Saturday, February 15, 2020

Privacy is not the most important right Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Privacy is not the most important right - Essay Example Different nations, religions and communities have marked differences in the idea to the extent to which a person is authorized to keep his personal data and information private and what is the boundary limits for another person or body to interfere into the private life and data of the other person or body or organization. Some nations and religions believe that privacy is a fundamental right of the people and they must be free to practice privacy to any extent. It is also considered that it is the right of a person that no one other than the person concerned can interfere in the private data; in fact it is against the law and a serious crime to break into the private data of a person without his acknowledgement and permission (Starkey, 2012). But privacy is not the most important right of a person or an organization. It a fundamental right but not the most important right. Privacy is important in one’s life because without privacy it would become impossible for a person to live his own life; he would just become a puppet ruled by others. But other than right of privacy there are certain other rights that are ranked far more important and necessary for a person to live a peaceful and serene life. For a person to remain happy and spend a satisfied and contended life he must be given the freedom to speak out his voice, his ideas and views. He must be allowed to give suggestions regarding any issue; he must have the freedom to speak against or for an issue in public without the fear of getting any sort of harm. The person must be free from all sorts of fear if he speaks out the truth in front of the people or the leaders. It is the right of the people that the government assures the people that they will be listened a nd their ideas accepted if possible and they will not be provided with any sort of harm or difficulty regarding their views or opinions that have been presented by them. Without having the

Sunday, February 2, 2020

ASSIGNMENT 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

ASSIGNMENT 1 - Essay Example Later in the 60s and 70s overhead projectors, cameras, and most importantly, television began entering classrooms. Simultaneously, with advent of technology in each era, research was being carried to gauge its feasibility. Clark, on the basis of these studies, concludes that media does not affect learning under any conditions but it is the content that is crucial. Using the analogy of a truck, Clark projected media as a medium to transfer instruction. ‘Media attributes’, ‘symbol systems’ popularly known as animations only help in packaging the learning process (Clark, 1983). The reason why the statement was considered revolutionary is that Clark’s statement changed the way instructional media research was carried out. Instructional media research later came to be perceived as a means and not as the end of educational technology. (Jones, 1999) Though Clark does make his point when he says media is just a medium but it cannot be denied that technology has a major impact on learning. For example, a power point presentation has better recall value and helps student retain information well. Besides, students are much more tech-savvy and are more interested in various interactive forms of technology (Kimble, 1999). This highlights the need for educational technology, defined through its four perspectives: media, audio-visual, computer systems, instructional systems and design and through vocational training. Forms of media like videos, projectors and computer software play an important role in improving learning but also in understanding the application of technology. However, there has to be proper instructional system, design in place to ensure that the curricular objectives are achieved. On the other it is important for teachers to undergo vocational training to keep abreast with new technology and also understand the appli cations before they use it in