Here load balancing plays an important role by managing and distributing load from one server evenly across multiple servers. Our approach is to perform load balancing at client side which means to shift load management process at client side hence reducing servers load balancing overhead. Keywords— string matching, experimental algorithms, text processing, automaton, pattern I. Introduction Cloud computing may be a new term within the computing world and it signals the appearance of a brand new computing. Cloud computing is Associate in Nursing on demand service within which shared resources, data, computer code and alternative devices area unit provided in step with the purchasers demand at specific time. It’s a term that is mostly employed in case of web. the complete web is viewed as a cloud. Capital and operational prices is cut victimisation cloud computing. Load equalisation in cloud computing systems is absolutely a challenge currently. continually a distributed resolution is needed. Jobs can’t be appointed to acceptable servers and purchasers separately for economical load equalisation as cloud may be a terribly complicated structure and elements area unit gift throughout a good unfold space. Our aim is to produce Associate in Nursing analysis and comparative study of those approaches. Cloud computing could be a bunk meaning totally different things to different individuals. For some, its simply in our own way of describing IT (information technology) outsourcing;others use it to mean any computing service provided over the Internet or an identical network; and a few outline it as any bought-in laptop service you utilize that sits outside your firewall. Different types of cloud Based on the domain or environment in which clouds are  used, clouds can be divided into 3 categories: Public Clouds It is type of cloud which can be access from  anywhere in the world and can be accessed by anyone. Examples of this cloud are Amazon’s or Google’s cloud  which are open to all after specific SLA between user and  provider. Private Clouds In this type of cloud the specific  organization’s or company’s employee can only get access  and it will be accessible only within organization’s premises  and by authenticating each and every user, it is not open to  all. Hybrid Clouds (combination of both private and public  clouds) This types of cloud are combination of both public  as well as private cloud. Most of the commercial use is  influenced by this type of cloud. Different services provided by Cloud Fig 1: Services of cloud.[1]. A. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Means we have a tendency to area unit buying access to raw computing hardware over world wide web,such as servers or storage. Since we have a tendency to get what you would like and pay-as-you-go, this is {often|this can be} often said as utility computing. normal net hosting may be a straightforward example of IaaS: we have a tendency to pay a monthly subscription or a permegabyte gigabyte fee to own a hosting company serves up files for our web site from their servers. B. Software as a Service (SaaS) Means we use a  complete application running on someone elses system. Web-based email and Google Documents are perhaps  the best-known examples. C. Platform as a Service (PaaS) Means we develop  applications using Web-based tools so they run on systems software and hardware provided by another company. So, for example, we might develop your own ecommerce website but have the whole thing, including the shopping cart, checkout, and payment mechanism running on a merchants server. (from and the Google App Engine are examples of PaaS. Existing Load Balancing Algorithm A. Dynamic Load Balancing Algorithm: In a distributed system, dynamic load equalization is worn out 2 totally different ways: distributed and non-distributed. within the distributed one, the dynamic load equalization algorithmic program is dead by all nodes gift within the system and also the task of load equalization is shared among them. The interaction among nodes to attain load equalization will take 2 forms: cooperative and non-cooperative [4].Dynamic load equalization algorithms of distributed nature, typically generate additional messages than the non-distributed ones as a result of, every of the nodes within the system must move with each alternative node. A benefit, of this can be that though one or additional nodes within the system fail, itll not cause the overall load equalization method to halt, it instead would effects the system performance to some extent. Distributed dynamic load equalization will introduce Brobdingnagian stress on a system within which every node must interchange standing info with each alternative node within the system. In non-distributed kind, either one node or a gaggle of nodes do the task of load equalization. Non-distributed dynamic load equalization algorithms will take 2 forms: centralized and semi-distributed. within the initial kind, the load equalization algorithmic program is dead solely by one node within the whole system: the central node. This node is exclusively chargeable for load equalization of the entire system. the opposite nodes move solely with the central node. In semi-distributed kind, nodes of the system square measure partitioned off into clusters, wherever the load equalization in every cluster is of centralized kind. A central node is nonappointive in every cluster by acceptable election technique that takes care of load equalization at intervals that cluster. Hence, the load equalization of the entire system is completed via the central nodes of every cluster[4]. Strategies in Dynamic Load Balancing: 1) Transfer Policy: The part of the dynamic load balancing algorithm which selects a job for transferring from a local node to a remote node is referred to as Transfer policy or Transfer strategy. 2) Selection Policy: It specifies the processors involved in the load exchange (processor matching) . 3) Location Policy: The part of the load balancing algorithm which selects a destination node for a transferred task is reffered to as location policy or Location strategy. 4) Information Policy: The part of the dynamic load balancing algorithm responsible for collecting information about the nodes in the system is reffered to as Information policy or Information strategy. B. Distributed Load Balancing For the Clouds: (a) Honeybee Foraging Algorithm: In load-balancing operation,[2] every server takes a specific bee role with possibilities post exchange or pr. These values area unit wont to mimic the bee colony whereby an explicit range of bees area unit maintained as foragers – to explore (px); instead of as harvesters – to take advantage of existing sources. A server with success fulfilling asking can post on the advert board with likelihood pr. A server might at random select a virtual server’s queue with likelihood px(exploring), otherwise checking for an ad (watching a waggle dance). In summary, idle servers (waiting bees) follow one in every of 2 behaviour patterns: a server that reads the advert board can follow the chosen advert, then serve the request; therefore mimicking harvest behaviour. A server not reading the advert board reverts to forage behaviour; pairing a random virtual server’s queue request. associate degree corporal punishment server can complete the request and calculate the prof it of the just-serviced virtual server. Fig 2 :Virtual Servers and Advert Boards[2] II. Problem Statement To develop scalable, secure and fault tolerant client side load balancing application to leverage strength of cloud components[1] by using signature driven load management algorithm along with dynamic time wrapping[3]. Proposed System In our proposed model we establish cloud setup between  two computers using Ubuntu, xen and Eucalyptus on  peer to peer network. This can be discussed as follows- 1. Cloud Setup Creating cloud (test bed) by using  (Ubuntu, Xen and Eucalyptus 2. Resource Monitoring monitoring critical  resources like RAM, CPU, memory, bandwidth,  partition information, running process information and  utilization and swap usages etc. 3. Load Balancing load balancing algorithm for  homogeneous and heterogeneous architectures. 4. Testing In order to evaluate the performance of  complete setup, need to deploy resource monitoring and  load balancing tools on test bed and evaluate  performance of our algorithm. A. What is Resource Monitoring? Cloud computing has become a key manner for businesses to manage resources, that square measure currently provided through remote servers and over the web rather than through the recent hardwired systems that appear therefore out of date nowadays. Cloud computing permits corporations to source some resources and applications to 3rd parties and it means that less problem and fewer hardware in an exceedingly company. rather like any outsourced system, though, cloud computing needs watching. What happens once the services, servers, and web applications on that we tend to have faith in run into hassle, suffer period, or otherwise don’t perform to standard? however quickly can we tend to notice and the way we tend toll can we react? Cloud watching permits America to trace the performance of the cloud services we would be victimisation. whether or not we tend to square measure victimisation in style cloud services like Google App Engine, Amazon net Services, or a made-to-order answe r, cloud watching ensures that every one systems square measure going. Cloud watching permits America to follow response times, service accessibility and a lot of of cloud services in order that we are able to respond within the event of any issues. B. Approach to Resource Monitoring Here during this section we tend to area unit developing Associate in Nursing application in java where we tend to area unit observance the node resources like RAM, CPU, Memory, Bandwidth, Partition data, Running method data and utilization by employing a Third Party merchant application like SIGAR (System data Gatherer and Reporter). Proposed Algorithm Client side load balancing system which leverages strength of cloud components and overcomes above mentioned disadvantages Signature Driven Load Management(SigLM) using Cloud The above algorithm works by capturing system’s signature like available RAM, current CPU bandwidth available and other resources. Once captured, that value is compared with default threshold value and accordingly load like incoming requests is shifted to target node machine using Dynamic Time Wrapping (DTW) technique. Dynamic time wrapping works by considering source node as given by SigLM algorithm and makes some calculations to predict target node to which the load is to be shifted. This algorithm has better results than conventional algorithms with following advantages : Caption of resource signature. Scheduling by comparing signature of each server. 30%-80% improved performance than existing approaches Scalable, efficient and 0.0% overhead Dynamic time wrapping (DTW) for selection of target node at runtime. Client side means to perform load balancing before requests hit to server. D. Conclusion : In this paper we tend to created non-public Cloud setup mistreatment Ubuntu, xen and Eucalyptus which we tend to use as a workplace for closing implementation of DTW algorithmic program. we tend to conjointly did literature survey of existing resource observation tools additionally as load leveling tools and are available up with Associate in Nursing algorithmic program for various design with higher performance. In this paper we tend to discuss the implementation modules of Signature pattern matching DTW algorithmic program with the right flow diagrams that simplifies the work of Load Balancer. The planned metrics may be any refined by taking a lot of elaborate formalism for every module. References [1] Tony Bourke: Server Load Balancing, OReilly, ISBN 0-596-00050-2 [2] Chandra Kopparapu : Load Balancing Servers, Firewalls Caches,Wiley, ISBN 0-471-41550-2 [3] Robert J. Shimonski : Windows Server 2003 Clustering LoadBalancing, Osborne McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-07-222622-6 [4] Jeremy Zawodny , Derek J. Balling: High Performance MySQL,OReilly, ISBN 0-596-00306-4 [5] J. Kruskall and M. Liberman. The Symmetric TimeWarpingProblem: From Continuous to Discrete. In Time Warps,String Edits and Macromolecules: The Theory and Practiceof Sequence Comparison, pp. 125-161, Addison-WesleyPublishing Co., 1983. [6] Matthew Syme , Philip Goldie: Optimizing Network Performancewith Content Switching: Server, Firewall and Cache Loadbalancing, Prentice Hall PTR, ISBN 0-13 101468-5 [7] Anthony T.Velte, Toby J.Velte, Robert Elsenpeter, Cloud  Computing A Practical Approach, TATA McGRAW-HILL Edition22International Journal of Advances in Computing and Information ResearchesISSN: 2277-4068, Volume 1– No.2, April 2012 [8] 2010.Martin Randles, David Lamb, A. Taleb-Bendiab, A Comparative Study into Distributed [9] Load Balancing Algorithms for Cloud Computing, 2010 IEEE 24th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops. Mladen A. Vouk, Cloud Computing Issues, Research and Implementations, Proceedings of the ITI 2008 30th Int. Conf. on Information Technology Interfaces, 2008, June 23-26. [10] Ali M. Alakeel, A Guide to Dynamic Load Balancing in Distributed Computer Systems, IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.10 No.6, June 2010. [11] [12] [13] Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud [14] M. Vlachos, M. Hadjieleftheriou, D. Gunopulos, and E.Keogh. Indexing Multi-Dimensional Time-Series with Support for Multiple Distance Measures. Proc. of SIGKDD, 2003. [15] Keogh and C. A. Ratanamahatana. Exact indexing of dynamic time warping. Journal of Knowledge and Information Systems,2004.23

Friday, October 25, 2019

Film Essay examples -- essays research papers

Everyone lives in a different reality, that is why people enjoy watching movies. It gives insight into the world’s of others. Film directors strive to portray their characters’ lives as believable as possible. Many help set up the authenticity with costumes and such.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In The Governess Goldbacher sets the historical reality with subtle elegance. In the scene where Rosina enters the dining area to inform her employers of her departure, all are dressed in attire associated with the English Victorian era. The son in an oversized baggy shirt, the father with a smart suit and a string bow tie. The daughter is sporting a child like dress which drops just below her knees, and the mother in a high neck lace dress. Although the scene is somewhat dramatic with Rosina’s abruptness about leaving, she retires with the calm gracefulness women were expected to conduct themselves with in that day and age. As she begins speaking to them the camera zooms in some, and then follows her as she makes her way over to the Mistress and presents her with the nude of her husband.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In Elizabeth director Kapur did an excellent job portraying the many different phases in the Queen’s life. From her carefree days before her rein where she wore long flowing and light dresses, to that of her rebirth as the â€Å"Virgin Queen.† In her last phase she dons the most elaborate attire, huge and stiff dresses with high neck lines. She even cuts most of her hair o...

Thursday, October 24, 2019


Task 1) Summarize briefly why Mr Ramirez came to Los Angeles and why he has to leave. â€Å"Obviously† enough Mr Ramirez came to Los Angeles in the search for a better job and life. Well job, he had a job during the war at an airplane factory making parts, and he kept this job after the war. The reason he had to leave was because he wasn’t allowed to stay there any longer, because his temporary visa was no longer valid. He was there six months too long as well, so the police came and picked him up, to send him back to Mexico. Task2)A There is a famous saying that is nothing more American than Mom and apple pie.This story’s â€Å"mom† just happens to be baking a pie. She looks at her pie and compares it to Mr Ramirez. What attitude toward Mr Ramirez does this comparison encourage? I think our writer; Ray Bradbury wanted to show that illegal immigrants also are human beings. Ray wanted to show that these illegal immigrants can have a positive influence on ot hers. I even think that Mrs O’Brien likes Mr Ramirez more than just a friend; I think she likes him even more. The way she said â€Å"I just realized, I’ll never see Mr Ramirez again† made me think that.She says in a very sad way, like if she lost something very valuable to her. In all those American movies, the moms are very happy for their pies, and they let the pie’s stand in the window frame, and then someone comes and steals it. And now, someone came and took her pie, which is Mr Ramirez. Task 2) B We are given a detailed description of what Mr Ramirez likes about his room, what he spends his money on and what he likes to do in Los Angeles. What do these details reveal to us about why Mexicans like living in the USA? These descriptions start right after â€Å"Soon after Mr Ramirez had arrived.. † just like it wasn’t possible for him to do before he came. Pleasures that are harder to achieve in countries like Mexico are more easily attai nable in USA, which is the land where your dreams come true, isn’t it? USA makes it easier for good, hard-working people to be something, and live more greatly. â€Å"Walked silent streets and seen the bright clothes in the windows and bought some of them† Is one of the things he likes to do. He likes to do it, and he does it, the recipe for success. I guess that in Mexico, these things are harder. Task 2) CMrs O’Brien has been to Mexico. What did she notice? Why do you think all the negative sides of Mexico are in the thoughts of Mrs O’Brian and not Mr Ramirez? Mrs O’Brian remembers the hot days, the endless crickets leaping and falling or lying dead and brittle like the small cigars in the shop windows. She remembers the canals taking river water out to the farms, the dirt roads, and the scorched landscape. She remembers the silent towns, the warm beer, and the hot, thick food every day. She remembers the slow, dragging horses and the parched jac k rabbits on the road.She remembers the Iron Mountains and the dusty valleys and the ocean beaches that spread hundreds of miles with no sound but the waves – no cars, no buildings. I believe that the reason Mrs O’Brien think of all the negative sides, and Mr Ramirez doesn’t is because he is used to them. These conditions, this land she came across during her visit is much more of a shock to her, than to Mr Ramirez. Task 2) D Both Mr Ramirez and Mrs O’Brian are suddenly overwhelmed by a feeling of loss at his leaving. Why did the writer not just have Mr Ramirez being sad about never seeing Mrs O’Brian again?I think our writer; Ray Bradbury wanted to show that illegal immigrants are also human beings. Ray wanted to show that these illegal immigrants can have a positive influence on others. As well, I think that the whole story may last in just a couple of minutes, so the author focuses more on detailed description of the character’s story and experience to give us readers a bigger picture, if not the text could be meaningless and quite short. Task 3) A Is this a story that tries to create sympathy for illegal Mexican workers? Does it succeed? I think it tries to create sympathy for those who illegally enter the USA.It does show that Mexican workers have bad living standards where they come from, so it does create sympathy in some ways. I think it’s more that they want a change considering the rules, because those Mexican workers are people too, and they are probably just as good and hard-working as any other American. A story about Mexican workers just trying to live their life to the fullest by doing solid work, and the story confirms this and tries to open up some thoughts surrounding the theme. I think it succeeds; at least I get sympathy for them, so I guess it works. Task 3) B Can literature play a major role in bringing about social change?Is it as effective as documentary films and television programs, or non-fictional books and articles about social problems? Yes, literature can play a great role, but it’s various. A great, well know text can make a difference if it really makes an impression, but I do not think it’s the best way these days to make social problems more known. I believe a movie is the best way, because it reaches out to more people, and gets greater publicity than books. For example the new movie â€Å"The Impossible† about the Tsunami, gives very strong impressions because we can see what happens, and we know it happend in real life.Books don’t reach out to that many people. Task 6) A * How long is the Mexican-American border in miles and kilometres? The Mexican-American border total length is 1,969 miles or 3,141 km long * The 2006 Secure Fence Act says there is going to be a fence along the border. How long will the fence be in miles, and in kilometres? The 2006 Secure Fence Act goal was/is to help and secure America’s borders to decrease the amount of illegal entries, drug trafficking and security threats. A 700 miles (1,100 km) fence of physical barriers alongside the Mexico-United States border.Kilde: ( http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Secure_Fence_Act_of_2006 ) * Approximately how many illegals get across the border every year? Of course, it’s impossible to give an exact number, but the number is somewhere around 375,000 people every year. About 65% of these illegal immigrants come from Mexico and the other 35% come from Southern America. At least according to (http://www. strategicstudiesinstitute. army. mil/pdffiles/ksil499. pdf) * Use the internet to find out how you could legally enter the USA. Is there any way you could enter the USA to work and live there permanently?Start your search by going to the United States Embassy websites. If you are going to live permanently in the USA, you are going to have to get a green card. This means you have to become a permanent resident. The first way to qu alify for a green card is by having close family members who lives in the US. The second way of getting green card, is trough employment. Your chances for making this work increase the more skilled you are. In most cases you must show that an employer has offered you a job. The employer must also be able to show that no American was available to do the job.The last option for green card, would be through the diversity lottery. A program encouraging immigration for countries that don’t send many immigrants to the U. S. A small number of green cards will be available to people from these countries. All the qualified applicants will enter a lottery and the winners get the green card and gets allowed to move to USA. https://www. usimmigrationsupport. org/greencard. html * Use the internet to find reliable information about the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007 or, in its full name, the Secure Borders, Economic Opportunity and Immigration Reform Act of 2007.This act wit h a very long name was a proposition that would allow illegal immigrants to be able living and working legally in the U. S, with something called work authorization card, after paying some fines. Also, it would create temporary work programs, so workers would have to return to their homeland every two years, and stay there for a year or so before they could come back. But this act got voted down and died in the Senate after failing to get the 60 votes it needed to end debate. Kilde : http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Comprehensive_Immigration_Reform_Act_of_2007 http://immigration. about. om/od/usimmigrationhistory/f/What-S-In-The-Comprehensive-Immigration-Reform-Bill. htm http://www. nytimes. com/2011/12/09/us/illegal-border-crossings-dip-sharply. html? _r=0 http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Illegal_immigration_to_the_United_States Last raindrops Little Noah wakes up by the sound of rain thundering down on his window. He looks up, but he doesn’t move, he just stares at the window, looking at the rain. He doesn’t really think of anything special, he just observes how the rain splashes on the railings. Despite his confusion of what he should be thinking, he has a bad feeling. He knows that today is the day.He can feel it. They told him it was going to happen this week, but not sure which day. He stands up and puts his pyjamas pants on, the new one that he bought just some days ago. He stretches out like he always does, making this weird noise because he’s so sleepy. He stands in front of the window, looking out again. He has always been inspired by the rain; it makes him feel comfortable, but not today. Today it just makes him confused. Why would they want to take him? A 10 year old boy, who has done no harm towards anyone. Even though it was raining, the sun was rising in distance, hopefully making a rainbow.Maybe that would cheer him up. Anyhow, he knows that today is the day to leave this reality. Not just all the things in present time, also t he future in this place will go away for ever. The government has decided to send Noah and his dad back home, where they once lived, Kurdistan. He can hear his dad walking around downstairs. Not looking for something, just walking around. Probably confused, just like Noah. It has been 4 days since they said they would show within a week, but this had to be the day. Despite Noah’s young age, he was quite aware of what was going on.Noah’s dad has told him that the war in his native land isn’t critical anymore, even safe according to authorities, but Noah knows better. Noah remembers things from when he had to leave the country, he gets flashbacks. He remembers people screaming, and he just stood there crying. He remembers the last time he ever saw his mother and sister, before they were killed by a car-bomb. Noah was only 4 years old at the time, but the memories are stuck in him. He tries to stay positive, but he’s afraid. Afraid of leaving this safe place . Afraid of the memories that are printed in his head.Afraid that he and his dad will share the same faith as his sister and mother, losing everything again. Maybe he won’t have any place to sleep, anything to eat. He is glad he got his dad, but he misses his mother’s comforting words. He doesn’t recall much of her, but enough to know that he misses her. Noah fells a tear down his cheek, just like the ones falling down on his window. Noah’s father didn’t take the loss of his wife well either, he struggled a lot. Noah remembers how he heard his father crying late nights, and he remembers when they got the letter which said they had to go back.Noah looks out the window again, he sees people running around, hiding from the rain under their jackets. He remembers one time, long ago, when his mother, father and himself had to run across town because the rain surprisingly showed up. But Noah didn’t mind, he loved the rain. He hopes it will rain a l ot where he is going, it’s his only hope at the moment. Doorbell. Doorbell again. Every sound makes Noah’s heart beat a little faster. He looks outside again, observing the rain, sliding down synchronized with his tears. They were here, it’s time.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Migrations: 1700-1900 Essay

Many things changed and also remained constant during the time period between 1700-1900. These changes were the long-distance migration patterns, diversity of the new immigrants, and indentured servitude becoming the main way work was conducted. Although there was a lot of change, there were however things that stayed consistent such as who migrated and their motivation for migrating. Such migrations occurred from eastern regions like Europe, Asia, and Africa, and they would migrate to western regions such as the Americas. The Slave Trade Act of 1807, and the Slave Abolition Act of 1833 put forth by the British outlawed slavery in British territory, and both heavily encouraged other European countries to stop using slavery as their main work force. Due to this indentured servitude increased in popularity. Since the colonies no longer needed African slaves to conduct their work, African populations began to decline. This helped shift towards the use of indentured servants. This new opportunity attracted a large diversity of immigrants. Many new people came to the Americas looking for a new opportunity especially from Asia. So many Asian laborers came to the US that the US had to put forth acts to keep them out. The Chinese Exclusion Act is an example, and it prohibited the immigration of  Chinese laborers into the US. Many other things also attracted immigrants to the Americas. Some would migrate to the United States due to the â€Å"American Dream† and the ability to start a new life in which anything would be possible. Some would be forced to migrate due to factors in their homeland. One such example would be the Irish potato famine which started in 1845. Many Irish emigrated to places like North America after this occurred. Also in 1848 the California Gold Rush began. This would spark a migration within the United States to expand outward from the east coast across the nation. Since essentially people from everywhere in the world at this was migrating, it put forth new long-distance migration patterns. With all of the changes in migration at the time, many things did stay the same. The majority of people migrating still came from Europe. During the Potato Famine, approximately 1,000,000 Irish emigrated to the Americas alone; many others emigrated to places like England and Australia. Also people still migrated for the same basic reasons; they either were attracted to something in a foreign land, or were detracted from something in their native land. Indentured servitude was also used before this time. This form of work just had a meteoric rise in popularity and usage during this time period which makes it so significant. There was also still the migration of Africans during this time period; however, it was not nearly as large of a migration as the previous migrations that were for slaves. Due to the Emancipation Proclamation of 1863, slavery was abolished in ten states that were still in rebellion during the American Civil War. This   attracted many new Africans to the United States because of the new freedoms and the new opportunities that were now also available to Africans of the time. This also increased foreign opinion on the United States which increased migrations to North American countries such as the United States. Not all immigration occurred in the US though. Brazil continued to receive a large amount of emigrants as well. Europe, and especially Portugal underwent a demographic crisis due to the increased emigration to places like the U.S. and Brazil. People went to Brazil for the same reasons they immigrated to anywhere else too. The main reason was that Brazil still had a lot of new land to offer. The result of all of the migration was that 1850 was the start of what is known as the â€Å"Age of Mass Migration.†

Essay Sample on the Persian Gulf War

Essay Sample on the Persian Gulf War Free sample essay on The Persian Gulf War: The Persian Gulf War, also known to Americans a Operation Desert storm, was one of the most defining events in American history. It was the one war that Americans fought in and had very little loss of life! Said mother when I asked her about the war and what she thought of it. And that was very true since almost all of the 500,000 troops sent into Kuwait came home safe and sound. This war was also one of technological superiority which greatly favored American forces. The use of guided bombs, missiles and almost invisible planes made it easy for the American forces to take out key targets on the Iraqi battle ground. The war began because the Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussain believed that Kuwait was over producing oil and that they stole oil form other oil fields. This quickly escalated to an all out war and had the oil-thirsty man Saddam and his troops stormed into Kuwait with guns in hand and thoughts of destruction and greed on their minds. This upset American president George Bush who immediately gave a call to congress to act against this devilish crook who struck fear into the eyes of his enemies and his own suffering people. Congress agreed and Bush sent in 500,000 men to fight for the liberation of Kuwait and its valued natural recourse. Stealth bombers, F-15 fighter jets, and B-2 bombers bombarded the Kuwaiti soil demolishing any and all Iraqi military targets and clearing a path for the American clean up crew, who with great ease took out any remaining resistance. The Persian Gulf War though short gave new self pride and honor to American people said my father after reflecting on the wars outcome. And that is so true, because today American people stand proud next to their leader knowing that he will serve his country and his countries people to the fullest of his abilities. Giving us a safe home and a powerful, capable army to support us and rush blindly into battle to protect the country they so love and care for. This is what makes this country the greatest country on earth and is still being proven today on the battle grounds of Iraq. Where men and women fight side by side for the greater good and to defend the innocent of the world.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Good Essay Topics

Good Essay Topics Good Essay Topics Good Essay Topics Any essay written on persuasive essay topics must have an introduction, main body and conclusion. You may write what you want from any perspective, however, the essential parts for the argumentative essay topics are the same! Introduction should focus on the relevance of essay topic or explanation of the scientific interest to the issue, describing the problems that should be considered for the full disclosure of the essay topic. The main text of college essay writing is, in fact, the detailed disclosure of the topic. You may use recent data, examples, and facts to support the thoughts of essay writer. Conclusion answers the questions presented in the Introduction, including findings and perhaps recommendations of college essay writer. Essay Writing Tips While writing an essay, you may take into account the following examples of the topic 'The influence of the computer games on the forming psychological dependence of the man' . Essay introduction: With the appearance of computers appeared computer games that at once also have found a lot of fans. With improvements of computers, the games were developing as well, attracting more and more people. So far computer technology has reached a level of development that enables software programmers to create very realistic games with a good  image, and sound processing. With each leap in the field of Computer Technology increases the number of people, popularly known as computer fans or gamers' Essay conclusion: So, mankind is immersing in computers and computer networks, with each day more and more people (particularly children) are psychologically dependent on computer games. Every day they come to the computer and receive dose - those 20 minutes, may be an hour or more... This is a problem. We can only suggest to what it might lead the mankind in its further development. We should think about it since today. Miscellaneous scientific disciplines must come together to study this area, and Psychology should be at the head of these works - the works on the exploration psychological aspects of human interaction with computers. Writing the main body on such an essay topic you must explain why the computer games are really so dangerous, to what sequences they may lead, what the probable solution to this problem and the most important what you think about this essay issue. Are you agree or disagree with the essay topic? Why? May be you also computer fan? provides you with an opportunity to order professional custom essay writing services.   We are able to write good essays on any topic and of any complexity.   Moreover, we are never late with delivery!

Saturday, October 19, 2019

I need a brief synopsis, Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

I need a brief synopsis, - Assignment Example are clear, memorable and sensible, as for example â€Å"we are all embedded in gender† and it has an identified target group, since it begins with the phrase â€Å"As a college students soon to be embarking on your life plan†¦.† This website takes issue with some of the ideas promoted by the popular self-help author John Gray, and contends that his work does not fully take account of what is happening in contemporary American society with regard to masculinity and femininity. The title page takes issues with over simple presentation of male and female as opposites and stresses instead â€Å"hegemonic masculinity† which Trigiani defines as â€Å"the socially dominant form of masculinity in a particular culture within a given historical period†. The website parodies the â€Å"nutshell† oversimplification of Gray, by putting key phrases in heavily accented textboxes, and makes a good job of reclassifying Gray’s books as a form of â€Å"modernized patriarchy†. This is a witty and thoughtful piece of writing that merits deeper study and suggests that there is a lot more of Trigiani’s work to be unearthed and followed up. This website is quite clearly a political activist site, with a very clear agenda to raise consciousness and promote pro-feminist events and ideas. There are links to five main topics on the sports page, and the header has tabs which lead back to the umbrella organization. It is a highly interactive site, with opportunities for readers to sign up for jobs, news and alerts, or to access research materials or buy items in the online shop ranging from books and calendars to T shirts, badges and posters. The usefulness of this site is in providing up to date information on areas, such as sport, where gender inequality is common in contemporary society. It appears to be aimed mainly at women, though one might question why the color pink is chosen as the main feature of the page, unless of course it is intended to be ironic, or a statement of reclaiming

Friday, October 18, 2019

Instructional Design Models Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Instructional Design Models - Case Study Example This essay offers an in-depth description of the ADDIE model, examines the strengths and weaknesses of the ADDIE design process, and ultimately considers the implementation of this instructional design process in terms of a twelfth-grade high school English lesson. Perhaps the greatest strength of the ADDIE model is its flexibility in variations. While there are a multitude of variations on the ADDIE model, one of the most common includes the process of rapid prototyping (Branch 2009). This process functions to provide instant continuous feedback on the model’s efficacy. While the ADDIE model presents an effective design paradigm, as with all instructional design models it’s necessary to consider education and psychological theories, including constructivism, behaviorism, and cognitivism, in developing a workable platform for learning (Branch 2009). Even within this flexibility, one can contend that the process of learning is complicated to the extent that high levels or learner interaction with the instructor and material is necessary to achieve higher levels of thought. In these regards, a weakness of the ADDIE model is its static nature (Leshin, Pollock, Reigeluth 1992). During the ‘analysis’ phase of the ADDIE model, the designer identifies the learning problem that is to be approached. This involves a wide variety of questions, including what goals are to be achieved, the learners’ specific prior knowledge, as well as other important characteristics (for instance, learners with learning disabilities). Furthermore, one must consider educational and psychological theoretical approaches. In terms of the example of a twelfth-grade high school English lesson the problem that has been identified as needing of a design model is the students’ writing skills. The students are in a twelfth grade honors English class so they have a relatively strong understanding of the English language, and have written a

Life between the city and village Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Life between the city and village - Essay Example No wonder many social interactions and new ventures are initiated in the cities (Leuzzi, 1995). However, despite the fact that the village is less advance than the cities in terms of the social amenities and the advance facilities, the cultural identity is real and this is directly correlated to the attitudes and ideologies of the village dwellers (Klinkenborg, 2003). Village dwellers tend to be more welcoming and friendly. In fact the love that runs deep down the villagers makes them consider everyone around them as a brother or a sister. Village lifestyle is also free of pollution and less overcrowded. The air too is fresh and less polluted that why many village dwellers are considered healthier than individuals from the city (Hillyard, 2007). As a conclusion, life may seem very enjoyable in the cities due to the many opportunities and the social amenities available but village life is likewise unique and less stressful, healthier as it is warm and welcoming to

Growing Paderno Business in the U.S Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Growing Paderno Business in the U.S - Case Study Example It can help them to reduce issues to do with personnel movement into and out of the US and legal and tax issues in the US. In addition, the combination of financial and technical attributes of the two firms will improve their competitive edge, which is a fundamental advantage in a market, which is as aggressive as the US. With several types of partnerships available to Paderno, entering into a joint venture with a US company will be a good choice. They can structure the JV in two ways; either contribute resources to the creation of a new entity that will be operated in collaboration, or enter a partnership agreement allowing the entity to be run as a partnership (Yan & Luo 45). The latter will be the best choice since it will allow them to leverage their Paderno brand, as they will one of the partners. Entering such an agreement will enable Paderno to decrease their dependency on the Canadian market. This will help them in reducing risks so that if their Canadian market share suffers , they have the US market to compensate (Glover & Wasserman 28). It will also help them to extend their target market by engaging a partner to market their products in the US market under the other company’s name, while also advertising the product as being a joint venture with Paderno Canada. ... In addition, selling their cookware solutions to a US company will enable them to introduce their high quality cookware and increase profit margins. The joint venture will not have any effect on Paderno’s strategy; instead, it will affect their operational performance. This sort of partnership will be one of convenience where they will cut costs by using the facilities of their partner, while also allowing their partner to use their expertise and licenses (Wolf 61). These arrangements are also for a fixed duration, which will allow Paderno to become established in the US before maybe buying out the name of their joint venture and going into business alone. This would improve Paderno’s competitive advantage in a manner that would not have been possible if they had gone into business alone in the US. If this arrangement becomes a major contributor to the future direction of Paderno, then they could even make it a long-term initiative. By creating a new entity with the US Company and maintaining their autonomy, they will be able to use the other company’s facilities and distribution, while also maintaining their brand name, although not on the product (Wolf 62). The joint venture will also allow Paderno to achieve the minimum size they need for them to operate in the US market. The company will minimize the inherent risks of entering into a foreign market in which they have little experience (Harrigan 32). In this case, they will meet the costs of entering the US market on a joint basis, particularly in the competitive US market. Paderno must, however, ensure that they company they chose for a joint venture has complementary objectives and interests, such as improving the quality of their products. Joint ventures are cost effective ways to further development

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Compare Public Management Reform in the UK with one other country of Essay

Compare Public Management Reform in the UK with one other country of your choice. What does the comparison tell you about the factors that shape public management in each country - Essay Example The objective is to understand deeper the specific circumstances confronted by each country in public sector management. The first, command and control, involves top-down management and asserts that government can take charge and â€Å"can be highly effective† (Barber 2007, p. 21). Two such examples of the â€Å"command and control† approach is the UK government’s National Literacy Strategy between 1997 and 2001 and the UK government’s reduction of health care waiting times between 2000 and 2005 (Barber 2007, p. 21). The â€Å"quasi-market† approach attempts to provide government services as how one may provide a service in the market wherein privatisation is an option (Barber 2007, p. 21-22). According to Barber (2007, p. 22), some of the good examples of the â€Å"quasi-market† market approach are as follows: (1) the Medicare program of the United States; (2) the UK policy of encouraging the use of independent providers for routine operations in the UK health care system; and (3) the use of private providers for public schools in Philadelphia. According to Barber (2007, p. 22), evidence on the quality of impact of the â€Å"quasi-market† approach is mixed but â€Å"success seems to depend on the precise design of the program†. In third approach, â€Å"devolution and transparency,† government devolves â€Å"responsibility to the frontline units delivering the service and then use transparency† or making public the results in a way that allows comparison s to drive performance higher (Barber 2007, p. 22). On the other hand, Briggs and Fisher (2006, p. 30) advanced that the three paradigms of public sector management are the traditional public administration approach, the new public management paradigm, and the public value management. In the traditional public management approach, public managers are assumed to have the task of ensuring that rules and appropriate procedures are followed and that the public sector has the monopoly of the service ethos

How technology has effects on humans everyday Essay - 1

How technology has effects on humans everyday - Essay Example taking part in all spheres of human activities as the prime factor of people, knowledge is increasing due to many challenges encountered such as education, life expectancy, health care, communication, and wars, natural environmental activities among others. As the day goes necessities tend to spawn and most invention is ushered in with the need of the betterment present globalized world that we exist in a time of advanced technology has shifted to more advanced technology in almost every part of our daily live, everything is related in comparison with old gone days, nowadays we have better sophisticated facilities and even better comfort luxuries with the help of newly increased technology (Scardamalia, 1996). There are more impacts with the coming of improved technology in our daily life like the introduction of the mobile technology that is growing immensely as media for interacting and communicating with our relatives living far away. Secondly, when one wants to travel its easier with the help of aviation technology in order to reach distant places within the shortest time possible which used to take a century in older days. Through technology, social networking has made it able to share different ideas and views with people from other three continents (Scardamalia, 1996). Technology has also helped in agricultural fields through exchanging of food and commodities, meet food requirements of varied people all over the world with ease. Through cyberspace, people are able to do many new things, for example, when using the internet to learn distance courses in our colleges and one also takes online courses through the internet which has made the education life easier. Moreover, with the rise of internet technology the world knows one is able to carry business and trade has become very fast and easy and more reliable since it enables people to transact business with someone who is far. Lastly, with the creation of automobile vehicles that assists us to carry out

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Growing Paderno Business in the U.S Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Growing Paderno Business in the U.S - Case Study Example It can help them to reduce issues to do with personnel movement into and out of the US and legal and tax issues in the US. In addition, the combination of financial and technical attributes of the two firms will improve their competitive edge, which is a fundamental advantage in a market, which is as aggressive as the US. With several types of partnerships available to Paderno, entering into a joint venture with a US company will be a good choice. They can structure the JV in two ways; either contribute resources to the creation of a new entity that will be operated in collaboration, or enter a partnership agreement allowing the entity to be run as a partnership (Yan & Luo 45). The latter will be the best choice since it will allow them to leverage their Paderno brand, as they will one of the partners. Entering such an agreement will enable Paderno to decrease their dependency on the Canadian market. This will help them in reducing risks so that if their Canadian market share suffers , they have the US market to compensate (Glover & Wasserman 28). It will also help them to extend their target market by engaging a partner to market their products in the US market under the other company’s name, while also advertising the product as being a joint venture with Paderno Canada. ... In addition, selling their cookware solutions to a US company will enable them to introduce their high quality cookware and increase profit margins. The joint venture will not have any effect on Paderno’s strategy; instead, it will affect their operational performance. This sort of partnership will be one of convenience where they will cut costs by using the facilities of their partner, while also allowing their partner to use their expertise and licenses (Wolf 61). These arrangements are also for a fixed duration, which will allow Paderno to become established in the US before maybe buying out the name of their joint venture and going into business alone. This would improve Paderno’s competitive advantage in a manner that would not have been possible if they had gone into business alone in the US. If this arrangement becomes a major contributor to the future direction of Paderno, then they could even make it a long-term initiative. By creating a new entity with the US Company and maintaining their autonomy, they will be able to use the other company’s facilities and distribution, while also maintaining their brand name, although not on the product (Wolf 62). The joint venture will also allow Paderno to achieve the minimum size they need for them to operate in the US market. The company will minimize the inherent risks of entering into a foreign market in which they have little experience (Harrigan 32). In this case, they will meet the costs of entering the US market on a joint basis, particularly in the competitive US market. Paderno must, however, ensure that they company they chose for a joint venture has complementary objectives and interests, such as improving the quality of their products. Joint ventures are cost effective ways to further development

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

How technology has effects on humans everyday Essay - 1

How technology has effects on humans everyday - Essay Example taking part in all spheres of human activities as the prime factor of people, knowledge is increasing due to many challenges encountered such as education, life expectancy, health care, communication, and wars, natural environmental activities among others. As the day goes necessities tend to spawn and most invention is ushered in with the need of the betterment present globalized world that we exist in a time of advanced technology has shifted to more advanced technology in almost every part of our daily live, everything is related in comparison with old gone days, nowadays we have better sophisticated facilities and even better comfort luxuries with the help of newly increased technology (Scardamalia, 1996). There are more impacts with the coming of improved technology in our daily life like the introduction of the mobile technology that is growing immensely as media for interacting and communicating with our relatives living far away. Secondly, when one wants to travel its easier with the help of aviation technology in order to reach distant places within the shortest time possible which used to take a century in older days. Through technology, social networking has made it able to share different ideas and views with people from other three continents (Scardamalia, 1996). Technology has also helped in agricultural fields through exchanging of food and commodities, meet food requirements of varied people all over the world with ease. Through cyberspace, people are able to do many new things, for example, when using the internet to learn distance courses in our colleges and one also takes online courses through the internet which has made the education life easier. Moreover, with the rise of internet technology the world knows one is able to carry business and trade has become very fast and easy and more reliable since it enables people to transact business with someone who is far. Lastly, with the creation of automobile vehicles that assists us to carry out

Blues and Jazz Essay Example for Free

Blues and Jazz Essay Blues and Jazz are both very popular genres of music spanning almost a century of culture, aesthetics and spirituality. As the blues and jazz are horribly interrelated, this paper will try to differentiate the two great genres of music. A. What is Blues? Per definition, blues is the name given to both musical form and genre of blues. First coined by the African-American communities in the South of the United States of America by the end of the 19th Century, Blues was inspired by spirituality, work song, field hollers and chants- uncomplicated narrative ballads that rhymes. Its form is defined by the use of specific chord progressions- the most common being the twelve-bar blues chord and the singing is for stimulating purposes at slightly lower pitch than that of the major scale. Blues can be divided in several subgenres ranging from country to urban blues to electric blues to blues rock to punk blues. The term â€Å"the blues† refers to melancholy and sadness. The blues lyrics often refers to depressed mood as it embodies the African laborer, whose hardships and spirit is wed to the songs. B. What is Jazz? In contrast, Jazz sprung from the confluence of African and European music traditions. The African heritage evident in the use of blues notes, improvisation, polyrythms, syncopation and the swung note. The term â€Å"jazz† originated from a West Coast slang term and first used to refer to music in Chicago. Jazz has spawned plenty of genres from New Orleans Dixieland to big-band style swing to bebop to latin jazz to Afro-Cuban and Brazilian jazz to jazz-rock to acid jazz. The spread of jazz cultivated music and aesthetics around the world, hence, giving rise to plenty of unique styles. II. History A. Origin of Blues The Blues was born just after the civil war in North Mississippi. A singer would sing a line, and a guitar would answer. For many years, Blues was recorded only by memory, depicted and told live and in person. It was first made popular by the black composer, W. C. Handy in 1911-1914 The publication of Handy’s â€Å"Memphis Blues† and â€Å"St. Louis Blues† has made Blues popular. By the 1920s, Blues became a national craze. Mamie Smith recorded the first vocal blues song, â€Å"Crazy Blues†. The later 40’s and early 50’s saw the like of Willie Dixon playing what was Mississippi Delta blues backed by bass, drums, piano and occasionally harmonica and so began the popularity of blues on national television. Meanwhile, T-Bone Walker and B. B. King pioneered a style of guitar playing that combined jazz technique with the blues tonality and repertoire. In the 1960’s, bands like the Rolling Stones had picked up the Blues and brought it to young American white men. Rock, since the 1960’s, went through several blues revivals. The latest generation of blues players has drawn a new generation listeners to the blues. B. Origins of Jazz New Orleans is often credited as the birth place of Jazz. African-American music, through the Blues began the improvisation of Jazz. The most influential man is Louis Armstrong, the father of modern jazz. The swing era (1930s-40s) is the most popular and accessible time of Jazz, during this time, Jazz was the most popular music in America. What followed the swing era was one of the most important creative eras since the inception of Jazz. Mid 1940’s to mid 1950’s saw the birth of bebop. Quicker pace and complex harmony were combined with popular melodies to create this kind of subgenre. Jazz in the 1960s was inspired by the avant garde movement. Jazz musicians took the genre to the boundaries of creativity and began to speak out on social issues. The current era of jazz can be deemed to be a combination of the avant garde and neoclassical movement. Through improvisation, current musicians keep pushing jazz to the boundaries of music, experimenting with hip hop and other forms of music. III. Instruments and Musicians A. Instruments/Musicians in Blues Blues uses just about any musical instrument- guitar, piano, harmonica, bass guitar, drums, saxophone, vocals, trumpet, trombone. Different performers use different kinds of instruments. For instance, performers such as Frank Stokes, and Memphis Minnie utilised instruments such as washboard, fiddle, kazoo and mandolin. Musicians who have been famous in Blues include the like of Josh White (1914 or 1915-1969), Sonny Boy Williamson I (1914-1948), Gladys Bentley (1907-1960), T-Bone Walker (1910-1975), Roosevelt Sykes (1906-1983), Memphis Slim (1915-1988), Arnold Moore (1914-2005), Baby Face Leroy Foster (1923-1958), Lenny Kravitz (born 1964). B. Instruments/Musicians in Jazz Just like blues, jazz uses just about any musical instrument- saxophone, trumpet, trombone, clarinet, flute, piano, guitar, double bass, tuba, drums, vocals, vibraphone. Famous jazz musicians include Louis Armstrong (1901–1971), Thelonious Monk (1917–1982), Maynard Ferguson (1928-2006), Herbie Hancock (born 1940), Benny Carter (1907–2003), Glenn Miller (1904–1944), Charles Mingus (1922–1979). IV. Audiences A. Blues Audience The Blues originally was sang by the African-American laborer, to express his emotions on the general hardships in life. However, blues has reached the whole world. All the drama is still there but it is spread for those who can appreciate it. Anyone or everyone can be the audience. B. Jazz Audience Jazz, was spawned by the blues and since its inception, has now gathered millions of audiences around the world. There is no selective audience for this genre, anyone who appreciates jazz music is welcome to be its audience. V. Conclusion Blues is considered as the forerunner of Jazz, given that it started earlier and it actually spawned jazz music. Blues also speaks of traditions and personal experiences (the African-American laborer). Hence, Blues is more of a feel-based kind of music. It is very free, the only purpose is to relay the feelings, expressions of the artist. Jazz, for its part, is considered as dance music and improvisation is at its core. Jazz also incorporates more color, this is tricky for non-musicians and is far more technical in its aspect. Jazz is an exploration on how to make music more colorful, hence jazz spawned a lot of subgenres. When it comes to audience, there is only the matter of appreciation. Anyone who appreciates blues is welcome to blues. The same principle applies to jazz music. Works Cited: History-of-rock. com â€Å"A Short Blues History. † n. d. 27 Jul. 2009 http://www. history-of-rock. com/blues. htm. Unc. edu. â€Å"A (very) brief history of jazz. † n. d. 27 Jul. 2009 http://ils. unc. edu/~jnvicker/inls181/final/histpart2. html. Wikipedia. â€Å"Blues. † n. d. 27 Jul. 2009 http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Blues. Wikipedia. â€Å"Jazz. † n. d. 27 Jul. 2009 http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Jazz.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Rise In Russian Military Power Politics Essay

Rise In Russian Military Power Politics Essay Military power was central to the USSRs position as global power. The Soviet Unions military strength was its prime achievement and it had learned that military power generates international respect and deference. The Soviet Union was a superpower largely because of its ability to generate enormous military power [à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦] Russias power is no longer the centre of international concerns, the threat of its military might no longer grips us obsessively, and the global order is no longer defined by alignment with or against Moscow.  [2]   2. Nevertheless, Russias military policy and power remain a major consideration in Eurasia and its nuclear component retains global significance. The disintegration of USSR in 1991, also led to decline of Russias military power along with a crippled economy and political leadership. The successive governments were more concerned in resolving Russias domestic problems rather than on retaining a global position. Thus over a period of time major down fall was seen in overall military capability of Russia. It was in 2000 when Vladimir Putin became president; a fundamental shift was seen in Russian politics, economy and in its military capability. Putin always regarded the collapse of the Soviet Union as the greatest geopolitical disaster in 21st century. Once he came to power, he was able to inject a new belief that it was Russias right to be a great power and the military power being the ultimate symbol of that status. 3. Over a period of time, Russia has changed its military doctrines, policies and also downsized its military forces. The military power was used effectively to handle the Georgia conflict in 2008. After this war, Russia made major plans to reform and modernize its armed forces by 2020. In April 2009, U.S. Director of National Intelligence Denis Blair said in unclassified written answers to the Senate Intelligence Committee that the ongoing reshaping of Russias ground forces will enable it to militarily dominate most of its neighbours. RUSSIAN DEFENCE POLICY Structure of Decision Making 4. President of the Russian Federation is Supreme Commander in Chief (CIC) of the Russian Armed Forces. He is the executive authority for the formulation of defence policies and military doctrine. Minister of Defence comes next in hierarchy and is appointed directly by the President. Minister is responsible for readiness, overall deployment of the military and also the formalisation of the State Armament Plan. For the first time in recent Russian history In March 2001 then President Putin appointed a civilian defence minister with a mind set that that military reform can only be achieved with civilian oversight. Subsequently Putin also introduced a new State Law on Defence with an aim to give more powers to Ministry of Defence.  [3]   5. In 2000, under National Security and Foreign Policy Concept the threat assessment for Russia in the 21 century was carried out and based on this, Military Doctrine was formulated. The main threats to Russias national interests were identified as economic disintegration of Russia, ethnic separatism, increase in crime rate, reduction in powers of OSCE and the UN, weakening of Russias influence in political, economic and military matters, the rise of various military-political blocs and unions, eastward enlargement of NATO and militarisation of areas in close vicinity of Russias borders. 6. Based upon these threat assessments, the foreign policy priorities of Russia were to strengthen Russias sovereignty and territorial integrity; to regain its lost status of great power; ensure regional stability in adjacent areas and to counter the perceived dominance of the United States. As per military policy the main aim was as the deterrence of aggression of any scale against it [Russia] and its allies, including with the use of nuclear weapons. A RE-ASSERTIVE RUSSIA 7. Over a period of time Russia has become more confident and assertive in its foreign and military policies. This could be observed during Russian military response to Georgian conflict in South Ossetia in August 2008; Russias stand over NATO expansion and US missile defence proposals in eastern Europe. Thus Russia has been using military as a diplomatic tool in the war of words between east and west. Russia is aware that their opinions have been ignored over Iraq, Iran, Kosovo and NATO expansion at the world stage. But in spite of these, at certain aspects Russia has shown its firmness and has stool tall even to take mighty US head on. Some of these aspects have been covered in the following paragraphs. 8. Missile Defence. When US came up with the plan of deploying its ballistic missile defence in Poland and the Czech Republic, it was vehemently opposed by Russia. The Russian government continued to believe BMD plans as a threat to national security. The radars station in the Czech Republic would have seen practically entire western front of Russia. Russian Armed Forces Deputy Chief of Staff, General Anatoly Nogovitsyn, even suggested that this missile agreement could force Russia to carry out nuclear strike against Poland if need arise.  [4]  Even President Medvedev in his address to nation on 5 November 2008 announced that the Russia might go ahead with the deployment of the Iskander short-range surface-to-surface missile system in Kaliningrad to neutralise the BMD system and would also electronically jam the components of US BMD. The deployment of Russian naval assets in the Baltic Sea was also considered for the same purpose. However US have been confirming that these missil es have limited capabilities and would have no impact on the Russian strategic offensive forces. 9. The assertive stance of Russia has forced USA administration to reviewing its missile defence plan, thus Russian Government has also suspended the deployment plans of its Iskander missiles in Kaliningrad. This move of Russia and response from US highlights that the fact that Russias powers are on rise and it can still avert the US decision when its own integrity or safety is concerned. 10. Strategic Bomber Patrols. The rise of Russian armed forces was most symbolically demonstrated when military forces paraded in Moscows Red Square. In the summer of 2007, strategic bombers of Russia carried out patrols in international airspace over Atlantic, Pacific and Arctic Oceans for the first time, since the end of the Cold War. In March 2009 Russian military aircraft reportedly did fly past just 500 feet over two US navy warships while these were participating in a joint military exercise with South Korea in international waters in the Sea of Japan.  [5]  This used to be a common occurrence during the Cold War era. These bomber patrols were conducted to demonstrate military might and also to test the air defence reaction times of NATO countries periodically. Such patrols were stopped in 1992 after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Similar incidents were also observed over UK and Norwegian air spaces in 2007 and 2008. Russian government officially acknowledged in August 2 007 that these missions were intended for pilot training, in particular air-to-air refueling. Japan has also reported an increase in the number of exercises and patrols by warships of the Russian Fleet, along with strategic bomber patrols. The timing of these incidents has been regarded as a sign of renewed Russian confidence on the international stage. 11. The Arctic. Russia has also increased its military activity in the Arctic region in the same period and this has been linked to Russias increasingly vocal claims to large territory in the region and also to vast areas of untapped natural resources. In 2004 Russia announced the creation of a new Arctic Directorate for this region and in aug 2007, about 20 Russian strategic bombers carried out five days of exercises over the North Pole.  [6]  Time and again these facts have been acknowledged by the Russian Defence Ministry. In September 2008 President Medvedev Janes Defence Weekly: A greater stake in the Arctic is intimately related to Russias increasingly assertive regional behaviour. Moscows recent incursion into Georgia was a bellwether of sorts for the concept of a Greater Russia and the outward expansion of the countrys territorial borders [à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦]  [7]   Expanding Russias Military Footprint 12. Russia has expanded its military co-operation with Latin and South American countries, in particular Venezuela. Since 2003 Russia has reportedly supplied $4-5bn worth of arms including combat helicopters, Su-30 fighter aircraft and the Tor-M1 air defence missile system to the Venezuelan government. In 2008 Russia had temporarily deployed two TU-160 Blackjack strategic bombers in Venezuela. 13. In December 2008 Russian naval flagship, the missile cruiser Peter the Great and the anti-submarine destroyer Admiral Chabanenk, visited Cuba and then Venezuela to take part in a joint naval exercise in the Caribbean Sea. This was the first deployment conducted in the region by the Russian navy since the break up of the Soviet Union and was seen as the emerging trend in the increased activity by the Russians. In July 2008 Russia also hinted that if US plan to station its BMD systems in Eastern Europe, than Russian aircraft and submarine fleet may also once again be stationed in Cuba. An article in Janes Intelligence Review commented that the Russian-Venezuelan naval exercises served as a neat counterpoint to Washingtons decision to base its missile defence system in Poland and the Czech Republic, in Russias near abroad.  [8]   Russias Military Capabilities 14. Russian military is currently the fifth largest in the world considering total active personnel, exceeded only by China (2.18m), the United States (1.54m), India (1.28m), and North Korea (1.1m). However, if Russias reserve contingent (approximately 20 million Personnel) is taken into account, Russias military becomes the largest. Over all Russias military power is third behind US and china.  [9]  In spite of such a large military which is being able to address all potential threats across the combat spectrum, the Russian Military Doctrine still have reliance on nuclear weapons. Some experts believe that Russian nuclear capability is one which makes Russia as a military superpower. The military capabilities of Russia can be seen as follows. (a) Conventional Capabilities. As per the Conventional Forces in Europe Treaty, there are limits on the numbers of combat aircraft, tanks, attack helicopters, combat vehicles and artillery pieces that one country could held within Europe by NATO and the states of the former Warsaw Treaty Organisation (Warsaw Pact). However these limitations apply to Russian military equipments which are deployed to the West of the Ural Mountains. The treaty did not impose limitations on the overall conventional capabilities of any nation. The Russian military strength as on 2008 is as indicated.  [10]   PERSONNEL Total Population:  140,702,096  [2008] Population Available:  73,239,761  [2008] Fit for Military Service:  50,249,854  [2008] Reaching Military Age Annually:  1,602,673 Active Military Personnel:  1,245,000  [2008] Active Military Reserve:  2,400,000  [2008] Active Paramilitary Units:  359,100  [2008] ARMY Total Land-Based Weapons:  79,985 Tanks:  22,800  [2005] Armored Personnel Carriers:  9,900   Towed Artillery:  13,585  [2005] Self-Propelled Guns:  6,010  [2005] Multiple Rocket Launch Systems:  4,350   Mortars:  6,100  [2005] NAVY Total Navy Ships:  526 Merchant Marine Strength:  1,074  [2008] Major Ports and Harbors:  8 Aircraft Carriers:  1  [2005] Destroyers:  15  [2005] Submarines:  61  [2005] Faes:  19  [2005] Patrol Coastal Craft:  72  [2005] Mine Warfare Craft:  41  [2005] Amphibious Craft:  22  [2005] AIR FORCE Total Aircraft:  3,888  [2005] Helicopters:  2,625  [2003] Serviceable Airports:  1,260  [2007] (b) Nuclear Capabilities. Since 1949, when Soviet Union tested its first atomic weapon it is recognised as a nuclear state. USA and USSR (Russia) went through number of treaties such as INF treaty (Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces), START (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty) and SORT (Strategic Offensive Reduction Treaty) so as to reduce nuclear weapons of both the countries. Still Russia is estimated to have an active 5,200 operational warheads and approximately 8,800 intact warheads awaiting dismantlement thus a total of 14000 warheads(highest in the world).  [11]   Assessment of Current Military Capability 15. The actual assessment of Russian military capability is very difficult since these have not been deployed in conflict beyond their borders. Therefore the assessment of the ability of the military has been theoretical and based on various assumptions. There have been doubts about ability of the Soviet-era military-industrial complex to keep technological pace with its military peers, particularly the production of sophisticated weaponry. 16. Many analysts believe that the majority of Russian equipments are ageing, as due to financial crisis after cold war Russia had stopped buying new military equipments. In March 2009 the Russian Defence Minister, acknowledged that most of Russias weaponry was obsolete and old and modern equipment were just 10% of the armys existing capabilities. While US and other western countries have learnt during Kosovo, Iraq and Afghanistan war over the last decade, the Russians have had no such experience. 17. However, it is also acknowledged that Russian military does possess small amounts of state-of-the-art advanced weaponry. Air force has bought Su-34 combat aircraft, the Iskander theatre ballistic missile system and the S-400 air defence system. The SU-35 aircraft is also expected to be inducted in 2010-2011. Although western media claims otherwise, Russias armed forces still remain the most powerful and effective land force across Eurasia. They still possess state-of-the-art main battle tanks, multiple-launch rocket mortar system, heavy artillery and close ground tactical air support. Prospects 18. The increased military power, overt posturing on the international stage in recent years along with massive structural reform are the signs of the Russian resurgence. What has to be seen is that does it have longevity and what will be its implications? Russia in it self is having a strong sense of national pride and full belief that it can get back to its lost great power status. But to achieve this other than military power it needs political and economic stability. 19. In its present state the Russian Armed Forces would be able to defend its territories and national interest as in Georgia but at global level certainly they will not be able to formulate a power projection like United States. The prospects of the Russian military therefore lie primarily in the success of its modernisation plan and structural reforms. These can be achieved by strong economy but that is affected by ups and downs of global energy prices. 20. On the other hand Russias military-industrial complex has also not been able to revive completely, to cope with the technological demands of the modernisation programme. As per the reports a $50m contract has been done with Israel for UAV. Along with this there is need to upgrade their blue water navy fleet with aircraft carrier as well. However it is certain that the modernisation of Russias conventional armed forces will not come at the expense of its nuclear capabilities. Certainly Nuclear weapons will be given the priority over conventional weapons as former gives them a clear cut edge over other nations. As Jonathan Eyal succinctly noted in his October 2008 piece on Europe and Russia: A Return to the Past: The Russian military can cause difficulties. Many of Russias neighbours are far poorer and weaker, so the Russian armed forces are still a potent threat to them, as the example of Georgia showed [à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦] 21. However, the reality still is that Russias challenge to the US is hardly military. The Russians have no chance of emulating the Soviet Union, which tried to match Western technology weapon-for-weapon. Nor is there any ideological glue to underpin such a confrontation: most of Russias current allies are fair weather friends. [à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦] it cannot divert the huge resources required to build a modern military away from civilian consumption. So, the main purpose behind Russias military muscle-flexing remains political and no new Cold War is in the offing.  [12]  

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Macbeth: What Is Being Said About Influence And Manipulation :: essays research papers fc

What are we as humans far more afraid of free choice or a forced decision? Manipulation and influence are presented in many ways through out the course of this book. This essay will be more of a comparative analysis between two novels The Tragedy Of Macbeth and Paradise Lost. Though influence may be a large section of our lives manipulation is what gets us to do things. In both stories prophecies were told, but there were told in a malicious way. In the novel Macbeth the main character was told he would some day become king in an ill begotten fashion. It doesn’t seem possible to gain a crown in a bad way. There words are very deceitful. Then there prophecies turn to Macbeth’s friend Banquo, witches say â€Å"lesser than Macbeth, and greater,†(William Shakespeare act I scene III) and â€Å"not so happy, yet much happier†(W.S. act I scene III); then they tell him that he will never be king but that his children will sit upon the throne. After they say these things they simply disappear. This doesn’t show much free choice. When true meanings are hidden in lies and you become confused and no longer do you understand simple truths you have been manipulated. In Paradise Lost manipulations were conceded in a similar fashion. A snake told Eve of a great fruit. He told her he was now as a man is and she would be as a god. The tyrannical serpent woes her with his blasphemous flattery. She reasons that God claimed that eating from this tree meant death, but the serpent ate (or so he claims) and not only does he still live, but can speak and think. He essentially is lying to poor foolish Eve. Being naive she trust the serpent. Eve had never experienced a lie before, so she was influenced by the snake. All living things fear death. Macbeth had Banquo murdered and an attempted murder on Banquo’s son. Macbeth killed from fear of the witches’ prophecy coming true. He never really wanted to kill his best friend and he suffered mentally for it. Macbeth didn’t want to kill King Duncan. â€Å"If it were done when 'tis done, then 'twere well It were done quickly. If the assassination could trammel up the consequence, and catch, with his surcease, success; that but this blow Might be the be-all and the end-all—here, But here, upon this bank and shoal of time, — we’d jump the life to come.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Humorous Best Man Speech :: Wedding Toasts Roasts Speeches

Humorous Best Man Speech I would also like to thank you all for being here today to share in this very special occasion. Before I begin my traditional destruction of the groom’s character, I would just like to say again how lovely the bride looks today. This is actually the first time I have made a speech (as you can probably tell), and it is true when they say that its nerve racking. In fact I could go so far as to say that I feel about as comfortable as Osama Bin Laden in the Whitehouse. I only feel slightly better knowing that I am not the only one in the room who is apprehensive, but then again she has just married the groom. On the score of being nervous, I am sure that you have all heard the groom say over and over that he has not been at all nervous in the run up to today. Well, that all changed at about 9 o'clock this morning. I've known him for the best part of twenty-three years now and of course there are plenty of things I could tell you about what we were like as kids. Unfotunately, I did consult my solicitor and he tells me that we could still face prosecution, so maybe not. The groom was as born in the early part of 1973 and while I’m not saying that was an omen, events later that year included the oil crisis, the release of The Exorcist, and of course the introduction of Value Added Tax (VAT) in the UK. His mom was only saying last night that he was a pretty baby who was often mistaken for a girl and that as a child he loved nothing more than sitting for hours staring blankly at the TV. No change there then mate! At five years of age, the groom started at the same school as me. I remember that he loved soccer and tried for the school team on every occasion. Unfortunately, he was found to be useless in every position (Turn to bride) Best of luck then! As I got to know him, I realized that here was a man who thrived on daredevil sports and laughed in the face of danger. I tell you, in those days the groom with a hula hoop was a sight to behold. As a kid he had a huge appetite for life, and this helped him become wise.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Rehabilitation or Retribution? Essay

The expectations of society for the criminal justice system are to punish and rehabilitate individuals who have committed crime. Punishment and rehabilitation are two acknowledged objectives of the criminal justice system, Retribution, which is based on â€Å"an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth† philosophy, simply means punishment and vengeance for what evils have done. While rehabilitation, as Nicholas Tan (1999) noted that â€Å"is the idea of ‘curing’ an offender of his or her criminal tendencies, of changing their habits, their outlook and possibly even personality, so as to make them less inclined to commit crimes in the future†, the main aim of rehabilitation is to help prisoners to get some skills in prison, so that when they re-enter into society, they can adapt quickly to the new environment. Debates over these two notions have lasted for a long time, many would argue that the main purpose of prison systems is to punish people who have committed criminals. While this should be the secondary function of prisons, the most important function should be rehabilitating criminals back to the society, not just retribution. As a recent survey showed that over 60 percent respondents agreed that prison should reform prisoners, rather than punish them (Human Rights and Justice Studies, 2000). In this essay, it will argue that rehabilitation is a more efficient way to help prisoners rather than retribution by illustrating advantages of rehabilitation. Some theorists throughout history have argued that the primary purpose of prisons is to punish criminals for what they have done, criminals should get punished when they break the law. When they are sent into prisons, as punishment, they certainly do not have rights to watch TV, access to internet and so on. However, some people may disagree with this, because going into prison is already a punishment, criminals have already lost their freedom, they should not suffer extra punishment by being denied other human rights while in prison. After all, punishment is not the ultimate goal of prisons, redemption from sin is the basic aim of prisons. The root of all crime is due to the lack of education and training, if prisons prevent  offenders from receiving education or learning information from outside, then after released, they may feel alienated from society and not be accepted by society, and employers will not employ those who do not have knowledge or job skills which will deteriorate the situation of recidivism. Therefore, rehabilitation should be the main purpose of prisons, for it promotes the humanizing belief in the notion that offenders can be saved and not simply punished (Nicholas. T.,1999). However, some people are afraid that if allow prisoners to receive education or access to internet may provide an environment to make better criminals. Whereas Dr Paul Fauteck (2006) argued that the prison education programs are not â€Å"coddling criminals†, society in general benefits from prison education programs. The basic aim of receiving education in prisons is to help them reintegrate and rehabilitate into society, so that they will not be alienated from society. Receiving education in prisons does not necessarily suggest prisoners will commit high technological crime after they get released, in other words, the possibilities for offenders to commit high technological crime after they receive prison education are quite remote, after all, in some cases, prisoners can be educated to understand why their actions were wrong, and be allowed back into normal society with the possibility of positively effecting society (Wikia, Inc., 2007). Contrarily, if prisons do not provide educational materials, then the possibilities for recidivism will be very great because of the rejection of society. While some dissenters controvert that rehabilitation is not efficient on helping criminals, because statistics have shown that more than half criminals got rearrested after they released about two or three years. In fact, criminal rehabilitation works to reduce recidivism, it is a cost efficient form of crime prevention (Paul. F, 2006). For example, some medicine could work to cure some offenders, and indeed, the most recent studies show that they do work. Such programs include pro-social modeling programmes, and some sex-offender treatment programs. This research demonstrates that the net effect of treatment is, on average, a positive reduction of overall recidivism (re-offending) rates of between 10% and 12%, which would promote a reduction in crime (Nicholas.T., 1999). From this  perspective, it is easy to say that rehabilitation helps to reduce the rate of recidivism, if prisons do not provide these treatments or knowledge, then nothing will ever change. Moreover, rehabilitation can also help them to realize that being in prisons are disastrous which is a good way to stop them re-entering into prisons. Yet, rehabilitation and punishment are mutually exclusive goals, but they become more and more integrated in modern society, since the late 18th century prisons have combined elements of punishment with elements of rehabilitation. As the French philosopher Michel Foucault put it, punishment shifted over time from the disciplining of the body to the disciplining of the â€Å"soul† (, 2007). Therefore, incarceration sentences should provide for a set term of rehabilitation followed by a set term of punishment. Furthermore, rehabilitation and rehabilitation are both important, they should work together to punish and change criminals. To sum up, retribution theory focus more simply on punishment which is very barbaric, and it should not be encouraged in modern society. While the notion of rehabilitation is more humanism and flexible, it can help prisoners by providing education and trainings, so the true aim of prison systems should rehabilitate and reform criminals, not simply punish them. REFERENCES: _Crime_ (2007), cited from Nicholas Tan (1999), _Rehabilitation vs Retribution_, cited from international debate education association, Paul Fauteck (2002-2006), Criminal rehabilitation-criminal recidivism rates, cited from

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Challenges and Current Trends of Crm in Pc Industry: a Case Study at Dell Asia Pacific

Challenges and Current Trends of CRM in PC Industry: A Case Study at DELL Asia Pacific, Bukit Minyak ABSTRACT In the new millennium, customer service oriented performance has emerged as key success factors in maintaining the organizational competitiveness. This has led Customer Relationship Management (CRM) to take the driver seat role in creating a more loyal and profitable customer base at competitive cost. CRM has evolved from advances in information technology and constant pressing needs from customers to create value in the products and services. In current business environment, CRM is a strategic business tool that seamlessly integrates all the functional departments across the organization to work towards maximizing customer value through strategic partnership. CRM has played a key role in the PC industry by taking PC manufacturers closer to customers in terms of understanding their needs, buying behaviors and value creation in the supply chain. Armed with CRM strategies and, IT enabled customer and sales database, PC manufacturers have reoriented their business around the customer. DELL, as one of the world largest PC manufacturers, have strengthen its market share by positioning itself to provide customers with superior value, high-quality, relevant technology, and customized products and services, coupled with its IT integrated CRM solutions. At DELL, e-CRM oriented business solutions are initiated to automate and centralize customer database to embrace long-term partnership and PC market dominance. This project paper will analyze the current CRM trends and future challenges in PC industry based on the case study conducted at DELL Asia Pacific, Bukit Minyak. Furthermore, the paper will also address the selected DELL site, on its strategic effort in utilizing CRM methodologies supported by IT solutions to stay ahead of competitions. Categories and Subject Descriptors [Transaction Processing and Enterprise Resources Planning System]: Traditional Transaction Processing Application General Terms Management, Measurement, Documentation, Performance, Economics, Experimentation, Human Factors, Theory Keywords Customer Relationship Management (CRM), PC industry, Information Technology (IT), Web-based customer interaction (WCI) 1. INTRODUCTION Breakthroughs in Information Technology (IT) have changed the fundamental rule of the way business is being conducted in modern organizations. IT business icons like e-Commerce, K-Economy, etc have made things more complicated, where focus of the business has evolved and oriented around customer. Basically, customers are in the position to continuously demand and dictate what exactly they want at competitive cost – value-added products and services. Organizations are competing among each other to be the market leader, and emerging innovative IT solutions are helping organizations to achieve its competitive advantage. One of the key areas of business competencies is the ability of organizations to sustain the highest level of customer oriented service performance. The new business model is changing the producers’ mindset from product-centered to customer-centered business. This has led Customer Relationship Management (CRM) to take the center stage position to create a loyal and profitable customer base at competitive cost. 1. What is Customer Relationship Management (CRM)? CRM is a strategy used by organizations to comprehensively learn about customers’ needs and behaviors in order to establish constructive relationship with them; after all it is the core of business success. Basically, CRM is a notion regarding how an organization can keep their most profitable customers with increased values of interaction to consequently maximize the profits. This is achieved through the understanding of the drivers of current and future customer profitability to appropriately allocate the resources across all areas that affect customer relationships i. e. , communication, customer service, product/ service development, etc. Customer relationship management revolves around three key technology areas: the Internet, the customer call center and a data warehouse of customer-related information. Customer information is captured through company call center, the Internet, and other communications channels. It is this customer information, which established a â€Å"360-degree† picture of the customer that anyone throughout the organization can access when working with them. Through the Internet, both company employees and the customers themselves are able to access business transacted data from daily production systems, which are then enhanced with customer-centric information such as sales and service call activity, key customer contacts, and specific products purchased. From these technologies, there are also offshoots into emerging technology areas such as wireless technology, for facilitated remote access by customers and company field representatives; workforce management software, for streamlined back-office operations that are organized around the CRM business model; and Web-based customer interaction (WCI). Even though, there are many technological components to CRM, the useful way to view CRM is as a total business processes that will help bring together pieces of information about customers, sales, and marketing effectiveness and responsiveness, and market trends. Therefore, by integrating people, process and technologies, the relationship with both external and internal customers are maximized. 1. 2CRM Goals and Objectives Through the implementation of CRM, organizations would be able to identify their most profitable customers and leverage those relationships to the point of optimal profit. Furthermore, successful CRM programs will ensure active participation from all employees in the organization. CRM will utilize all possible ways to identify what exactly customer is looking for, market the organization’s strength, and ability to fulfill the customers’ needs, retained the customers through value added services. The main idea of CRM initiatives is that it helps businesses use technology and human resources to gain insight into the behavior of customer and the value of those customers. These are the fundamentals for customer loyalty program. There are several goals and objectives of CRM in a business framework (Kalakota & Robinson, 2000): †¢ Use existing relationships to grow revenue – enhance profitability by identifying, attracting the best customers. †¢ Use integrated information for excellent service – by using customer information to best serve customers’ needs. †¢ Introduce more repeatable sales processes and procedures – companies must improve consistency in account management and selling. †¢ Create new value and instill loyalty – the ability to respond to needs and accommodates requests. Implement a more proactive solution strategy – use proactive consumer relations that resolve problems on the first call. 1. 3CRM Architectural Framework In the CRM architecture, a company must first recognize the customer-centric approaches in the business processes. The demand of integrating the customer life cycles, interaction and servicing processes in an applicati on of CRM architecture is obvious. Thus, it is clear that the CRM is built to be customer-centric and in nature organizing CRM processes around the customer, rather than respectively to marketing, sales or any other internal function. Figure 1 illustrates the summary of CRM architecture. CRM architecture examined how products are built, how they’re deployed and customized, and integrated with external applications. A CRM product is selected primarily on its functionality; however its architecture should be a significant influence on the decision to buy or vice versa. 4. Integration with Business Application Tools CRM is definitely not a stand-alone program, it must be designed in away that it can be integrated into the company’s total business processes as shown in Figure 2. CRM must be able to work effectively with other business processes to value add the total operations. Basically, CRM tools will gather, analyze and store critical information captured at customer touch points. Together with ERP/ data warehouse, CRM database will provide the relevant information for business decision-making processes that relates to sales and marketing strategies, business development of new or existing customer and company’s strategic direction. 1. 5Role of e-CRM and Its Strategies -CRM refers to achieving CRM through using Internet technologies, primarily the web and e-mail – allied to database marketing to gear up for the new 24-hour global economy. e-CRM will focus on how to use the web site, databases and e-mails to manage customer relationships by providing online content and services. In order to achieve and support the organizational effort on e-CRM, companies must focus on few key strategies, as followings: †¢ Real time: e-CRM operates in a lmost instantaneous real time and it can be integrated seamlessly together, without the loss of efficiency. Closed loop: e-CRM operates within a closed loop system, resulting in huge gains in efficiency. †¢ Multi-channel: e-CRM is based on the architecture and available across all channels, where changes to activities through one channel are automatically and immediately updated across all channels. 2. Literature Review CRM is a highly fragmented environment and has come to mean different things to different people (Mckie, 2000). The same understanding of CRM, also have been agreed and shared by Winer (2001) and Goodhue (2002). One view of CRM is the utilization of customer related information or knowledge to deliver relevant products or services to customers (Levine, 2000). Another school of thought, CRM is inclusive of the whole organization including its internal and external environment and ‘key processes of the firm’s customers’ (Day, 2000). While such definitions are widespread, they tend to offer a narrow insight into the basic characteristics of CRM. As CRM evolves, comprehensive definitions are emerging, with an emphasis on multi dimensional business objectives. Goldenberg (2000) believed that CRM is not merely technology applications for marketing, sales and service, but rather, when successfully implemented, a cross-functional, customer-driven, technology-integrated business process management strategy that maximizes relationships and encompasses the entire organization. According to Light (2001), CRM evolved from business processes such as relationship marketing and the increased emphasis on improved customer retention through the effective management of customer relationships. Relationship marketing emphasizes that customer retention affects company’s profitability, in that it is more efficient to maintain an existing relationship with a customer than create a new one (Payne et al. , 1999; Reichheld, 1996). Christopher et al. (1991) also agreed that CRM has its roots in relationship marketing which is aimed at improving long run profitability by shifting from transaction-based marketing, with its emphasis on winning new customers, to customer retention through effective management of customer relationships. Sandoe et al. (2001) argued that advances in database technologies such as data warehousing and data mining, are crucial to the functionality and effectiveness of CRM systems. In later stage, relationship marketing emerged and had led others such as Newell (2000) to explore strategic methods for maintaining and improving customer loyalty. Furthermore, Peppard (2000) suggested that technological advances in global networks, convergence and improved interactivity, are key to explaining the growth of e-business and CRM. The increasing use of digital technologies by customers, particularly the Internet, is changing what is possible and what is expected in terms of customer management (Tamminga and O’Halloran, 2000). The appropriate use, for instance, of automation technologies, such as interactive voice response systems and Web-based frequently asked question pages, could be popular with customers and highly cost effective (Petrissans, 2000). Also for customers, CRM offers customization, simplicity, and convenience for completing transactions, regardless of the channel used for interaction (Gulati and Garino, 2000). CRM initiatives have resulted in increased competitiveness for many organizations as witnessed by higher revenues and lower operational cost. Managing customer relationships effectively and efficiently boosts customer satisfaction and retention rates (Reichheld, 1996a, b; Jackson, 1994; Levine, 1993). CRM applications help organizations assess customer loyalty nd profitability on measures such as repeat purchases, money spent, and longevity. In particular, customers benefit from the belief that they are saving time and money as well as receiving better information and special treatment (Kassanoff, 2000). Despite the diverging definitions, reality is that CRM is a complex combination of business and technological factors, and thus strategies should be formulated strategically and accordingly. 3. PC Industry The introduction of the first PC in the mid 1970s led to an industry that emerged as one of the largest and most dynamic sector. PC industry eventually became a multi-billion dollar worth of business that have gone through various growth phase. Today, the world’s PC industry is booming due to emerging demand for IT growth, which is parallel to explosive growth of world’s population. PC became the driving force for the whole computer industry. PC industry dynamics changed by the late-1990s when PCs became the means to get to the Internet. In the next decade a cellular-based packet communications network and broadband will further grow the Internet. Over the next 10 years the PC industry will prosper and thrive with two additional driving forces —consumer electronics devices built with computing platforms (information appliances) and mobile devices such as PDA and mobile phones. The PC industry is very competitive and has a good record of adapting to emerging technologies and market trends. This is likely to happen again and the PC industry will embrace information appliances and mobile devices. 3. 1PC Market Trends Trends in Table 1 showed that, the worldwide shipment for PC never stops growing from 1975 to 2005. In fact the industry volume had seen an increasing trend ever since the year 1990. However, the growth percentage began to slow down starting in late 1990s. This is the evidence that the PC industry is at the end of the growth stage, and soon will enter into the maturity stage. Apart from the effect due to the product life cycle maturity, other aspect of business such as globalization, economical and financial crisis, and presence of China market posed treat to the global PC industry. Table 1: Worldwide PC Market Growth (Source: eTForecasts, 2003) | |   | | | |Gender |Male: 31 (65%) |Female: 17 (35%) | |Occupation |Technical: 36 (75%) |Business: 12 (25%) | |Age Group |21 to 45 years old | |Income | < RM 2,000: Nil | | |RM 2,000 – 5,000: 29 (60%) | | |RM 5,000 – 8,000: 16 (33%) | | |> RM8,000: 3 (7%) | |PC Accessibility |100% | |Internet Accessibility |100% | From this survey, one important finding was all working group of people especially those who are from in dustrial organization, regardless of their income or position they hold, all of them some how able to access to PC either at home or workplace, as well as to Internet. This mainly because of current environment, which require PC and related electronics gadget to be a necessity items in day-to-day lifestyle. Furthermore the cost to purchase these devices is very much affordable, and for those who don’t own it, they are still able to access the Internet or Web-based services either at office during working hours or at Cybercafe at leisure hours. In this study, majority of the respondents is male and those who are working in technical areas, in fact both the gender and occupation background have some sort of relationship between them. Most of the male respondents are from technical background i. e. , technical or operations based managers, engineers or technicians. In contrast, most of the female respondents is working in the business related environment i. e. , sales or marketing, purchasing and finance executives. This indirectly relates to the way the understudy respond to the survey, basically, technical oriented person viewed this survey from product feature, functionality and technical superiority point of view. However, business people is more inclined to pricing, customization and human touch aspect i. e. , customer services. In this study also, majority of the respondents’ income falls in the range of RM 2,000 to RM 5,000, which indicating most of them are belongs to supervisory, executive and engineer category, with smaller group holding managerial and senior executive positions. Table 4, revealed the results based on the first section of the survey, which gave an overview of PC market trends and conditions among the understudy. The survey results shows that, educated and computer literate consumers are keeping abreast of current PC market trends in terms of product knowledge, service availability and PC manufacturers who is the trend setter. Today’s business society is more sensitive to changes surrounding them, they wouldn’t like to be left out in IT progress, and therefore they keep upgrading or changing the PC and its accessories within couple of years. Survey findings shows that, the understudy changed their PCs typically after 5 years and only 37% are changing within 3 to 5 years. This is due to majority of them are using the company’s PC or rather its costly for engineers or executives with reasonable income. Since the accessibility to Internet is possible, literally everywhere, today’s consumers are well informed and keep up with the changes in the PC market. There are consumers, who is still prefer to purchase PCs from computer shop, since they feel unsafe to do on-line transactions, however this trend will change in future as more consumers will be secured from spyware. Furthermore retailers will continue to loss their market share, mainly because of unavailability of after-sales support, and orders through mail became legacy. As for call-centers, business is expected to boom in future, since they have started to use some innovative IT solutions. Based on the findings of survey, it’s very obvious that desktop PCs are still the favorite product ype among the respondents, and those who are working in organization mainly use it. On top of that desktop PCs’ competitive price made it affordable by moderate-income group. As for mobile PCs i. e. , notebook and palmtop is common among managers and senior executives, and this product segment have bright future, since it is best suited for fast moving business environment. |Table 4: Part 1- PC Purchase Experience | |Survey Criteria |Results | |Frequency of changing PC hardware and accessories. < 3 years: Nil | | |3 to 5 years: 13 (27%) | | |> 5 years: 35 (73%) | |Purchasing Channel |Computer shop: 15 (31%) | | |Retailer: Nil | | |Internet: 29 (61%) | | |Toll Free Phone/ Call Centers: 4 (8%) | | |Mail Orders: Nil | |Product Type |Desk Top: 27 (56%) | | |Notebook: 14 (29%) | | |Palmtop: 6 (13%) | | |Others: 1 (2%) | |Brand |Acer: 5 (10%) | | |HP-Compaq: 6 (13%) | | |DELL: 18 (38%) | | IBM: 11 (23%) | | |Toshiba: 1 (2%) | | |Fujitsu: 2 (4%) | | |Clone: 5 (10%) | |Purchasing preference |Brand: 15% | | |Price: 31% | | |Service: 29% | | |Quality/ Reliability: 14% | | |Appearance: 1% | | |Functionality: 4% | | |Customization: 6% | As consumers become more knowledgeable, they tend to b e very intelligent in making decision, and selecting the right product, with excellent services from the competitive PC manufacturers. The PC market is volatile in the sense that superior product or service is expected at very competitive price, and only that manufacturer with efficient operations is able to survive. In today’s market, DELL emerged as the market leader, and this clearly reflected in the survey result, which revealed that 38% of the respondent had chosen DELL. The next contenders are IBM and HP-Compaq, however the pricing is still not as competitive as DELL. Whereas Toshiba and Fujitsu products such as notebooks are as considered as high-end products, and therefore it is serving only targeted market segments, i. e. , managers and senior executives with higher income. About 5% of the respondent preferred to purchase clone PCs, which is very low priced, and those consumer groups with lower income still can afford. In future, clone PC market will continue to deteriorate, as there will a price war. In this section also, assessment was made to study the respondents’ urchasing behavior, and what are the factors influencing the preferences that leads to the decision making of the purchasing process. Based on this study, there are two very important criteria that influence t he respondents, price and customer service factors. Basically, pricing was the main concern, due to majority of the group is moderate earners, and therefore they are looking for the best buy and next they expect are excellent services for worth of money. These factors is followed by branding and, product quality and reliability factors, which lately consumers are more sensitive of the brand, which is due to their vast exposure about the market trends, and the main contributing factor is the Internet and Web-based technology. Modern consumers have high expectations on PC performance in terms of quality and reliability. Other non-critical factors that influence the purchasing decision is high customization, product with more functionality and attractive and appealing appearances. Based on section two of the survey, only those respondents, who use DELL PC were assessed from various perspectives, such as consumers’ total experience with DELL, what are the customer touch points, DELL’s marketing and business strategies and, area that DELL can do better and how DELL can position itself as counteract from its competitors’ strategic move. Basically, findings from this section of survey were summarized into the SWOT analysis as shown in Table 5. A quick glance of SWOT analysis shows that internally DELL has tremendously improved and able to turnaround its weaknesses to further strengthen its position in the market. This was very obvious scenario couple of years ago, where DELL was competing with IBM, was then the PC market leader. However, DELL has aggressively worked on new strategies based on their identified weaknesses internally and market opportunities externally, and that made them capture the market leadership position. Without any hesitation, DELL continued on its strategic planning, with focus on key IT solutions, such as Web-based customer information portal, enhanced e-survey to capture voice of customers and other e-CRM strategies to monitor very closely on customer service performance metrics. Table 5: SWOT Analysis of DELL Product in PC Market | |Strength |Weakness | |1 |Build-to-Order approach |1 |No intermediary retailing channel | |2 |Value added customer service | | | |3 |Direct interface with end custome rs | | | |4 |Customer service specialist | | | |5 |Customer oriented business model | | | |6 |Good after sales support | | | |7 |On-Line purchasing | | | |8 |Product differentiation | | | |9 |Clear market segmentation | | | |10 |Comprehensive product information | | | |11 |Web based customer service portal | | | |Opportunity |Threat | |1 |Product leasing program |1 |Short product life cycle | |2 |Attractive payment scheme |2 |Competitive pricing | |3 |New potential market – Government agencies & higher learning|3 |No brand loyalty | | |institutions. |4 |Clone PCs | |4 |Completing the PC peripherals and accessories product range. | | Apart from that, SWOT analysis also revealed the market opportunities, which DELL should be focusing for future growth. The new opportunities are product leasing program and, emerging of new potential market segment, which is local government agencies and higher education centers. Most importantly, these are the untapped markets that DELL should c oncentrate its future efforts to maximize the return. Regarding the external threat, DELL came up with many effective counter strategies that the threats are no longer pose any risk. 5. 2 PC Market – DELL Competition Competition in the PC market remained fierce during the last few years as notebook adoption continued and consumers reacted to falling prices. Worldwide PC shipments were in line with forecasts, growing 15. 2% year-on-year to 44. 6 million units, according to IDC’s Worldwide Quarterly PC Tracker, Commercial demand showed some signs of recovery and consumers remained active during the holiday season. Strong growth in Europe and sustained notebook demand were key sources of growth, although limited supply of flat panel displays constrained shipments for some vendors. On an annual basis, shipment growth moved into double digits for the first time since 2000, boosting shipments to a record 152. 6 million on growth of 11. 4%. DELL’s underlying strengths are its abilities to penetrate into new markets with all the advantages under its belt. From the latest statistics, DELL’s server market is able to gain market share and grew by 31 percent during the last few quarters. This is contradicting to other PC vendors as they experienced declining server sales and market share and it shows that, DELL is able to strategize and implement very aggressive business and marketing plans to obtain success. 5. 3DELL e-CRM Strategies Being a giant PC maker and customer-oriented, DELL depends on sophisticated IT applications in carrying out their business processes ranging from line assembly across administration to customer relationship management. DELL has also invested substantially in building its IT infrastructure in order to create an advance and effective work place. Nonetheless, DELL also prepares its staffs to be IT oriented in performing their jobs, and this enables DELL to stay ahead of their competitors. As observed, DELL’s e-CRM strategies are closely in line with the model of CRM architecture frameworks, which was illustrated in Figure 2. The e-CRM strategy of DELL has begun with customer acquisition, value enhancement and customer relationship retention. In other words, DELL has fully utilized the IT edge in carrying out CRM operations and also use as their business analytical tools. DELL has prepared a very comprehensive web site and call centers to interact with its customers. Further enhancement of the web site and call centers, enable DELL to stand out as far as e-CRM is concerned. The Strategies In customer acquisition, DELL emphasize in direct interfacing with customers. In that sense, DELL eliminates the intermediaries in their distribution channel. All information of products can be obtained on-line and is assisted by well-trained e-CRM specialists. There are several creative features on the web that need to be highlighted. Among them are: 1. On-line configuration: Suitable for those who intend to purchase a customized system. 2. Automated order process: Once order is confirmed, the specification of goods will be informed to assembly floor to start the production and it is achieved via a fully automated process. 3. Payment on-line: The payment scheme prepared by DELL is user friendly. 4. Order status check: While waiting for PC system to be delivered, customer can check the good delivery status on-line. 5. Comprehensive technical support: DELL is well known for its technical support on-line and also call-center. DELL committed to reply their customers queries within 4 hours. 6. Information rich web site: Customers can easily access to detail information via on-line, such as E-value. DELL always emphasizes on the customer-centric approach, enhancing the customer value, thus creating sales opportunities. More importantly, DELL has managed to use strategically the innovative IT solutions in this process as following: 1. Value-add to customer: Customers are always delighted by the kind of service provided by DELL. 2. Customer database: To ensure customer have full accessibility of information they require, and should be maintained up-to-date. 3. Knowledge database: Product knowledge and experience is shared between customers and DELL employees for mutual benefits. More importantly DELL adds value to customer by creating opportunity of upgrading and cross selling of its product: 1. Continuous update of information: Educate customer awareness on DELL product update. 2. Voice of Customer: Using e-Survey to capture customer inputs and feedbacks regarding product and service performance. 3. Free software upgrades: DELL customers are entitled for selected operating and applications software through its website such as Windows XP and McAfee. 4. Customer Care: Providing additional product safety and security features in terms of quick on-line tips to combat spyware and adware. DELL continued to invest in keeping its infrastructure as one of the best IT platform. For instance, DELL staffs are able to access to internet or intranet through wireless broadband connection within the plant. This allows them to respond immediately to any issues pertaining to customer feedback and complaint. 6. 0Conclusions and Recommendations The customer expectations have risen in recent years and the firms have come up with a number of innovative ideas of serving customers. This has provided the customer with the flexibility and convenience. Similarly, various groups of customers would require different level of services and support. For first time buyer, they may require installation and training services while big corporations with internal computer specialist may expect more comprehensive CRM program coupled with other value added services. However, the important motto would be the exercise and implementations to keep the customers satisfied, and that would be the ultimate goal for each and every organization. DELL certainly has given their best to expand their customer horizon, and they are definitely on the right track towards creating profitable customer base. With that, we can expect more and more innovative business ideas from DELL in future, which will continue to delight the ever-demanding customers. We also would like to recommend that, DELL should explore further in areas concerning market opportunities, as mentioned in the SWOT analysis table. Carefully analyzing and turning each opportunity into their advantage would prepare DELL to scale at greater heights. DELL also needs to fine-tune continuously its e-CRM strategies to further strengthen their customer centric approach. REFERENCES [1]Agrawal, V. & Mittal, M. (2002). Customer Relationship Management: The e11 Way. 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Appendix 1 PC Industry Research Questionnaire Respondent Particular | |Age: __ Gender: __ Male __ Female | | | |Occupation: __ Technical __ Business | | | |Income Group: __ Below RM2,000/= __ RM2,000/= to RM5,000/= | |(per month) __ RM5,000/= to RM8,000/= __ Above RM8,000/= | | | |Accessible to Internet: __ Yes __ No | Part I – PC Purchase Experience |1 |Have you ever own a PC (either at home or work place? __Yes |__ No | | | | | |2 |How many time have you bought a PC for the last 5 years? |Please state: __ | | | | | |3 |Through which channel the PC is purchased? |__ Computer shop | | | |__ Elect. Appliance Retailer | | | |__ Internet | | | |__ Toll free telephone | | | |__ Mail order | | | |Others: | | | | | | |4 |What type of PC do you purchase? |__ Desktop |__ Notebook | | | |__ Palmtop |Other: _____ | | | | | |5. |What is the PC brand have you purchased? __ Acer |__ HP-Compaq | | | |__ Dell |__ Toshiba | | | |__ IBM |__ Fujitsu | | | |__ Clone | | | | | |6. |What is sequence of criteria in purchasing a PC? __ Brand | | |(from top to bottom1 to 7) |__ Price | | | |__ Service | | | |__ Reliability/Quality | | | |__ Appearance | | | |__ Functionality | | | |__ Customization | Part II: Experience with Dell (For those who has bought Dell PC only) |1 |What are your experience using Dell products? __ Good |__ Fair | | | |__ Bad | | | | | | |2 |Have you ever visited Dell’s web site? |__ Yes |__ No | | | | | |3 |Have you called to Dell’s toll free call center? |__ Yes |__ No | | | | | |4 |Have you read through Dell advertisement on printed material? __ Yes |__ N o | | | | | |5 |What channel do you find the most effective to get information from Dell |__ Internet | | | |__ Toll Free Call | | | |__ Printed material | | | | | |6 |Do you find Dell web site user friendly? __ Yes |__ No | | | | | | |7 |Do you satisfy with Dell’s |Very Dissatisfied |Dissatisfied |Neutral |Satisfied |Very satisfied | | |i. service quality | | | | | | | |ii. product quality | | | | | | | |iii. technical support | | | | | | | |iv. rice | | | | | | | | | | |2 |Does Dell continuously provide information/promotion of its product to you? |__ Yes |__ No | | | | | |3 |Can Dell employee address you by name when you call them? |__ Yes |__ No | | | | | |4 |Can Dell identify you purchase immediately when you require after sale technical support? __ Yes |__ No | | | | | |5 |Does Dell employee friendly and helpful? |__ Yes |__ No | | | | | | |8 |Will you return to Dell for subsequent purchase? |__ Yes |__ No | | | | | |9 |Do you agree Dell has successfully created good relationship with you? __ Yes |__ No | | | | | | |10 |Do you have any suggestion for Dell to further improve its Customer Service | | |Please state: | | | | [pic] ———————– Receivable/ Payable Profitability Analysis Production Planning Inventory Mgm’t Shipping Personnel Planning Payroll Back Office Functions Front Office Functions Figure 1: CRM Architecture Framework Globally Dispersed Customers Customer Support Cross-Functional Processes Breaking Down Department Walls Complete Integrated Solution Integrated CRM Applications Enhance Partial Functional Solutions Retain Marketing Mgm’t Order Mgm’t Sales Mgm’t Sales Planning Pricing After Sales Service Sales Force Automation Figure 2: Integration of CRM with Business Application Tools Customer Support Traditional Touch Points Retail Store Front Service Departments Cross-sell & Upgrade Proactive Service Direct Marketing Electronic Touch Points Website/ Internet E-mail Call Centre Voice Response System Direct Marketing Customer Life Cycle Customer Touch Points Acquire CRM Technology ERP/ Data Warehouse