Thursday, October 31, 2019

The perfect age to get married Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The perfect age to get married - Essay Example Marriage is a serious institution that is respected by both culture and law. This being the case, it should be approached in a careful manner due to its delicate nature. One of the major reasons why in the recent times many marriages are ending up in divorce is because either both or one of the partners was not ready to enter into marriage in the first place. In fact, in the past, 50 percent of marriages in America have ended up in divorce (Gibson). For example, quite a number of people get into marriages either because they were forced into it by situations or pressure from various aspects of life. A good example is when a young lady gets married to a man as a result of getting an unwanted pregnancy. This is especially common among teenagers and people in their early 20s. For me to arrive at the conclusion that one should get marriage at the age of 35 there are various factors that I have put into consideration. Firstly, at the age of 35, a normal person with the right priorities is well matured both physically and emotionally. This stipulates that he /she has seen their share of life, thus, they know how to handle different situations in the right way. Physically, particularly in women, one’s body is fully developed to handle pregnancies since in most cases children often accompany marriage. The other factor to be put in consideration is education. By the age of 35, irrespective of which profession one has undertaken, most people who are focused in life will have completed their education, and will most probably be working. For professions that require one to undertake studies for a long time, one is likely to be in their specialization phase of their professional education, by the time they are 35 years. This ensures that one can support themselves financially, as well as be able to support the family that comes with marriage. Another issue that makes 35 the perfect age

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