Sunday, February 2, 2020

ASSIGNMENT 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

ASSIGNMENT 1 - Essay Example Later in the 60s and 70s overhead projectors, cameras, and most importantly, television began entering classrooms. Simultaneously, with advent of technology in each era, research was being carried to gauge its feasibility. Clark, on the basis of these studies, concludes that media does not affect learning under any conditions but it is the content that is crucial. Using the analogy of a truck, Clark projected media as a medium to transfer instruction. ‘Media attributes’, ‘symbol systems’ popularly known as animations only help in packaging the learning process (Clark, 1983). The reason why the statement was considered revolutionary is that Clark’s statement changed the way instructional media research was carried out. Instructional media research later came to be perceived as a means and not as the end of educational technology. (Jones, 1999) Though Clark does make his point when he says media is just a medium but it cannot be denied that technology has a major impact on learning. For example, a power point presentation has better recall value and helps student retain information well. Besides, students are much more tech-savvy and are more interested in various interactive forms of technology (Kimble, 1999). This highlights the need for educational technology, defined through its four perspectives: media, audio-visual, computer systems, instructional systems and design and through vocational training. Forms of media like videos, projectors and computer software play an important role in improving learning but also in understanding the application of technology. However, there has to be proper instructional system, design in place to ensure that the curricular objectives are achieved. On the other it is important for teachers to undergo vocational training to keep abreast with new technology and also understand the appli cations before they use it in

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