Thursday, June 6, 2019

The idea of dance Essay Example for Free

The head of saltation EssayThe idea of dance has continuously been interesting and a mystery to me. When I was younger, I used to participate in Indian dance performances for birthday parties, weddings and/or anniversaries. I was fairly powerful and I remember that it gave me a sense of freedom. I loved to dance. It was a way of expressing my uniqueness. However, things changed, life moved on and the stress of it all hid those feelings for another lifetime. They remained secluded for the past four years here at UCR until now, my senior year. Now was the only time in my college career that I had time for anything other than study related, science-y courses. I was excited to take a class that didnt involve four hour laboratory times or quizzes every week. I precious to take a class that made me feel free. Thats when I remembered how dance made me feel when I was younger and Dance 005 seemed like the spotless fit.In the short time that I have been able to take this course, I have learned quite a lot ab kayoed my eubstances capabilities. Usually, when I do something physical, whether it be sports or working out at the gym, I push myself hard. With dance, I felt as if I unavoidable to take my time, and let my gracefullness take the lead. I wanted to accomplish a different side of me. I wanted to allow myself to do something that I wasnt necessarily used to. I felt as if my strengths were mainly the numbered combinations that we learned in class. I do well with order, direction and a planned out routine. However, on the other hand, when we would practice improvisation, I found harder to relax and go with the flow. I realized that I dont work well with spontaneous, no rule moments. I still struggle with that part of the class and I believe it isnt something that can be taken care of with one course. I also enrolled in a dance of Mexico course and I enjoy noticing the differences between modern dance and cultural dance.Viewing the live performance by Para digm put many things in perspective. My view on dance expanded with every dance performed that night. It was interesting to see the different outlooks on the idea of dance as a whole. It can be theatrical, comedic, sad, happy, etc. It all depends on how the emotions are absorbed by the audience as a resolution of the performers. Writingthe reflection paper on the performance helped me understand the real meaning of it all. It made me take the time to recall reactions and go into depth more or less how the idea of modern dance came about. Dance, to me, meant structure but walking out of the theater that night shook that assumption to its core. I learned that the modern dance movement based works upon experience, using their bodies to express emotions using many gestures. It seemed like each dance was a type of impulse control. Each performer was allowed to express any feeling that came to them within boundaries. And the boundaries were what made up the show and made it enjoyable fo r the audience.One idea of dance that stuck with me was when we performed our pathway dances. I debate that was also my favorite part of this class so far. I enjoyed watching each dance with and without music. The music made each dance come liveborn in some way. I also liked the fact that the musician matched the dance with a separate tone that allowed for comedic relief during what could have possibly been a boring, simple routine. The way he described music adding to dance as a sort of parallel was also quite interesting. I dont think I have ever heard music and art spoken in that way. This class gives an insight into a different, calmer than my usual workload, form of expression.another(prenominal) idea of dance that I can take away from this course is whenever we added pedestrian movements into our dances. I loved that we could incorporate anything and everything we do in life to dance. For instance, I just recently started going to the cardio kickboxing class at the rec cente r. And I remember I added some of the moves I learned from that class into this class by adding a little flare and art value to them. It just goes to show that anything can be art by tweaking something just a smidge.I thoroughly enjoyed fetching this class. To be brief, it was entertaining, interesting, and I can actually say I know something about the art of dance and not just how to dance. I think its important to have knowledge about everything in this world. No need to be an expert on the matter but a little gustation of different culture never hurt anyone. And I believe that this class gives a small slice of a worldwide tradition of dance.

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