Friday, June 7, 2019

Third version of Parents Essay Example for Free

Third version of Parents EssayBirth place of parents. some(prenominal) my mother and father were born and brought up in India. My father finished Physical Therapy when he was only nineteen years old, and soon after, he took up a excogitate in Norway. Later on he moved to the USA, got married and settled down in South Florida.Traits of my father.Intelligence, honesty, integrity, love for the family. My father is a very intelligent and knowledgeable man He is a very sincere and hard working man and looks for perfection in any job that he undertakes. .He has conservative family values and never searchs fun and recreation without his family. He is a very honest person and is straightforward. He never goes out to sociable gatherings without my mother and they are always seen together. My parents have been happily married for nearly twenty five years and make an ideal couple.Traits of my motherExtrovert by nature, helpfulness, sensitivity, light-heartedness., expertise in public sp eaking. My mother is a very fun-loving and out-going person. She does a lot for the community and organizes six to seven events a year, in her Indian residential district Association. She possesses great interpersonal skills and is also good at public speaking .She can convincingly talk to a crowd without any hesitation and reservation. She is a wonderful home maker. She loves music and dancing and is also a good orator.Traits that I inherit from my father. I have inherited the family values of my father and would hold out myself for family and friends. Patience is another trait that I am proud to have imbibed from him. Diligence to duty is the foremost characteristic of my father and I too never shy away from hard work. I am very hard working like my father and give my maximum effort to anything that I undertake. I am also abreast with what is going on in spheres that are relevant to my education and future career and my father is responsible for my quest in commercial business news.Traits that I inherit from my mother. I have inherited the same leadership qualities, organizing capability, oratory and dancing skills of my mother. My mother is the root cause of my aptitude to public speaking and I can lead a team, organize events and coordinate efficiently .I have also imbibed the proper agreement between duties and hobbies in my routine. I am nimble on my feet and this dancing skill has been handed down to me by my mother. Like her, I too love to drive cars fast..Rapport with my parents I have a great rapport with both my father and mother though I am closer to my mother. The topics of argueion vary. I look up to my father for advice in serious matters, and discussions are restricted to cars, college, business, education and the like With my mother I am more comfortable with emotional problems and can discuss anything under the sun. It can be either be a light-hearted sharing of jokes, holidays, a birthday present, or a tough question paper, an unexpect ed airheaded mistake in my Math exam, or a silly argument with my friend. There is not one problem that I cannot confide in her and seek her intuitive emotional support. The absolute intellectual rapport that exists between my father and me and the emotional closeness with my mother provide a very good balance in me.Hobbies and interests My father is a good reader. His interests are in world affairs, economy and the financial markets. There is not a day when he would command reading a newspaper or listening to news telecast. He knows the nuances of business , industry, , fluctuations in stock indices, emerging economies, global trends, growth prospects of different sectors, semipolitical trends, and so on. My mother loves reading, music, and participation in social events. She loves to listen to all kinds of music. She is the president of a topical anaesthetic Indian Community Association. She has been successful in organizing events because she knows what kinds of competitions and events would interest her friends in the community. She is a perfect coordinator and her friends look up to her for her innovative ideas in social gatherings. She is quite popular and her name has been published a in the local section of the news papers. Her other interests include car driving. She loves to drive cars and is excited when the speedometer shoots up.

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